8 thoughts on “False Flag Events Designed By The Illuminati (More Will Be Coming) [Video]

  1. 🙁 I had come to the same conclusion about the shooting in CO, but was hoping that I was wrong. 🙁

    1. Hi Minty. ALWAYS these are the odds: Likelihood it’s a false flag? 99.99999%. Likelihood it’s a lone-ranger (non-programmed) nut? 00.110011% Likelihood it’s anything totally unplanned? 00.00000000000000%

      This is Denver, Illuminati HQ. The shooter was in a PhD program getting grant money from the CIA.

      This shooting matches the Denver Airport mural that shows someone in a mask killing kids. Right next to this image is an image showing confiscation of guns. No chance this was “accidental.” Blessings, ~G

      1. Blessings to you! Thanks for shining a light on the cockroaches. If we keep shining, they will leave. … Wow, just saw a hummingbird as I typed that!

        Hummingbirds’s Wisdom Includes:

        Ability to heal by using light as a laser from mouth
        Endurance over long journeys
        Ability to fly into small places to heal

        (From animalspirits.com)

      2. I totally love hummingbirds too. I’m looking at a whole flock of them outside my window as I write this… just wow. They are our tiniest angels, miracles with wings.

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