The Path Of Spiraling Nectar

Earth Hive June 20 2013

Beehive Spiral

There is a beautiful orchestration arising out of the Earth Hive, a sequence of events that is ushering in the new substance(s) of matter to co-create the new systems of natural life.  At the heart of this process is the Spiraling Nectar, a multi-dimensional structure of pure life force infused with the Mother’s divine source, Nectar.  In this Earth Hive update, we explore the path of the Spiraling Nectar and the numerous changes resulting from the Nectar-infused Spiral.

Multi-dimensionality and Spiral Dynamics

Early on this year there was a clear message that 2013 would be a year of learning about Spiral Dynamics (see: The New Tree of Life Emerges).  In our transition into a more solid multi-dimensional experience, the Spiral informs us of the very nature of our universe as being formed through and of the Spiral.  We can see this pattern in the natural patterns of life all around us (As Above, So Below).  Energy, or life force, coalescing and moving in the shape of the Spiral.  One of the clear views now is that the Spiral is simply the “way” life creates, but it is the “substance” of the Spiral (as well as how it moves, there are backward and forward spinning Spirals and more!) that determines the outcome.

Inside a natural beehive, the work of the hive is conducted through the Spiral where the bees can zip up and down the Spiral.  They can take the long, winding road up or down or the short cut, through the hexagonal “portals” that land them into a new location in the hive instantly.  The beehive design is a model for our own multi-dimensional travel where access to all locations is possible and the path is totally up to us.  The more masterful we become in working with the dimensions, or infinite possibilities of creation, the more efficiently we can ease in and out of dimensions and assimilate the information for our creations.  Inside the Earth Hive, we are beginning to realize that the experience of dimensional “traveling” is conducted through our heart thoughts, the Hive-Heart Mind, which connects to the One Mind source.  Shifting realities is merely a result of “gathering” our Nectar sources to make honey.

The Spiraling Nectar began to come into Earth at the end of last year when the Cosmic Heart Center re-connected to the Earth’s heart center through the infinity matrix.  The path of the Spiraling Nectar found entry, firstly, through the Human Heart of  Nectar Attractors, those who discovered the sweetness awakening in their own hearts where the Cosmic Heart pulse is revealed within.  At this moment, the Cosmic Dream signatures found a match in the Earth Seeded Hearts.  Requiring a degree of momentum to fully embody the Earth, the Spiraling Nectar has now reached a safe landing into the Earth’s core where Mother Earth is now able to receive the Nectar with ease.

Manifesting through the Spiraling Nectar

While still very early in development, the presence of the Spiraling Nectar in the Earth is changing the way life grows.  When one is filled up with the Spiraling Nectar, which you can embody by traveling into the Earth’s core, a new unification with Nature opens up.  In this unification, you become apart of Nature.  Nature actually re-assimilates you into her life systems, cycles and structures and co-creation becomes a lot easier.  In the Nectar Spiral embodiment, you are recognized by natural life forms (as opposed to the artificial life forms that have been so present on Earth) and from this inter-connection you become both a receiver and transmitter of more and more natural life.  A seamless flow of natural life forms move through and among you.  The plenitudes of nature that come into your favor are processes and forms such as beauty, precision, reciprocity, abundance, richness, diversity, unity, and evolution.  In the re-assimilation process, Mother Earth brings us into her womb, a newly formed energy field that vibrates as the Rose, and we function more like an ecosystem, or Gaia system.  Without this embodiment, we remain separate from Nature and disconnected from the life flows of Mother Earth.

As we begin to play in this new world of being apart of Nature we can experiment with the array of natural life forms to co-create.  Within the Nectar Spiral all natural forms can be manifested.  The Nectar is the “source” substance from which the new manifestations are physically created from.  Thus, within the Nectar Spiral you can choose to create beauty, for instance, within your holographic field simply by calling up the structured form, or energy blueprint, of beauty inside the Nectar.  You can witness instantaneous manifestation of beauty if you choose to take the Spiral “short-cut ” where the merge between different realities is seamless and the “wink” of an eye changes the holographic projection.  Sometimes, the long road is desired for greater understanding of how it works.  The choice is all yours.

How come we couldn’t do this before?  For one, the Nectar was not on Earth, nor activated within our hearts.  And for two, humanity (with a lot of “help” from negative influences…) created an artificial reality that separated us from Nature.  The result of this is a holographic field (your experienced reality) that lay flat, rather than spherical.  In the linear holographic field, the Spiral “pushes” for life to grow in one instance, and holds its breathe in the next to see if, indeed, life will command.  Nectar-based life follows the pattern of the sphere because it contains the vibration of the Mother essence.  Mother essence allows life to expand through the spacious pattern of the sphere that continues into infinity.  Thus, through a Nectar-based life all of our life pulses become spherical in nature.  When we choose to create something new out of the source of Nectar a new sphere, or womb space, is created and life expands out of this fertile space.

In these exciting times, we can become filled up with the Nectar and even replicate the number of Nectar Spiral within us and around us.  Once you begin to notice them, you’ll discover that in the New Earth we are living in the reality of the infinite Nectar Spiral.  And each “speck” of visible and invisible matter contains the whole of the infinite possibilities of natural life systems.  These “specks” are one and the same as the hexagon of the honeycomb design.  Inside each is a Nectar Spiral waiting to be embodied and explored.  Whether you take the long way or the short-cut, I hope you’ll jump in reveal the magic of your co-creations through the Spiraling Nectar.

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