The Great American Adventure 1B – The Money’s Worth Nothing. So Is The Government

“Those who do not know their past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana

Review Part 1 here

Judge Dale – If you strongly disagree with anything I have written thus far great! Now prove that I am wrong. That said, be careful how you react because Americans have been taught from an early age to simply deny without proof anything that contradicts the imaginary template defined as “The American way of life.

I happen to know that everything that has been discussed herein is factual. I grant you these secrets of America are not easy to digest because deception never is an easy pill for anyone to swallow.  If ignorance truly is bliss you certainly can choose to remain apathetic and ignorant. Conversely, you can decide to begin to digest some hard core reality.

Some of your best friends may be lawyers, judges and politicians. Unfortunately they are all part of the lie and they all have sworn an oath to propagate the lie and deny the truth. So you may need to do some soul searching and investigation of your own.  Believe you me this was hard initially for me to accept too.

America’s Sleight-Of-Hand Debt-Based Monetary System & Federal Bureaucracy

Federal government of the United StatesThe privately-owned corporate Federal Reserve System’s debt has been cleverly renamed “The National Debt” to suggest this is the American public debt. It is not America’s debt but rather Israel’s debt (paid via US aid packages) and the private Federal Reserve’s corporate debt . We have been deceived into thinking and believing the complete opposite by corporate slave drivers through their use of patriotic slogans like “This is the cost of freedom!”

If you want more proof examine the fine print of your savings and/or checking account contract. You will discover that each time you opened one of these accounts you agreed to be responsible for the repayment of the national debt.  Now why would that language ever be included in an application for a checking or savings account if the national debt already was our responsibility? The answer is so the banks may confiscate your assets without further permission.

Pretty clever on their part if I do say so.

Would it interest you to know that the FCC, CIA, FBI, IMF, NSA, IRS, OPM, ATF, DEA, NASA, INTERPOL, HS (Homeland Security) and all other members of the alphabet gang are privately owned corporations? None of them are or ever has been an agency of  “United States, Inc.”  The United States government always held some stock in these corporations but never outright owned or controlled any of them.  The National Security Agency (NSA) is actually a government within a government and is not subject to the dictates of the federal government.

All alphabet gang employees receive their paychecks from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which belongs to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is the property of the United Nations, which belongs to the royal and elite class of Europe.  All of the alphabet gangs are now the registered property of the United Nations.   And although President Wilson’s League of Nations never got off the ground, currently 192 of 195 countries (196 if you count Taiwan) are members of the United Nations. Interestingly enough one of the 2 exceptions to membership is the Vatican.

All of this deception is compounded by the refusal of ordinary Americans to realize, know or understand the secrecy and duplicity of privately-owned corporations being surreptitiously portrayed as American agencies and government. This has been coupled with the deceit and endless greed of the Vatican, Israel, European bankers and the royal and elite families of the world who have united together to fleece the American people. Unfortunately, the American public’s apathy and ignorance only serve to simplify their task.

Ancient System of Crowd and Mind Control

The most objective and original information I have discovered concerning the origin of an ancient system of crowd and mind control was researched by a group of Asian historians. These Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques have had historic application (and effect) upon the European and American cultures.  What these historians discovered is extremely germane to understanding America’s secrets and sets the stage for The Great American Adventure. The following is a brief synopsis of their research.

In ancient Babylon approximately 6,000 years ago a spurt of great prosperity in agriculture brought about a population boom and the formation of family tribes. This resulted in a frenzy of fights and battles within and between these groups in their individual efforts to establish tribal supremacy.  Out of this confusion arose an intelligent (some state “tyrannical”) individual named Hammurabi.

Hammurabi devised a system of mind control, population control and laws of conduct and trade, which was later codified as The Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques, more popularly known as Hammurabi’s Code.  Hamurabi’s system of controls was inscribed in writings in which he combined local folk wisdom and prophecy in an effort to lend to his system more credibility among the tribes. He included propaganda about the existence of an omniscient, omnipresent, almighty God who saw all things, rewarded all deeds and punished all misconduct.

Hammurabi’s system of control, conduct, folklore and prophecy predates Christianity.  His trade laws eventually became known as the Law of Merchants which is still used and recognized internationally today as the Uniform Commercial Code. Individuals in Mesopotamia eventually built upon Hammurabi’s concept of crowd, mind control, his all-seeing and all-knowing God.  There was no way to prove the truth of his statements and so in order to maintain this belief of his royal status and retain absolute control over the many tribes a series of great visual aids and displays resembling miracles were engineered.  Next, this god-king employed and empowered a special sect of slave drivers to cement his control over the people. These are the forebears of the Freemasons.

One tenth of the wealth of the tribes’ agriculture was demanded and surrendered to this god-king as a tax upon his subjects. This is the origination of tithing.

Eventually the combined tribes invaded the pagan empire of Egypt and the freemasons added the Egyptian Slave Driving Techniques to their arsenal of knowledge. The symbol adopted by the Freemasons to identify their special sect was the “all-seeing-eye” (plagiarized from Egypt) encased in the apex of a pyramid. This symbol conveyed to the masses that Freemason duties and authority was superior to them, derived as it was from the all-seeing and all-knowing almighty god! This Egyptian symbol of an all-seeing eye at the apex of a pyramid is still used today and appears on the reverse side of the Federal Reserve note, printed by the Sabbatean Jewish Bankers of Israel who own and control the Federal Reserve System in America.  The use of this symbol identifies these European Bankers as Freemasons and Illuminati members and symbolize to the world that it is under their control.

These slave control techniques created a parallel cultural evolution between the royal and elite ruling class and the ignorant, unwashed masses, by utilizing a combination of knowledge, food and financial restraints, which included a forced superiority over life and death!  Any unusually intelligent individuals who discovered or deduced the true nature of this royal and elite movement were

♦  inducted into it

♦  murdered, or

♦  their position and influence neutralized by an assortment of devious means.

The royal and elite ruling classes were constantly confronted by numerous rebellions.  According to Christianity one such notable rebellion was led by a person named Jesus the Christ and despite the fact that Jesus was eventually executed by the elite class for treason, his radical ideas appealed so deeply to the poor and down-trodden that his rebellion spread like wild-fire across the land.

It is an historical fact that there are more poor people than the royal and elite class. However the royal and elite were infinitely superior in their access to hidden knowledge and use their intelligence, wealth and cunning to control the minds and hearts of the unwashed masses they define as slaves.  This division between “elite” and “masses” is applied in America today.

Rise of Freemasonry Influence & Birth of Organized Christianity

After Rome invaded Judea and scattered the Jews the Freemasons offered their services to the ruling class.  Roman Emperor Constantine was convinced by one sect of Freemasons to compile a book of his own, one that would encompass Christian folk beliefs and prophecy and the pagan beliefs of his people. This book would also establish his laws of conduct and thus provide him with an infinitely better way to control and herd his slaves like sheep. The lord is my Shepherd became the preamble of this ideology and the foundation of the holy Christian bible.

The Roman Church at this time was totally a pagan church composed of doctrines that encouraged murder, human sacrifice, devil worship, peonage, the accumulation of wealth and the worship of demon-god like idolatry.  Emperor Constantine deduced that he needed to either crush or utilize the tide of this Christian rebellion, which was devouring his Kingdom and so Constantine ordered that the basic principles of the pagan Roman Church and the new Christian movement be merged together into one religion, at the Council of Nicaea, which resulted in the birth of The Holy Roman Church.

Over the next centuries the doctrines of The Holy Roman Church have been expanded upon by the absorption of other ideas and beliefs procured from other religions, prophets and folklore.  Ideas and beliefs considered unpalatable to the royal and elite classes were persecuted relentlessly in an effort to establish a universal mental control and culture!

Royal Families Around The Globe Share Elite Beliefs & Traditions But Not Styles of Governance

All royal families located in Europe, Asia and South America eventually inter-married to make them all related by marriage, to strengthen their royal bloodlines and to eliminate wars between the royal classes. They pooled their wealth to create a new business enterprise – the financing of currency for various world governments with the underlying motive to control and influence those governments through the debt that was owed to them.   To increase this debt they helped to instigate wars and conflicts between various countries, races and creeds.

A philosophical riff eventually developed between the European royal family factions regarding their beliefs in an almighty god and their purpose and duties toward mankind.  This riff split the royal families into two factions –  The European royalty and the Chinese royal family.  These are just names cloaking identities wielding true power behind the scenes.

The European royal family conceal their power and intervention behind the Rothschild name, a group which included most of the Nordic, Eastern European families and some Central and South American countries and the Vatican.  The Sabbatean Jews follow the ancient religion of Babylon and practice an anti-traditional philosophy, which is highly pagan and which explains their attraction and connection to the Vatican.  This faction believes that the concept of an almighty god is an historic prevarication premised upon folk legend and/or prophets of the time and that their only duty was to the Royal family, the elite class, the accumulation of greater wealth and their continued domination over governments and the ignorant, unwashed masses defined as their slaves.

The European faction finances the Freemasons, the Mossad and an elite army of mercenaries concealed within their rank and file known as the Illuminati.  The Freemasons are charged with the responsibility of driving the slaves. The Mossad are used as bodyguards and intelligence gatherers. Together, the Illuminati are responsible for eliminating or terminating obstacles and problems with severe prejudice, thereby benefiting the royal and elite families!

The other, larger royal faction known as the Chinese Royal family include all of the royal families in the Middle East, Asia, Russia and most of Central and South America.  They became a more devout group who had amassed what they believed to be proof of the existence of an Almighty God and who believe that their royal family obligations included serving mankind. They believe that their pooled wealth in safekeeping, belongs only to their Almighty God, pending His physical return to Earth and in the meantime their Almighty God’s wealth should benefit all of humanity, so that man can devote more time and energy toward his mental, physical and spiritual discipline and enlightenment.

Ever since this philosophical split between the royal families, the European faction has constantly attempted to steal all or part of the Chinese factions physical cache of wealth and plot the murder of the Chinese family elders.

All of the world’s Martial Arts Societies and Masters are financed by the Chinese royal family and in return the martial arts masters have sworn a pledge to their almighty god and to the royal family to provide security and protection for the Chinese royal family.  An army of ninjas protects the family elders today. It is believed the oldest living elder is currently 165 years old and the youngest elder is 95.  Yes. There is a secret of youth, longevity and a body free of disease and the royal Chinese elders know what it is!

Nearly all of the countries on Earth have at one time or another received financing from the Chinese Royal family because they truly are a devout and honorable group.  It is this financing that the European faction has alternately been attempting to procure since they have frequently failed to seize the Chinese factions’ great physical cache of wealth, which is estimated to be 85% of the entire world’s gold, silver, precious gems and antiquities which was accumulated during the early Spice Trades.

It is of note that the Chinese royal family faction had initially provided financing for the expansion and improvement of America but vacated their presence once the European faction sufficiently dug their claws in to corrupt American governance and the lifeblood of America itself.

The European faction is a ruthless group!  They do not lend. They bribe and steal and both royal family factions liberally utilize look-alike decoys surrounded by bodyguards because all of their family members are constantly at risk of assault and murder!

The Holy Roman Church – a privately owned corporation defined as a religion – is housed within Vatican City and is a powerful royal faction and mono-culture in its own right. Following the same principle utilized by the European royal faction, the Vatican finances priests to drive their slaves. It finances a mercenary group of priests known as: “Jesuits.” The Jesuits are utilized as personal bodyguards and are responsible for physically eliminating problem people and obstacles to the Church with extreme prejudice! The cardinals and bishops are the administrators and intelligence gathers for the corporation.

The appointed administrator of the Jesuits is called “The Black Pope” and his pulpit is located within the confines of the United States pentagon!  He is Illuminati and on special occasions dons the traditional black robe of the Illuminati priests.  “The White Pope” is the Chief administrator of the church and the positive public image that the corporate Holy Roman Church desires to propagate upon the World’s masses.  His pulpit is located within the confines of the Vatican of Rome.  He dons a white robe gilded in gold, which is supposed to symbolize the almighty god’s purity, property and the wealth of the Earth.

To be continued . . .

Shift Frequency  July 15 2012

7 thoughts on “The Great American Adventure 1B – The Money’s Worth Nothing. So Is The Government

  1. Some of it does seem pretty far-fetched but there has to be some explanation for the state of humanity and a system of 24/7 commerce that brings out the worst in people.As the saying goes ‘by their fruits,ye shall know them.’

    1. Thanks, Peter. There is a great deal of hidden truth revealed in these articles. Jordan Maxwell does a tremendous job of unveiling many of the hidden-in-plain-sight secrets the judge touches on in this section. Blessings ~G

  2. Wow, fascinating stuff and it certainly makes a ton of sense. Who is this judge? I love his style, for sure!

    It seems his info is very closely associated to Ben’s articles.


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