Dividing of the Worlds & Accepting The Impossible

by Suzanne Carroll | Multidimensions
November 8 2011

[Continued from earlier post located here]

Dividing Of The Worlds

Eventually, I could no longer remain conscious within the Indigo Light and I returned to the physical world with a jolt, with the message “Dividing of the Worlds” in my mind. At that time, I had no idea what those words meant until I showered, ate and stepped outside. Again, I could hardly maintain consciousness for everywhere I looked I saw two, or more, versions of reality.

I blinked my eyes again and again, but these were not the eyes I was looking through. I was looking at the world through my forehead. I later learned that I was looking through my Third Eye, which is exactly what it felt like. To make matters even more confusing, if I were still, I could see things through the side of my head and even through the back of my head. Therefore, at first, I did NOT remain still. I tried to busy myself with myriad mundane tasks to ignore this new experience.

At the time, I had no way of knowing that this “new experience” was actually a great gift. This gift was much like getting a new car when I did not know to drive. Whenever I allowed my consciousness to rise above mundane tasks, I began to see two, or three, or even more realities intermingled into one. Then, I would crash into things, knock things over, and stumble around. I had to call in sick to work and isolate myself from my friends. How could I explain this “condition” to anyone?

Finally, I learned that if I closed my physical eyes, I could see through only my Third Eye. That is when it started to be amazing. I could look out my window and see two or three energy fields merging into one or pulling apart from each other. I didn’t know at the time, at least not at first, that those energy fields were possible realities. Then, gradually, I began to realize that if I stared into only one of these energy fields, with my physical eyes closed, shapes, pictures and activities would gradually take form. That is when I could see that the landings were beginning.

The “landings” meant the landing of the Space Ships. Of course, they didn’t exactly land. They hovered. Then suddenly, they would take off in a flash at an impossible angle of turn. Or, they would just disappear. The Ship was there, and then it wasn’t. At first, everyone ran out and filmed the Ships with their phones and posted them on YouTube. But, eventually, the Ships became normal, like clouds.

Some days there were a lot of Ships. In fact, they would practically fill the sky. Then, on other days, or even weeks, there would be no Ships at all. It was then that we began to realize that we actually missed them when they were gone too long. In fact, we would get depressed or angry or lonely. It took us a while to figure it out, but the Ships gave us something.

When the Ships were in the sky we felt protected, which was very important. By that time, the entire world was turning upside down. It seemed that everything that had once been important was now obsolete. Also, people stopped caring about doing all their mundane tasks. Money was so was unreliable that we didn’t fret over paying bills. Jobs were so scarce that those were unemployed stopped looking, and, some of us who had a mundane job going nowhere, like me, simply quit.

How could I quit my job when work was so hard to find. It had to do with the Ships. We all started having dreams about being on the Ships, working on the Ships and being instructed about how to operate a Ship. It was so fascinating that we all hurried off home to go to bed so we could have another dream.

Then we began to dream that the Ships were actually landing, and, sure enough, shortly after that they started to land. We were not surprised at all, as we had been warned in our “sleep.” However, one of the first things they told us when we were awake was that we were never dreaming. Instead, we had been visiting them on our higher frequency astral body.

We had NO idea what that meant.

Accepting The Impossible

With the landing of the Star Ships (the name the Galactics used) our lives on Earth were totally different. The first thing that happened is that the News began to really be NEW. By that I mean that it was no longer the same old stories of wars and problems with money and people finally standing up for themselves. For the first time in my life, people were talking about the future instead of the past. The Friends, which is the name we all called the Galactics, appeared on the News via Internet, radio and television many times every day. Oh, yes, the word ET was replaced with the term Galactics. One of first the things the Galactics told us was that they were not just our “Friends,” they were also our family, our Galactic Family.

You would think this would be shocking news, but everyone took it as if they already knew. Remember how I said before that the Ships somehow changed us, even before they landed? I think that they opened our minds in some way. Well, actually, I know now that they did open our minds, and I know exactly how. What the Galactics did is that they “cut off” the constant stream of ELF waves that were being broadcast through our airways via every possible means. These Extremely Low Frequencies were sent by the elite few who were actually running our world.

These ELF waves can have a huge effect on human behavior. With the external transmission ended, we all begin to remember and to know things that we had never even thought of before. The Friends told us that without the external noise to mask our own inner states of consciousness, we would begin to download and integrate our multidimensional consciousness. While external forces were consciously and unconsciously controlling us, our inner Portal to the fifth dimension was beyond our conception.

As usual, they were right about this. Shortly after they discontinued the transmission of these waves, we all began to have dreams and meditations of a great Portal opening before us. In fact, we had these dreams and meditations so many times that when we saw the Portals in our daily consciousness, we were excited rather than frightened. Again, the Friends prepared us for changes in our third dimensional reality by coming into our higher states of consciousness us in accepting the impossible.

In fact, “accept the impossible” became our theme. So many things were changing in such sudden and impossible ways that we would have been reeling in confusion and anxiety if not for the Friends’ teachings. There is much more I would like to tell you about the ELF frequencies and Portals, but I must close for now.

Besides, I don’t know if you will be able to understand what I am talking about before you have gone through the Violet Light.

Continued in The NOW Is Always Occurring

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