The Alchemy of Phi Crystals

CrystalJ Tyberonn – “Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light!

We once and always greet you. Warmly and lovingly, in this eternal Moment of Now. Indeed we sense each of you personally at the specific time in which your eyes read these words

And so another moment brings us together, uniting truth, understanding and wisdom through the matrix of the unified field, combining geometric thought pattern with desire, and awareness. And so do all things come together in the same way. For all thoughts, all things, all beings, are electromagnetic representations of consciousness, of manifestation, of all that ever was or ever will be. And so some things, some thoughts, some creations travel at more rapid speeds, more accelerated frequencies within the matrix.

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Resolving Negativity: The Nuances Of Mass And Individual Relations

Resolving Negativity: The Nuances Of Mass & Individual RelationsJames Tyberonn –  Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in an vector of Love, Unconditional Love !

We tell you the energy of this Equinox has brought specific astrological conditions that allow for a deep review of whom you are, and where you are going.

It is a time to consider relationships, purpose and mental contents. This is to be considered on an individual level, and also applied to the mass consciousness, group events occurring on your planet. Continue reading

Mighty Metatron Commences Star Being Collaboration

Mighty Metatron Commences Star Being CollaborationOpen – Lift your eyes up from the fake-stream media being trodden underfoot. Turn your attention for more than 1 minute from the social media metaverse. Something stupendous has begun. But you’ll have to look with your inner eye to perceive it. Wholesale transformation is upon us. The Archangel, Mighty Metatron, is descending from the higher dimensions, anchoring on planet earth, and commencing the Star Being Collaborations that will transform the planetary field for good.

Reconciliation through Past Life Regression

In a recent Openhand Advanced Facilitator Group we were exploring how reconciliations between the various Star Being Nations influencing the earth could happen? To be clear, practically every single aspect of life here on the planet is being influenced down to the DNA level, both malevolently and benevolently. Continue reading

Awakening Consciousness On Earth

“You can surround the entire Earth in rainbow light, and the depth of this powerful light presence will bring untold blessings to all beings.” AA Metatron

777_SoulAA Metatron ~ Dear Ones, an overview of the spiritual evolution your are currently experiencing may help give you perspective for these special times you live in. Since the Archangels have been very active in the recent awakening of consciousness, the expanded perspective that we are providing now can help you to see how important are the Starseeds to this evolution. The old forms of reality are crumbling like the Tower in the traditional tarot oracle. At the same time the Earth’s energy is gathering an accumulation of power that will motivate the collective impulse so multitudes of people will reach new plateaus of spiritual experience and create simultaneous global awakenings.

The creators who formed earth planted chronometers that measure evolution of consciousness. The human species was also coded to lead people into their Divine Blueprint. When enough people have awakened, a gate is opened that allows the Earth’s wisdom to be transmitted. That is in process at this time.

You are coded to move with the masses. This may cause frustration because you want to be farther along in your evolution, especially with your visionary sense of what is possible. This requires great patience. Know that as you share what you know and allow yourself to be in the frequencies of higher-dimensional reality, this vibration is broadcast around the world. As the codings for awakening are fired on the Earth, the masses of humanity evolve. All is time-coded and interlinked to respond to the patterns for the awakening of all souls to their greater identity.

This is where Archangel Metatron has dominion. You are here to bring Heaven to Earth. In the human chakra system, Archangel Metatron is the 7th chakra connection to Heaven representing Unity Consciousness, and Archangel Sandalphon is the 1st chakra connection to Earth, representing the power of Well-Being. These two Archangels become key players in your ability to transcend your 3D realities and bring higher-frequency awareness to the earth to assist the development of a deeper awakening energy on the planet.

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Soul Braid – Merging Into Self

Divine  Sovereignty

FingerOfGodAA Metatron via J Tyberonn – Greetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering.

It is ‘Year Two’ of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.

Masters, solitude is the opens the richness, the bounty of truly knowing Higher Self. It is only lonely when the ego personality blocks the doorway, and in time solitude will prevail and purposely so. You will discover that a degree of loneliness totally disappears when you embrace the self that you are . Merging into Self occurs in solitude and in this state a sublime plurality of consciousness exists that allows the savant to understand that no soul is ever alone. The paradox is that this discovery occurs in seeming isolation.

Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle; find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude.

Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel ‘unnatural’ for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose.

The solitude that often occurs in later years, is the connective chord that ties the beginning to the end.

You see in times of chosen solitude you are able to quiet the mental narration and open to Spirit …and in this process Angelic Gates open, and Spirit embraces you. The paradox is that in sacred solitude you truly are NOT alone. Masters, in detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an un-entangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound perlustration. And indeed that is truly requisite for all advanced souls. Places in the life stream for secluded contemplation are ever present on the Path of Mastery. It has always been so.

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