Follow Your Soul Vision

Simion  March 1 2014

treeWhen you follow the guidance of your soul you will be able to recreate a self that reflects your source energy and adds to creation with inner purpose. The art of listening to your soul’s guidance will aid you in creating a new self in a new world. Tapping into this inner power requires you to let go of all the fears and beliefs that prevent you from envisioning a new self with enhanced perceptions. Seeing through the soul’s lens will be unfamiliar at first, and will therefore be challenging for you to trust, until the new knowing is tested and accepted. Expect this to be the case.

Your ego mind will not let go all at once. It is a process, and rightly so. If you were to lose the ego self that you have built through your life, and before, all at once, you would go insane. You must lose it slowly, and replace it with the vision your soul creates. One way of seeing must replace another. If you have not attempted to develop your soul mind’s eye and suddenly lose your ego, you would not understand your true self, and what you are capable of, and you would feel lost.

It will benefit you to continually challenge yourself to look beyond your fears and insecurities, as much of your ego comes from those concepts, and free your soul to take a fresh view of everything that you are and do. Check with your soul, in every decision you make, for wisdom that your outer shell may be hiding from you. What is the outer picture you are afraid to let go of? What does the inner you really cherish and desire?

Recreating your life around your soul’s innermost desire for evolution will be a rewarding and invigorating experience, when you are on a connected track. If you are off the track, you will feel confused and fearful. Ask your soul to give you a simple means of communicating that bypasses the rational mind. Ask it to give you a signal that will mean “Yes” or “No” regarding whether a decision is elevating for your soul path or not. Play with this and be lighthearted about it.

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1…2…3… Jump!

Simion ~ The Transformation Series March 2013

Evolutionary CollectiveWe are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective.

In the last transmission of this series, we spoke of the art of true Surrender.  That is an important step in your becoming whole.  It is beneficial that you continually consider your state of Surrender so that you will be ready to Jump.  Remember to raise your white flag as you set out for the next step in realizing your soul’s creative power, which is that there is a time when you need to Jump! Disclaimer here is that this is a metaphor.  Don’t jump off a real cliff tomorrow.

“First you want us to Surrender,” as if that isn’t hard enough, “and now you ask us to Jump?”  Jump from what to where, you may ask.  The answer to that, is up to you.  Though, do consider this question deeply before making your leap.

There may be a series of leaps for you to make.  Maybe you have made a few already and it is time for another level.  Perhaps you have already made a really big jump off a cliff, figuratively.  And landed in a new land.  Maybe it is time for you to make the next leap into the bottomless pond.  When we speak of jumping, it is about fearlessly leaping into the unknown after your dreams and purpose.  You won’t realize miracles unless you are prepared to go into the abyss with courage and certainty.  It is this very state of mind that makes miracles and dreams come true.

standing on the cliff edgeIf you stay on the edge waiting for the dream to come to you, you will be standing there waiting for a long, long, long time.  You make the dreams true. And to do so, requires a beyond logic faith in your potential within the sphere of your connection to All That Is.  Once you have surrendered to your internal divinity and to the knowing that you attract all your experiences to you, then it is time to Jump into your dream!

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Are You Among The Awakened?

Simion the Evolutionary Collective | The Transformation Series | January 2013

SIMION through Amariah Mara ~ We are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective.

You have made it past the winter solstice of 2012 and you are still here. Wonderful! The world has not come to an end. Some will say nothing happened. Will you be one of those? If you do say nothing happened, than you have missed much. 2012 was meant to be a crossroads. It was a time of becoming or not becoming and deciding what you wish to see anew in this new year of 2013. We certainly hope you are seeing much happening and that you are thus extremely motivated to create the world of enlightenment that has been contemplated.

Was the wake-up call of 2012 heard by you? Was it heard by the world around you? This year will be the true test of that. Now is the real testing time of your guts and grit and true spirit as creators. This year many will fall to the wayside that were looking for a quick fix or that never truly believed in humankind’s potential to evolve. Are you a way-sider, or have your eyes been opened further to reveal more light in your life? Will you be one that adds to the creation of the Promised Land that you all have been working towards? If so, then now is the real year of action! This is the year when all the hype can become real in your lives, one at a time, until the light spreads like a wild fire blown by a strong wind.

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Opening Your Third Eye

Simion the Evolutionary Collective | November 1 2012

consciousnessWe are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective. You are at a pivotal point in your evolution as human expressions now on Earth. Much has been developed to prepare you to make change in the coming years with this time of December 2012 before you as an eye opener. The real question is will it open your eyes? And what eyes will it open for you?

The last couple of decades have been a period of escalation for opening your physical eyes to seeing the illusions and veils placed before you that have caused you to live in a mist. Many have begun to brush away that mist, or have entirely done so, and are able to now see that nothing is as it appears to the naked eye, nor to the minds interpretation of what it sees in the world, or has been told to see in the world.

That was the first step of the human species awakening process. If you are still going through this phase, no fret, it is a process of removing the layers of illusion and may come in spurts and will accelerate. If you are well past this stage, you may be asking, “so what now?” or “what is to be done about it?” Most will pass a phase of anger until they recognize that this only feeds the demons of illusion.

When this is realized, one also sees that all of this illusion is created and perpetuated by your thoughts about it. This is when you begin to think of what you really want to see in the world instead of dreading what you do not want to see. This is the first step of change, and it begins with each of you. Many light workers are already well on their way to adding thoughts and vibrations to the world they wish to see. Sometimes they fail to perpetuate it in their own life, but they forge on. Those that forge on past December 2012, will begin the real work of creating a fresh reality.

Given that most of what you are familiar with as human beings thus far is an illusion, it is no easy task to see beyond to something new. How do you see something new when your eyes only know the past sights that you have been taught to see? Even the best light workers may have a difficult time transcending to a new vision, even though they know intuitively that there is more to see.

We will tell you now that it is time to prepare for a new type of vision. The vision of the famed third eye. That is right. You all have heard of the 6th chakra and of the 6th sense that allows vision beyond the limits of your physical senses. It likely has seemed more surreal to you than real, even if you have had glimpses of psychic ability. The entire consciousness of the next dimensional awareness sees from an expanded third eye. The third eye is more than you have been taught or can even know with intellectual contemplation.

EarthThe third eye sees beyond the polarity of the third dimension. In the fourth dimension, where your third eye will see clearly, you will transcend the limits imposed by the seeming separation of opposites. This new vision is able to fuse opposites into the consciousness of One. It is not simply that all the shades of grey between black and white are seen. It is that black, white, and gray are understood to be from the same light source in various stages of dimming the inherent light within. Once this is truly seen, your vision of everything changes.

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Blueprinting For The Soul

Simion the Evolutionary Collective | September 2 2012

EarthWe are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective.

It is with great enthusiasm that we speak to you now about soul blueprinting. We use this word, blueprint, from your vocabulary to depict your soul plan and the importance of this period of time to access and amplify your personal life purpose.

When your soul made a choice to be born in this lifetime, you along with your spiritual guides, created what can be viewed as a blueprint for your life. This is not a set plan that can not be changed. It is a guide for living a purposeful journey. It is like the blueprints that you use to show details of a building plan for architecture or a vessel. In your case, the vessel or structure is your body and life circumstances. The plan is set for the vessel to be aligned properly to have a certain function or purpose.

Spring and Fall of any given Earth year, now being Autumn in the Northern hemisphere and the Spring in the Southern hemisphere, offers an increased opportunity for the blueprint to be tweaked and activated for your greatest potential. Within Mother Nature, you see this evidenced in the creation and nourishment of the seeds of life.

Within all seeds are what you call genetic blueprints for the structure and function of each life form. The nourishment given to the seed at various seasonal stages will determine how the life form will represent any given aspect of its code. The blueprint may not be activated at all if it does not have what is needed to make it blossom, and this includes the motivations of the collective consciousness of the species. Some seeds will have the best possibility of sprouting to become true to the intended code, if circumstances allow. There are many factors, beyond your biological perspective, that determine the healthy growth of plants, including energetic and elemental influences. The same can be said of your genetic and spiritual blueprint.

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