Judge Dale, Ret’d ~The Great American Adventure 1C – The Devils Best The Rebels (In A Rigged Game)

Judge Dale – You may have found some topics previously discussed in Part 1 and Part 1B “nutty.” Thank you.

I have found it more prudent to be a nut than a threat. So create your typologies and classifications and clear indications of “nut.” I am most appreciative and thankful to you for this protection.

A Doctrinal Split In Christianity Benefits America Initially

EnglandThe reformation by Martin Luther was yet another rebellion against the royal and Catholic monoculture and their Babylonian system of slave controls.  Many Europeans were persecuted for their objections to the royal and Vatican slave control techniques. They discovered freedom from persecution in the New World. As a result America advanced more rapidly than any other nation-state flowering before it.

Manipulators from the European royal faction secretly infiltrated the new American society. This infiltration was parallel with and intent on curtailing the belief in liberties and growth of genuine spirituality that was blossoming rapidly among the American people. The royal faction plotted feverishly (and in secret) to introduce a new deceptive concept of government. These manipulators evolved increasingly sophisticated ideas geared toward regaining control of their former slaves as well as the new Republican American government.

Their several manipulations were designed to:

  • drive the people into conflict and war
  • strengthen divisiveness through competition
  • reduce population growth and
  • profit from the sale of arms

War And More War And Yet More War

The European faction used the gold and jewels they had looted from India during the middle ages to finance both England and America during the American Revolution and the War of 1812.  Their additional goal was to strengthen their influence over the British king and regain control of their former English slaves.  This is also how Freemasonry became so central to the development and history of both England and America.

There was true idealism among Americans participating in the American adventure. This made the original concept of an American Republic too unruly and too difficult for the European faction to control.  The royal family found it necessary to tighten reins of control and employ a stricter discipline – the discipline of war. The royals quietly waged a 137-year physical, political and financial battle against America. They utilized the same ancient Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques premised upon the philosophy that “He who controls the keys to the granary controls the food, the culture and the people.”

This sick agenda continues today.  America – against the will of the majority of citizens – now wages war on behalf of the slave owners who stage conflicts among various races and creeds to sow dissension. Their next goal is to drive the small American farmer out of business. This is twinned to an evil agenda designed to deplete the nutritional value of food products and replace many natural food products with chemicals.

They intend to force the “unwashed masses” into utter dependency upon the privately-owned corporate government for food, clothes and “protection” from an enemy that didn’t exist until they created it. They have already succeeded in overturning American prosperity by disbanding (manipulating and infiltrating) labor unions and encouraging American industry to move operations overseas. They have also eliminated the only tax the Congress ever considered reasonable to levy – the  import and export excise tax.

The Privately-Owned Federal Reserve Controls The Purse Strings of Endless War

The European royal family secured control of America’s assets through passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Their first planned strategy involved immersion of North America in The Great War, a war the public vehemently resisted. This resistance was cowed via subterfuge, the “ace” played whenever events aren’t working out as planned. That particular subterfuge involved engineering the sinking of the Lusitania. Once sunk, the royal and elite masters unleashed propaganda world-wide via their burgeoning “free press” that blamed Germany for Lusitania’s sinking. The sales pitch for war was America must “wage war” against “this despicable act of cowardice!”

Some 80 years later it was discovered the Lusitania actually sank from an internal explosion in the fire room. This could have been the result of a strategically-placed bomb next to one of the ship’s boilers as opposed to a torpedo delivered from a German submarine.  The American people believed the fictitious printed rumors and, instead of demanding proof, went along with the war agenda. This also set the stage for the emergence of an “infallible” media.  Americans learned to believe everything reported by the media was the absolute truth, which, of course, it isn’t. This particular falsehood has succeeded better than almost any other in making the average American mentally lazy and highly gullible.

The fruit of European royal endeavors was the First World War. Of necessity they financed both sides of the war.  The financing contracts with warring nations was arranged through the Rothschild banking empire and conditioned such that regardless of who won or lost both nations were responsible for the war debt. This, naturally, was to be repaid in gold (with interest) and usually included a lien upon each nation’s Treasury. This ensured the European royal families could exercise future control over legislators in these governments.

Germ Warfare Rears Its Deadly Head

World War I introduced gas and germ warfare implemented by both sides.  The Illuminati advanced this type of warfare against the general populace by releasing airborne flu viruses in the United States and in Europe to help reduce the world’s population by attacking weaker, less virile members.  This flu virus would later be known as “influenza” and used by the Illuminati many more times up to the present day.

World War II was also a planned event and instigated for many of the same reasons:

  • To reduce the world’s population
  • Stall its population growth
  • Generate prejudice, hate and competition between various nationalities, races and creeds,
  • Gain profits generated by war and
  • Scare Jews out of Europe and back to Palestine.

The Sabbatean Jewish Faction

Historically the Jewish people were always a highly intelligent group who home schooled their children in religion, language, arts, science and mathematics.  They were not your typical ignorant, unwashed society and questioned everyone and everything. They were opposed to being governed by any other faction which made them a constant thorny obstacle for the European royal faction to control and/or eliminate.

The Sabbatean Jews are Khazarians who migrated from Georgia, Russia and called themselves Jewish.  They do not practice the same Judaism as real Jews around the world. When they couldn’t successfully convert the other sects to the pagan Judaism practiced in ancient Babylon the Sabbatean Jews preferred to destroy them as their enemies. The Sabbatean Jews are bound and determined to make the Biblical Old Testament come true and they constantly influence and alter world events in an attempt to accomplish this.

Baron Rothschild (aka Adolph Hitler) was a Sabbatean Jew who got carried away with his new role as the Chancellor of Germany. He became a little too ambitious in the development of the Illuminati’s pre-planned regime.  Hitler circumvented the original, scripted, long-term Masonic plan of ruling the world from Mesopotamia and opted to establish an instant global empire with central headquarters located in Berlin, Germany.

All the materials furnished concerning the origin and death of Adolph Hitler is (like his name), a complete fiction.  Hitler died of old age in Argentina and no one knows what really happened to his concubine, Eva Brawn.

Many of the Sabbatean Jewish faction serve as European and American politicians, bankers, judges and lawyers.  The following quotes are from the Jewish Talmud, which is to them what The Holy Bible is to a Christian – “the word of God.”  After reading the following passages, I ask you to draw your own conclusions:

1]  “Jews may lie to non-Jews, Jews may use lies to circumvent a Gentile.”  Baba Kamma 113a

2]  “Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.”  Schabouth Hag. 6b.

3]  “Jews must always try to deceive Christians.” Zohar 1160a

4]  “Who took an oath in the presence of goys, the robbers and the custom-house officer, is not responsible.”  Tosefta Szebnot, 11.

5]  “One should and must make false oath, when the goyin ask if our books contain anything against them.  Then we are bound to state on oath that there is nothing like that.”  Utszabot. The Book of Jore Dia, 17.

The United Nations Stranglehold

By the end of World War II, the Masonic cabal (Freemasons) attempted to cement the European royal factions’ control over the rest of the world by creating the privately-owned corporate United Nations, which explains why only – in the beginning stages – 71 of (then) 267 countries ever came on board. At that time the Sabbatean/Rothschild criminal cabal controlled all five permanent Security Council seats but has since lost the support and control over the Republic of China and Russia.  Now the number of countries has reduced from 267 to 195 (or 196 if you count Taiwan) and an astonishing 193 are members.

The Republic of China (the UN member) is an entirely different entity from the Chinese royal family.  The Republic of China is the communist political government of China. The Chinese royal family is a combination of many different royal family descendants composed of various nationalities. The Chinese royal family wielded the greatest amount of influence over the other royal family members and so the name of their group became the Chinese Royal family.  Their center of business is located in Hong Kong and the family bank is called The Royal Dragon Society Bank.

The Devils Best The Rebels (In A Fixed Game)

Back in America the patriarch of the Rockefeller family, (John D.) represented the gas and oil industry. His fellow robber barons, J.P. Morgan in banking, Ford and Carnegie in transportation and steel production, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt and Truman in government, began a long-term program to complete the final physical enslavement of the American people. They did this by quietly and systematically gaining control of Congress, the media and the text-book publishing business. It was accomplished with devastating ease by liberally and strategically spreading a large portion of the Rothschild wealth throughout those venues in the form of bribes to Congressmen and by purchasing the majority shares of stock in the American media and American text book publishing companies.

Through their financial influence and controls these powerful men were able to get the Federal Reserve Act and the Emergency Banking Act passed. These two traitorous acts were designed to control all America’s assets. They convinced or bribed the Congress to adopt the Breton Woods Agreement, a plan designed to take over control of the American people. Their greatest coup (until the creation of Homeland Insecurity) was the creation of the Department of Education, which was administered by a director of their own choosing. This department’s true mission is to distort all educational materials and control and monitor the forced education of the American masses.  All of these controls are part and parcel of the Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques.

Their greatest deception (to date) apart from establishing a duplicitous corporate government, the theft of Americas’ assets and the distortion of American history was the promotion of the so-called “science of economics,” which is and always has been the basic ancient Babylonian slave driving technology.  This proved to be an essential mechanism for the European faction to thoroughly separate the American people from their assets, liberty and freedom!

Some Truthful Quotes From The Controllers & Their Minions

The following quote was taken from the once uncirculated memoirs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which partly explains the crux or root of this great American fraud.  But even Roosevelt didn’t know the depth of the European Royal Family influence and control in America. He was unaware their intervention actually predated George Washington’s administration.

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know it, a financial element in the larger centers, has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.  In politics nothing happens by accident and if it happens at all, you can be sure we planned it that way.”  President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Mayer Amschel Bauer, 1744 – 1812 was a Sabbatean Jewish German banker and the founder of the Rothschild family banking empire. He later changed his last name to Rothschild because people often mistakenly addressed him as “Mr. Rothschild.”

Mayer Rothschild died the same year as the War of 1812. His Empire has been carefully nurtured and expanded by his seven sons.  The marquee bearing the family name of Rothschild, found above the business door, meant “Red Sign or Shield” in the German language. The red six-pointed star that adorns this plaque is mistakenly attributed to the Jewish faith as the “Star of David.” It is actually derived from the six-pointed star used in pagan idolatry worship of ancient Egypt.  The star is two triangles, one pointed downward and one pointed upward, which are the symbols of man and woman. By and through his eventual success, wealth and influence the Rothschild family was single-handedly responsible for causing this six-pointed symbol to be named the “Star of David” and become adopted by the Jewish religion and the political symbol of Israel!

“Give me control over a nation’s currency and I don’t care who makes the laws.”  Mayer A. (Bauer) Rothschild

During WWII, Adolph Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, is most often quoted for this philosophical gem!  Remember this quote most of all because it has been effectively employed upon the American public as frequently and successfully as the proverb: “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire!”

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it.”   Joseph Goebbels

A Few Observations

This expose’ represents a compilation of a few historic secrets.  It is not presented to you with a bibliography because you the reader will either believe it or you will not.  No one will take the time to read or examine my sources because that is not what Americans do, courtesy of those expert mind control techniques that we all have been subjected to for so many years.  The American nature is to believe what we hear, no matter how untruthful, and especially if it is repeated a great number of times, such as this jewel of propaganda:

“You are a free people, protected by a Constitution!”  American Politicians

My other reason for writing this expose’ in this manner concerns my personal safety.  Too many patriots and loyalists who have attempted to document and expose government corruption throughout the centuries have been killed, are sitting in prison, are being detained in mental hospitals or they are being detained and tortured as terrorists in the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  Remember how the elite and royal families of early Babylon dealt with unusually intelligent people?

“They were enrolled, they were murdered or they were dealt with by other devious means!”  Asian historians

So as long as I do not attach a bibliography to this document, I will be regarded by most of the elite and royal classes, government officials, bankers, judges, lawyers and priests, as some kind of “screw-ball” and hopefully my safety should be reasonably assured.  Few have expressed my observations and beliefs better than Stuart Chase, an American economist, engineer and author, who wrote:

“For those who believe, no proof is necessary and for those who don’t believe, no proof is ever enough!”  Stuart Chase

End of Part 1 . . . Continued in Part 2

Judge Dale, Guest Writer for Shift Frequency | July 17 2012

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