Monthly Astro-Forecasts July 2022

monthly forecast July 2022Sarah Jane – I’m not sure if it’s just me, but there seem to be days where time is moving in slow motion, and there are days when life is swirling on fast forward. However, there are also many other days which are somewhere in between, sometimes on pause, sometimes in reverse and sometimes going round and round in circles.

Whilst this all tends to balance out in time, the constant stop, start, slow and spin can leave us feeling as though we are lurching from one space to another rather than effortlessly gliding along.

Change is a constant in life and although we are wise enough to know this, it can still feel frustrating when the rug beneath our feet is continually being tugged every time we start to relax and settle. It’s like trying to take a deep breath in but needing to breathe out at the same time.

The natural inclination when faced with change is to resist; to try to cling on to what we know and to everything that’s familiar. Yet, it’s often the act of resistance that prevents us from seeing the bigger picture and it can leave us hovering on the edge of life, not quite sure whether to take a chance and step towards pastures new, or to bide our time until a better moment emerges.

Turning towards change takes courage, particularly as it might not be the change we’d hoped for or dreamed of. Facing change can feel oppressive and stifling, but once we move beyond the point of resistance, we can start to see the bigger picture once again and our ability to deal with that change shifts as we can allow our intuition to guide us.

Of course, there are times when the only option is to stand up and resist change; to be bold, brave and sure-footed, but it’s important to trust our instinct to know when to act and when to gracefully go with the flow.

Although there is a great deal of change happening on many different levels of life, there is a sense of stagnation at the same time as the air feels heavy and it feels as though our souls are beginning to wilt in the heat of the midday sun. It’s as though we are standing out in the sunlight with no shade and no breeze, trying to navigate desert-style mirages and the need to quench the thirst.

Although the storms come, the skies darken, thunder rumbles and the wind gather’s force, when the rain finally comes, it’s not feeling particularly rejuvenating as it seems to be stirring up even more stale and old energy. It’s as though we are in something of a cycle where life feels quite heavy and oppressive, and even when the longed for respite comes (rain), it doesn’t lift the energy enough to restore or replenish, leaving us feeling rather flat.

It’s hard to articulate this kind of ‘in between time’ as each of us are experiencing it quite differently, but there’s a need to step beyond the four walls of our consciousness in order to observe life in more wholehearted ways.

Sometimes there is no explanation as to why things are the way they are, sometimes we just have to go with the flow and do the best we can. Even though we may feel as if we’re coming, going, and lost somewhere in between – all at the same time – it’s important to acknowledge the strength of our feet upon the ground and to allow our energy to be centered and strong.

Life always brings change and confusion, and even though life feels both stormy and stagnant at the same time, there is a sense that we need to trust the process and let our intuition lead the way. It is unquestionably hard to explain the unexplainable, but the more we can release everything that no longer serves a positive role, the more we can open up our hearts and souls towards the things that really do matter. Even when we don’t yet know what our true priorities are, it’s important to trust the process and dive deeply within.

Yet, this is not simply a time for turning inwards, it’s also a time for reaching out, for holding out a hand to those in need or walking beside those who can’t keep up pace. Life isn’t just about charging ahead, it’s for savoring every moment and living as consciously as possible.

In many ways, it’s hard to find the words to give shape to July as we continue to lurch and stop with the ever-changing landscape of life. Whilst we may feel confused and overwhelmed, there is a sense of hope rising up, weaving a brand new tapestry linking the threads of souls from around the world. Life might feel discombobulating, but it feels rewarding and hopeful at the same time, as waves of compassion, understanding and wisdom find ways to unite us and to help us see beyond the things that so often divide us.

It’s time now to take notice of the things we have in common, to focus on unity and to let go of seeking out ways to segregate, isolate and suppress. The more willing we become to be guided by our intuition, and the more able we are to trust our instincts, the more we can shift towards compassionate living. This is the age of compassion, and whilst we can sometimes strain our necks trying to find evidence of this in the world, it’s there; we just each need to lovingly cultivate it now through loving ourselves, each other, and the earth. It’s time to let go of judgement and to focus on unity.

Energetically life has been chaotic yet stagnant, confusing yet cleansing; yet the paradoxes of impossibility are becoming more possible as we each begin to go more deeply within to seek out a simpler way of living and being. As the light of compassion glows brightly within, it is acting like a beacon, encouraging unity and togetherness, as well as community and friendship. It’s time to reach out, to join together and to flourish.

For now, and as always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

With love, Sarah-Jane

Continue reading for individual horoscopes

SF Source Spirit Library Jul 2022

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