The World Economic Forum’s Marie Antoinettes

The World Economic Forum’s Marie AntoinettesJ.B. Shurk – During a grief counseling session for professional censors and propagandists, The Wall Street Journal’s editor-in-chief complained to the World Economic Forum’s aspiring tyrants: “If you go back really not that long ago … we owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts, as well. If it was said in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, then that was a fact.”

To the great consternation of those who believe it is their noble prerogative to manipulate the public by controlling the narrative, ordinary people are now “much more questioning” about what is reported as truth.

The public’s rising discernment troubles the “ruling class.” Perhaps that is why government schools refrain from sharpening students’ critical thinking skills these days. Authoritarianism thrives amid hive-mind ignorance. Continue reading

Evil Never Takes a Holiday

J. B. Shurk – Many good people whom I respect tell me that the Marxist left have already won and that there is no longer any point in fighting. I disagree for many reasons, but I will list three:

(1) History is simply saturated with pivotal moments that radically altered what otherwise appeared to be the course of destiny. In fact, I would say that history is really written only when good men and women find their backs against the wall and realize that the only way to preserve their free will is to fight like hell and buck everything that stands against them.

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Is 2024 Only A Mirage?

Is 2024 Only A Mirage?Cliff Nichols – Victor Davis Hanson recently published an essay titled “Our French Revolution.” In it, he describes the cultural upheaval we are experiencing in America today and how we should view those presently in control of our government who clearly intend to destroy what America once was.  In short, we are in the midst of a modern-day Jacobin revolution.

Once again, however, left unsaid is what exactly should patriots be doing between now and the next elections in 2024 to stop this emerging tyranny before our nation reaches a point of no return. Continue reading

Is It True That Only A Moral People Can Be Free?

Is It True That Only Moral People Can Be Free?Paul Rosenberg – People sometimes talk about freedom requiring morality and even religion. The famous quote along these lines is from John Adams, who wrote that the US constitution was made for “a moral and religious people,” going on to say that it’s unfit for any other kind.

Nothing against Mr. Adams, but that passage is a mere assertion. It says nothing about why it might be true that freedom requires a moral populace. Such assertions really ought to be supported, and so far as I’ve seen, they haven’t been. Continue reading

America’s Animal Farm

America's Animal FarmJ. B. Shurk – Ordinary people have extraordinary power.  Don’t believe me?  Watch what happens if tens of millions ever decide to close their bank accounts all at once.  Or critical sectors of the workforce decide to stay home for weeks.  Or a sizable percentage of the population refuses to obey arbitrary and capricious government orders.  When citizens become fed up enough to take matters into their own hands, those with government-bestowed titles learn quickly how little power those vaunted titles actually have.

If you were to ask a collection of random people what governments do, you would hear a multitude of answers: they make and enforce laws, collect taxes, regulate industry, police citizens, and mobilize militaries.  In actuality, what governments do, first and foremost, is prevent citizens from ever understanding the above paragraph. Continue reading