The Amazing Power of Manifesting Meditations

“You must first be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Gandhi

Jafree Ozwald – You are not a victim of your thoughts; rather you are the master behind them. When you realize and recognize how your mind is responsible for creating your reality in each moment, you suddenly “wake up” and automatically start creating the dream life that you deserve.  You have no other choice than to manifest a totally amazing life when you’re fully awake.

Most of us would like to believe that we are in charge of the mind, and the 60,000+ thoughts that it will be formulating today.  Yet, there is something much bigger, beneath the surface, which is running the show and guiding you on a deeper level. Your subconscious mind is always here, like an eternal spring of water flowing continuously through your consciousness from beneath the ground.  It’s bubbling up the creation of your every thought, attitude, energy level. and the overall vibration that creates how you see the world.

Your subconscious mind is also a powerful enlightened system which keeps you on track, holding you firm to your path, mission and life purpose.  It holds the foundation for what you believe you can manifest and don’t manifest into your life, what you deserve or don’t deserve.  The subconscious is what makes you YOU, creating your perception of reality, and it never ever takes a vacation.  Even when you are asleep at night it is processing data, turning vital information into vivid dreams which pour and filter back through you.

“You really can change the world if you care enough.” ~Marian Wright Edel 

The greatest news of all is that you can re-direct your subconscious river of information to flow away from the stagnant pond of stuckness and towards the abundant sea of success.  By learning how to befriend and access the deepest resource of information in your being, you can retrain it to attract ANYTHING that you desire!

For example, if you want more confidence you can bring the subconscious to believe that you are a lovable, amazing, high vibrational being.  You can invoke it to believe anything!  If you want to remain connected to an unlimited source of power, intelligence, and divine energy all day long you can do it. As you tap into the power of the hidden powers of your subconscious mind, you’ll find your highest spiritual connection and open up the greatest resource you’ll ever have discovered.

Let’s start manifesting a brand new future right now, by using your creative imagination to tap into your subconscious mind. I’d like to give you a small taste of what its like to access your subconscious mind. The first thing is to relax your body and slowly read these words below; feeling and visualizing every sentence that you read, while relaxing deeper inside.

You are sitting on a beautiful Hawaiian beach,
with your bare feet snuggled in the warm soft sand.
A gentle breeze is flowing behind you,
caressing your entire body.
You feel completely at peace
as you gaze out across the vast ocean
watching the golden sun dipping into the horizon.
The fresh ocean air is rich with oxygen,
as you take a deep breath
inhaling the most healing heart sensation which
you can handle that penetrates your heart body and mind.
You realize that this environment around you
is also felt inside you, and is a safe place to relax even deeper inside…

Check inside your body right now. How do you feel?  Did you notice a shift in your energy?  Do you feel that as you began to relax, you started to tap into a deeper part of you?  If your mind allowed you to feel any aspects of the visualization above, a positive chemical response is now flooding your brain, body and bloodstream.  This deeper aspect of you is the subconscious, and whatever thoughts you keep holding and FEEL in this space, you’ll start manifesting more of it the rest of your day and weeks ahead!

The greatest secret I can tell you is that continuously using positive imagery is not enough. You must engage your feeling, sensations, emotions and taste what it is want as if it’s sitting on your lap!  You have the power to turn the tide of your life to feel better, become physically healthier, think more positively, and truly be a happier person!  By simply learning how to reprogram your mind, you will dramatically increase your ability to attract the life you desire. With a little practice, you’ll be able to attract anything and everything your heart desires.

  • The Subconscious Mind Works Like a Computer (
  • Our Conscious And Subconscious Mind (
  • Manifest your Dream Life (

SF Source Enlightened Beings

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