Fukushima: 27 Hiroshimas per day, China Syndrome inevitable, Abused Islanders

Deborah Dupre | Human Rights Examiner
November 21 2011

Fukushima nuclear energy ecocide, ongoing Big Energy human rights abuses

Eight months after 311, a human right to health violation with media blacking out the public health hazards of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, the highest radiation to date, the silence was broken Sunday with news that 1600 millisievert per hour at Unit No. 3 reported on Tokyo Broadcasting System, shocking news that the nuclear event is equivalent to 27 Hiroshimas per day. Uehara Harua, architect of Fukushima’s Reactor #3 warned that China Syndrome is inevitable and tons of radioactive contaminated debris is hitting shores of Least Developing Pacific Island nation, Marshall Islands where its Indigenous People’s rights have been gravely violated for years by American scientists studying nuclear weapons on them.

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Makana ~ We Are The Many

makanavideos | November 10 2011

This is an amazing song with insightful graphics. Enjoy.

ye come here, gather ’round the stage
the time has come for us to voice our rage
against the ones who’ve trapped us in a cage
to steal from us the value of our wage

from underneath the vestiture of law
the lobbyists at washington do gnaw
at liberty, the bureaucrats guffaw
and until they are purged, we won’t withdraw

we’ll occupy the streets
we’ll occupy the courts
we’ll occupy the offices of you
till you do
the bidding of the many, not the few

our nation was built upon the right
of every person to improve their plight
but laws of this republic they rewrite
and now a few own everything in sight

they own it free of liability
they own, but they are not like you and me
their influence dictates legality
and until they are stopped we are not free

we’ll occupy the streets
we’ll occupy the courts
we’ll occupy the offices of you
till you do
the bidding of the many, not the few

you enforce your monopolies with guns
while sacrificing our daughters and sons
but certain things belong to everyone
your thievery has left the people none

so take heed of our notice to redress
we have little to lose, we must confess
your empty words do leave us unimpressed
a growing number join us in protest

we occupy the streets
we occupy the courts
we occupy the offices of you
till you do
the bidding of the many, not the few

you can’t divide us into sides
and from our gaze, you cannot hide
denial serves to amplify
and our allegiance you can’t buy

our government is not for sale
the banks do not deserve a bail
we will not reward those who fail
we will not move till we prevail

we’ll occupy the streets
we’ll occupy the courts
we’ll occupy the offices of you
till you do
the bidding of the many, not the few

we’ll occupy the streets
we’ll occupy the courts
we’ll occupy the offices of you
till you do
the bidding of the many, not the few

we are the many
you are the few

Occupy Your High Heart

from Susan | November 20 2011

belief systemsI’m sitting in the living room in a relaxed state, doing cross stitch and contemplating my belief system. So much of what I call reality and have held to be true seems to be crumbling into dust and has left me in utter wonderment. It is almost laughable.

Another question arose, what is the one single thing I can do right now to manifest and become who I really AM. And how can I release the false truths that I have held as absolute for eons.

Then the answer came in all it’s simplicity.

Be in your heart. Occupy your divine heart.
