Divers Find Large Unexplained Object At Bottom Of Baltic Sea

Eric Pfeiffer | Yahoo News | January 27 2012

A team of salvage divers has discovered an unexplained object resting at the bottom of the Baltic Sea near Sweden.

“This thing turned up. My first reaction was to tell the guys that we have a UFO here on the bottom,” said Peter Lindberg, the leader of the amateur treasure hunters.

Sonar readings show that the mysterious object is about 60 meters across, or, about the size of a jumbo jet. And it’s not alone. Nearby on the sea floor is another, smaller object with a similar shape. Even more fascinating, both objects have “drag marks” behind them on the sea floor, stretching back more than 400 feet.

“Could this be the Star Wars Millenium Falcon, a plug to an inner world or a marine version of Stonehenge?” asks CNN’s Brooke Bowman.

Well, it could just be another shipwreck. Or, mud.

But Lindberg says the ship theory doesn’t really hold up because of the unusually large size of the objects. “Of course it would be something from another ship but it’s quite big,” he told CNN. Lindberg notes that some observers have speculated that the objects may be Russian warships built around the end of the 1800’s. However, Lindberg points out that not only were those ships much smaller, they were not patrolling the Baltic during that era.

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Mother Earth, We Love You!

Alec Christos Gabbitas | January 27 2012
via email

Earth seen from the Moon

Mother Earth is bathing in the caring energies of all light-workers upon her body, who are focusing their love and light to her from all parts of the globe. She has requested that this be so for she is indeed beginning to stretch and expand her limbs within the parameters of her auric field’s elemental body. Preparing for these ensuing times she flexes her arms and legs so to speak and spreads her energies astride the bridge that she is now creating for her imminent changes, heralding her into her star-like reality that she truly is to be.

These times are indeed preparation for the sure yet swift transition, thus elevating her into lighter garb as her vibration continues to express itself in cyclic, spiraling of heightening energies.

Mother earth is ‘groaning’ it is said around the planet, as peoples from many and different countries are reporting these strange and ‘weird’ creaking, groaning and trumpeting noises that are likened maybe to the tectonic plates thereunder, beginning to stretch and expand as they adjust themselves into more comfortable positions easing the friction between them as they reposition themselves into yet finer layers within the lower earths crust or within the tectonic structures beneath her surface. There is indeed a remoulding of the plates and an imminent need to utilise this musical vibrational tuning that also issues forth in orchestral sounds or reverberation.

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Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

www.unelected.org | January 26 2012

Bernie SandersThe first ever GAO (Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year. Jim DeMint, a Republican Senator, and Bernie Sanders, an independent Senator, led the charge for a Federal Reserve audit in the Senate, but watered down the original language of the house bill(HR1207), so that a complete audit would not be carried out. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets. Nevertheless, the results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve’s nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sander’s webpage earlier this morning.

What was revealed in the audit was startling:

$16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland. From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world’s banks, corporations, and governments. The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious – the American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs.

To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is “only” $14.5 trillion. The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is “only” $3.5 trillion. Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world.

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Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars | January 26 2012

White House bypasses Senate to ink agreement that could allow Chinese companies to demand ISPs remove web content in US with no legal oversight

Months before the debate about Internet censorship raged as SOPA and PIPA dominated the concerns of web users, President Obama signed an international treaty that would allow companies in China or any other country in the world to demand ISPs remove web content in the US with no legal oversight whatsoever.

European UnionThe Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement was signed by Obama on October 1 2011, yet is currently the subject of a White House petition demanding Senators be forced to ratify the treaty. The White House has circumvented the necessity to have the treaty confirmed by lawmakers by presenting it an as “executive agreement,” although legal scholars have highlighted the dubious nature of this characterization.

The hacktivist group Anonymous attacked and took offline the Federal Trade Commission’s website yesterday in protest against the treaty, which was also the subject of demonstrations across major cities in Poland, a country set to sign the agreement today.

Under the provisions of ACTA, copyright holders will be granted sweeping direct powers to demand ISPs remove material from the Internet on a whim. Whereas ISPs normally are only forced to remove content after a court order, all legal oversight will be abolished, a precedent that will apply globally, rendering the treaty worse in its potential scope for abuse than SOPA or PIPA.

A country known for its enforcement of harsh Internet censorship policies like China could demand under the treaty that an ISP in the United States remove content or terminate a website on its server altogether. As we have seen from the enforcement of similar copyright policies in the US, websites are sometimes targeted for no justifiable reason.

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Liars Lying About The Sun

Clyde Lewis | Ground Zero | January 25 2012

Today there has been a few confusing messages being sent out in the mainstream press about the Solar Storm that has occurred. The mainstream news played up the storm as being a whopper. It was called a space Hurricane a storm that almost has an X-class, a magnetic storm that may cause grid failures, earthquakes and severe weather. NASA has downgraded the storm 20 % and says that the storm will produce an unusually large display of auroras, which may be visible at lower latitudes than normal. I am thinking that this storm may be a precursor to an even bigger storm. We have been warned and the Sun seems to be firing a warning shot.

Not only is the scientific side of me seeing the fantastic displays of coronal ejections but the mythological side of me is identifying these anomalies as sky serpents, dragons, and columns of fire. These are things spoken of in bibles, papyri, and plates of brass. We may want to open the books and realize that the metaphors of old are beginning to show themselves and we now give them scientific terms. All of these mythological creatures are all connected to the Sun. All of our messages came from the Sun and all of our Gods are made from great stories of the Suns relationship with mankind.

Take a look at what is now on YouTube. We are seeing and hearing so called roars form the sky, trumpeting and loud booms. We are looking at pictures of anomalies near the Sun and comets that are going into the sun and returning again and we listen to our President only addressing campaign promises and pep talks not addressing the future that we are facing and the possible catastrophic occurrences that are not only going to take its toll on our economy, but on our physical well being.

Youtube: What Are The Strange Sounds Being Heard?

You can cheerlead all you like that America is back and use the team psychology to promote nationalism, but in a world facing events of a cosmic nature the President is lying in order to keep the situation normal.

We are far from normal and far from any resolution. Our governments have made provisions to protect the elite from oncoming obstacles , have destroyed personal liberties, set up detainment camps and have now conducted mock urban warfare drills in major cities in the United States. There seems to be increased activity in military transport, and I have received reports that in Los Angeles there are soldiers marching in the streets in mock drills that teach soldiers how to react in major catastrophe and terrorist attacks. The question again is what are they preparing for? Is there something so devastating coming that we will beg for the military to save our skins and give up freedoms to survive?

Youtube ~ Breaking! Military Equipment Moving Across US

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