“Why in the World are They Spraying?” [Video]

Truth Media Productions | February 2012

Coming Fall 2012: “Why in the World are They Spraying? Produced by the Originator and Co-Producer of “What in the World are They Spraying?” This is an investigative documentary into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs, “weather control.”

Ron Paul ~ Excessive Defense Spending Endangers U.S.

Michael Tennant | The New American | February 22 2012

Three of the four remaining candidates for the Republican presidential nomination have spoken out against planned reductions in future defense spending. Both former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich have urged President Barack Obama to prevent the sequestering of $600 billion from the defense budget over the next 10 years as required by last summer’s debt ceiling deal. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum stated categorically that he “would absolutely not cut one penny out of military spending.”

One candidate, however, has repeatedly argued that defense spending must join domestic spending on the chopping block if the United States is to avoid bankruptcy. In fact, said Texas Congressman Ron Paul, the country would actually be safer if our government spent less on the military.

In his February 20 Texas Straight Talk, Paul remarked on the contradiction between conservatives’ alarm over “unprecedented spending” in Obama’s 2013 budget proposal and their simultaneous warnings that the President is seeking to gut the defense budget.

“I continue to be dismayed that in spite of our economic problems, most of those who call themselves fiscal conservatives refuse to consider any reductions in military spending,” Paul wrote.

Citing an article by Doug Bandow in the February issue of the American Conservative, Paul pointed out that “the President’s budget calls for an 18% increase versus the previously planned 20% increase.” For the mathematically challenged he patiently explained: “This is not a cut, yet Pentagon hawks continue to issue dire warnings that this ‘draconian’ decrease in proposed future spending will seriously threaten our national security.”

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Being Positive Will Be Worth It

April Crawford | Inner Whispers | February 23  2012

“Being physical is not an easy journey. No matter who you are there are often difficulties in achieving your goals.

It is important to pay attention to your creations. Keeping positive energy as the main ingredient while looking over the walls of difficulty will lead to a better understanding of yourself and others.

You are always a contributor to drama in your lives. Being a victim is a choice. By owning your involvement, it empowers you to have a say in how it all unfolds.

Placing the blame totally outside of yourself disables your ability to turn the energy in a different direction. Take a good look inside to find your positive self. It is there. Waiting to reunite with you.

There will always be challenges. Be bold enough to climb over the walls of your self doubt. Take back your life. By being positive one can hope to change anything for the better. Allowing yourself to go along with negativity erases all hope.

Reach deep within and add positive thoughts to your day.

With each effort, a small bit of difficulty will dissolve. Be patient, for it is achievable.

Be positive.

It will be worth it.”


Jim Hightower ~ Cooperatives Over Corporations

Jim Hightower | Nation of Change | February 22 2012

Evergreen CooperativesWe’re being told by today’s High Priests of Conventional Wisdom that everyone and everything in our economic cosmos necessarily revolves around one dazzling star: the corporation.

This heavenly institution, the HPCW explain, has such financial and political mass that it is the optimal force for organizing and directing our society’s economic affairs, including the terms of employment and production. While other forces are in play (workers, consumers, the environment, communities and so forth), they are subordinate to the superior gravitational pull of the corporate order. Profits, executive equanimity and a healthy Wall Street pulse rate are naturally the economy’s foremost concerns.

How nice. For the wealthy few. Not nice for the rest of us, though. We’re presently seeing the effect of this enthronement of self-serving corporate elites. Millions of Americans are out of work, underemployed and tumbling from the middle class down toward poverty. Yet excessively paid and pampered CEOs (recently rebranded as “job creators” by fawning GOP politicians) are idly sitting on some $2 trillion in cash, refusing to put that enormous pile of money to work on job creation.

The Powers That Be keep us tethered to this unjust system of plutocratic rule only by constantly ballyhooing it as a divine perpetual wealth machine that showers manna on America. Any tampering with the hierarchical control of the finely tuned machinery of trickle-down corporate capitalism, they warn, will cause a collapse and crush American prosperity.

Ha! Prosperity for whom? The corporate order itself has come crashing down on the prosperity of America’s workaday majority — and the people are no longer fooled about the system’s “divinity.” From the Wisconsin rebellion to the outing of the Koch brothers’ efforts to impose their plutocratic regime on us, from the Occupy movement to the spreading grassroots campaign to get corporate cash out of our elections, we commoners have finally peeked behind the curtain to see the fraud being perpetrated by the wizards of wealth inequality.

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