How To Get Out Of Your Box And Live Large

Jafree Ozwald | May 13 2012

“Feel ecstatic that there is no end to life. When you have reached the top of one peak, suddenly another peak starts giving you challenges, a higher one, a more arduous climb, a more dangerous reach! The day you have reached that other peak, another emerges, it is peaks upon peaks… an eternal Himalayas of life.” ~Osho

consciousnessEvery single one of us lives in some type of box. There’s the one with the physical walls that take the shape of your room, house, mansion or hut. Then there’s your metaphysical box, which holds some form of limiting beliefs and attitudes deeply impressed upon your consciousness. It makes you think, “I can do this, and I definitely cannot do that.” Whatever the formation the walls of your personal box have taken, don’t judge it. Every single problem or limiting belief is there for a very special reason. They are personally designed (by you) to give your mind the illusion of confinement or a false sense of security. This way you will develop a deeper longing and desire to explore this vast infinite Universe that is constantly expanding within you and all around you.

There are quite a few people in this world who tend to always remain inside their homes hypnotized by the TV their entire lives. They fear going outside in Nature, facing the elements and experiencing the world directly. Depending on the day, they either love it or complain about it. Their sacred box has become their cozy nest on a lazy afternoon, and their personal prison on some sleepless night. People tend to either complain or brag about their box, have ready-made excuses for why they can’t alter it, or simply ignore it and pretend they have no power over it. Notice which category you tend to fall into?

With 7 billion people on this planet, you cannot help to find each one of them fascinating. There are those people who love their box, hate their box, are never satisfied with the size of their box, or continuously fretting about the cleanliness and organization of it. There are those who feel overwhelmed about their box because its either to big or too small, too tall or just too narrow. Whatever the size and condition your box is in, its safe to say that it is quite perfect for you. Yes, our Universe is brilliant and it never ever never makes a mistake! There is always perfect order found within the seeming random chaos. Life is always working for you, not against you. If you watch closely, you’ll notice your consciousness is always moving towards your enlightenment and never in the other direction.

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Healing Unseen Negative Influences

ECETI | May 22 2012

christMany have asked for this healing technique during these amazing shifts of energy where the veils between worlds get thinner and thinner. Practice and do them until you feel clear. If you don’t like what you are feeling, do a healing.

Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self – authority and maintain control.If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts,psychic bonds or discarnate entities(lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibrational attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate or control.Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another personal. In all healing remember that god is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts.

We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.

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We Can Enrich The Lives Of Everyone We Encounter

Inspire Me Today | May 21 2012

Through strategic thought, dialogue, action and optimism, we can enrich the lives of everyone we encounter by helping them to discover the person they are destined to be! ~ Val McLeod

Connect to your power core. The center of your greatest power is the conscious, fully present place where you are the best reflection of your truest self.

Be still and embrace the you that you are today. Fully acknowledge every dimension of all that is true about who you are created to be in the Earth. That which is true does not become the truth…it always is!

Be you. Know you. Love you. Get acquainted, agree and align with the divine you. By loving who you are at this very moment, you open the way for the best in you to shine through. Once you truly value, appreciate and love the person you are right now, you gain access to enter a place that is abundant and sweet. The land flowing with milk and honey emanates from within.

Over 20 years ago I weighed nearly 600 pounds. My deepest desire was for others to see and accept the beautiful heart that seemed to be hidden by my girth. Before I lost the first pound, I had to learn to love myself enough to know that I deserved to have a better life. After I gave myself permission to love me just as I was…a healthier, more beauty-filled me began to emerge.

Your relationships are your most valuable resource to realize your greatest potential. To become the best reflection of ourselves we must develop STAAAR relationships. A strong constellation of support is critical to actualize your potential.

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How The 1% Hijacked Our Courts

How The 1% Hijacked Our CourtsOPINION ~-For a generation, America’s political-economy has been gripped in a vicious cycle. Those at the top of the economic pile have taken an ever-growing share of the nation’s income, and then leveraged that haul into ever-greater political power, which they have in turn used to rewrite the rules of “the market” in their favor. Wash, rinse and repeat.

It’s the result of years of institutional investments by the corporate Right to advance a reactionary legal regime in America’s courts. In the process, the richest Americans now have their hands in both our legislative and judicial branches, while working America has become a voiceless stepping stone.

“The more pernicious effect of economic inequality comes indirectly through its impact on political inequality,” says MIT economist Daron Acemoglu, co-author of Why Nations Fail. In an interview with Think Progress, Acemoglu explained what he called, “a general pattern throughout history”:

When economic inequality increases, the people who have become economically more powerful will often attempt to use that power in order to gain even more political power. And once they are able to monopolize political power, they will start using that for changing the rules in their favor.

This dynamic is best understood in the realm of electoral politics. In a study of something that most people already consider to be obvious, Larry Bartels, a political scientist at Princeton, examined lawmakers’ responsiveness to the interests of various constituents by income, and concluded:

In almost every instance, senators appear to be considerably more responsive to the opinions of affluent constituents than to the opinions of middle-class constituents, while the opinions of constituents in the bottom third of the income distribution have no apparent statistical effect on their senators’ roll call votes (PDF).

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The Circumstances In Life Don’t Make Or Break You, They Reveal Who You Really Are

Inspire Me Today | May 20 2012

The circumstances in life don’t make or break you, they reveal who you really are. ~ Richard Carlson

Love, Love, Love and Love Some More

You will never regret spending more time with your family and friends and less time on other things. Practice both random and intentional acts of support and kindness. Be generous with your community in your time and your pocketbook. Keep extending yourself with gentle understanding and compassion to the world. Accept and become gentler with yourself and stop judging others for being different. See the innocence in all people, imagining them as small children and old adults. Our challenge is not to give our love only to the good and happy; our challenge is to love all beings– one and the same.

Live Presently

Live every day as if it could be your last and hold your mortality close. Knowing that you will someday die, helps you live life more fully alive and awake. In this moment, you are perfectly aligned in mind, body, spirit and authenticity. Breathe and immerse yourself in the immeasurable opportunities. Feel the source of your life! As fear disappears your ego dies a death, now you can drink from life like a sponge thirsty for all things good. In this moment, magic happens as you engage in the flow.

Live Authentically

Through the journey of self-inquiry and awareness, you will discover who you really are and will be free to shine brightly in this world. This journey of self discovery awakens your consciousness. It is not achievements, titles or accolades that matter, you are enough just as you are. You have been blessed with every tool you need to fulfill your purpose. Your purpose is to share what is inside your heart as life reveals through your passion a song to express through your example.

Live in Gratitude

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