The Truth Exposed [Video]

RichardBDawson | March 10 2012 | Thanks, Bill 

This is the work of Ed Chiarini, Jr. aka Dallasgoldbug and is uploaded with permission of the author. You may see additional material of his entire body of work on Wellaware1 (dot) com. Please direct any feedback directly to the author. I am the poster and will not respond to comments. Thanks.

Mr. Chiarini presents biometric comparisons of individuals seen in public roles but who are counterfeits passing on propaganda and agenda programming to others. Their personalities as genuine people in real current news events are staged productions. These actor activists (actor-vists) use pseudonyms presenting information integrated with lies to an unsuspecting public. Much of it is ‘not-real-news’ NRN.

Part 2
Part 3

How To See Faeries

Laura Bruno’s Blog | July 23 2012

Several people have asked me how to see faeries, so I thought I’d share this short video from a New Zealand shaman raised near where Rivendell was filmed in “Lord of the Rings.” Can you see the faeries and nature spirits in this video? They’re there!

Most people find it more effective to part the veil through peripheral vision rather than a sharp focus front and center. You might find it easier to notice the beings in this video if you soften your gaze and allow lighting anomalies to register on your consciousness. Before watching, give your mind permission to report the information as it comes through, rather than carefully censoring and interpreting the data.

This is a good practice anytime you hope to see things outside of “normal” experience. Our brain discards information or reinterprets it based on earlier concepts and expectations. If you read the comments on the youtube channel, you’ll notice that some people see multiple faeries and a face in a tree, whereas others see nothing out of the ordinary. Filters! They determine what you see.

For some people, sensing faeries or seeing them with your inner eye is easier than seeing with your physical eyes. I learned that technique as a child because I grew up in a family where seeing “things that aren’t there” got you labeled as crazy and in need of counseling or medication. I do sometimes actually see faeries and other nature spirits and angels, but far more often I feel them or see them in my mind’s eye, like the Elementals’ Rain Dance I described a few days ago.

I’ve had numerous experiences like the video above, when suddenly the energy of a forest changes. In 2010, I spent three weeks in Canada, painting portal doors and hiking in pristine forests. On my last day there, I was walking with a friend and I felt the energy grow sacred. The vibration raised to such an extent that I felt giddy and “at home.” My hiking companion registered it physically too, but instead of feeling fabulous, he felt like he might throw up. He began to sweat and felt faint. I told him not to worry, that we had just entered a faery portal, but that alarmed him rather than calmed him down. He had trouble catching his breath and started shaking. Even though he had claimed to want to experience the faery world as I do, when it began to happen, he moved quickly into fear. The change from “normal” was just too dramatic for him to integrate.

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What You Hear Depends On How You Listen

Enlightening Life | July 23 2012

CommunicationOne thing I have stressed in many articles about Indigo and Crystal children is how important it is to communicate with them. And this extends beyond talking, it is actually more focused on listening and knowing what to listen to and for. As a rule, Indigos don’t talk much and don’t like to talk about themselves so what they do share becomes very important, especially when we’re dealing with children who are depressed, using drugs, looking for their life path or are at risk. It can be very easy to assume that because they don’t talk they don’t have anything to say or don’t want to talk to us but that’s not true, we just need new listening skills.

I remember listening to conversations between my children and their friends and although they never seemed to say much to each other, what little they did say appeared to have a big impact. When I asked my son about it, he said ‘Mom, I know what he wants to say.’ So, what do your children want to say that they don’t have the words for? In my experience, the call frequency says a lot. If I hear from them more than once a week, there’s a problem and I ask about what’s going on in their life instead of waiting for them to get around to telling me. If they talk about how upset they are with world events, I ask what’s upset them recently. And if they ask about me a lot, they miss me and need some mothering.

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“Some Day They’ll Give A War And Nobody Will Come”

Laura Bruno’s Blog | July 22 2012

Yesterday I read an extremely enthusiastic call to mass meditation during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. As many long term blog readers know, I love a good mass meditation –under certain circumstances and with clear, focused intent. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on Universal Love, the suggestions of this particular meditation gave me the heebeejeebee’s. The guidelines for this mass meditation suggest tuning in to all the viewers and imagining them all feeling massive amounts of love as they watch the Satanic ritual spectacle presented as entertainment and celebration of the Olympiad.

I hear, see and feel several problems with this scenario:

1) There is now a large amount of speculation, evidence and insider revelation indicating diabolical intent behind the 2012 Olympics. From seemingly deliberate breaches in security to the 200,000 caskets ordered (able to hold four persons each), to the missiles placed on top of apartment buildings, to the nuclear waste dump beneath the stadium, to the “artwork” celebrating chaos and destruction, to the business partner of 9/11′s Larry Silverstein owning the Gates, to the police state setup, to the convenient “suicide” of Rik Clay after he exposed Illuminati symbolism and New World Order finalization of the 2012 Olympics … even those who usually reject “conspiracy theories” have an ill feeling about this year’s Games.

After the overt Satanic Rituals earlier this year, in particular, the mega-televised Black Mass enacted during the Grammy’s, it seems likely that the 2012 Olympics’ specially selected location, dates, names and symbols have been designed and intended to usher in a New Age. And by New Age, I don’t mean a Golden one. While many people know about the police state aspects of the New World Order, they don’t realize that this grab for control includes control over every aspect of life — especially spiritual. Whether people know it or not, there’s a war going on, and it’s primarily a war for your soul.

Most people can’t grasp this concept because it sounds psychotic. Why would anyone want someone else to worship them? Why would anyone seek that kind of insane control over others? We tend to project our own experiences and desires onto others, but unless you’re a narcissist or psychopath yourself — or have moved beyond projection — then you likely won’t recognize the degree of depravity and insatiable consumption of those who’ve quietly ruled our world from behind the curtain. The LIBOR bank rate rigging scandal has begun to show the intricate collusion, corruption and other aspects, but the bigger, more shocking revelations have yet to go mainstream.

For now, it is enough to know that the sickos behind the 2012 Olympics have absolute faith in the power and necessity of ritual, including human sacrifice. These “people” are so disconnected from God/Source that they have no Love/Light energy (power) on their own. By televising and making the rituals larger and larger, adding billions of humans’ focus to the mix, they intensify their offerings to whatever entity they feel they’re serving. If they can manipulate viewers (i.e. unknowing participants in the ritual) to run the gamut of peak emotions of Love and then utter fear, so much the better.

The trouble with Lightworkers conducting mass meditations centered around the opening and closing ceremonies is that most Lightworkers remain too naive to understand what they’re fueling. This is not a judgement. It’s just a fact that most Lightworkers and the general population of human would-be-do-gooders don’t understand how energy works. Energy is energy. If you know how to surf it or transmute it, you can change it into anything. As crazy as they are, the people running our world have managed to consolidate power because they do know how energy works. They have not only studied and monopolized secret, esoteric wisdom from the ages, but they have also funneled billions, perhaps trillions of dollars into black-ops, psy-ops and studies about neuroscience and mind-control.

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Perceiving The Higher Perspective Of Every Situation

Suzanne Carroll | Multidimensions Newsletter | July 21 2012

Dear Ascending Ones,

Please KNOW that there will be NO accidents from this point on. At this point in your ascension process everything that happens in your life is YOUR creation. Because your consciousness is now resonating to the threshold to the fifth dimension, every random thought and emotion will become manifest. Because you still hold a physical form, your manifestations will still appear to be bound by time. However, the energy patterns of your consciousness will serve to either connect you to New Earth (or beyond) or confine you to the third/fourth dimensional version of Earth.

Because we can observe your thoughts and emotions, we can see the shifting energy patterns of your auras as you shift in and out of your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, we wish to assist you in learning to perceive, and attend to, the higher perspective of every situation. As you are well aware, fear-based emotions lower your energy field. In order to rise above the fear, it is best to refuse to participate in any thought, emotion or situation that lowers your consciousness to the third/fourth dimensional concept of fear.

From the perspective of the fifth dimension and beyond, third dimensional Earth is a holographic projection, a virtual reality game. However, the copies of your Multidimensional SELF that logged into the 3D Matrix to assist Gaia, have become trapped in the appearance of what they have learned to believe is real. Therefore, in order to log out of this Matrix, you will need to:

Realize that the third dimension is NOT real.
Remember your Multidimensional SELF.
Download your Multidimensional SELF into your earth vessel.
Allow the Galactic Light to activate your Multidimensional Operating System.
Connect and integrate that multidimensional system into your physical computer brain.
Allow your Multidimensional SELF to take control of the helm of your earth vessel.

Your new “Captain,” who is your SELF, is newly arrived from the higher frequencies of reality. Therefore, this YOU cannot be trapped by the 3D illusions because that YOU is not separated, limited, or indoctrinations of myriad third dimensional incarnations. This expression of your SELF is new to the 3D Game. Therefore, ALL of your multidimensional abilities are 100% operational.

At first, the integration of the multidimensional light, unity consciousness and unconditional love into your 3D brain, which has been limping along at 3-5% efficiency, causes great fatigue and confusion. But gradually, or suddenly, you are a different person, with different desires, choices, thoughts and emotions. Of course, this integration has been going on for quite some “time” for our ascending ones. However, with the Eclipse, the Venus Transit, the many Solar Flares and the latest full moon, more and more of you are completing, or have completed, your integration process.

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