5 Anti-Aging Herbs to Slow the Aging Process

Natural Society | January 26 2013

Chris Kilham has been called the “Indiana Jones of natural medicine” and the “medicine hunter”.

He is an ethnobotanist and has researched medicinal plants in over 30 countries. He travels, writes, studies, and makes appearances on television to help people understand the healing powers of plants.

While it seems he may be in the game to brand natural plant medicines, working for Naturex, one of the largest botanical extraction companies in the world, he does havesomeworthwhile information to share – especially regarding anti-aging herbs.

If you’re looking for natural anti-aging, you won’t want to miss these herbs that can slow the aging process. In pursuit of the fountain of youth, Kilham recommends the following for anti-aging and longevity:

5 Anti-Aging Herbs Continue reading

Confronting the Corporate Fiction [Video]

aodscarecrow | January 26 2013

Part 2 [~12 minutes] | Part 3 [~15 minutes] | Part 4 [~11 minutes]

Universal Law trumps all others.

  1. No man or woman, in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life and property and, any and all contracts I am a party to, not giving full disclosure to me, whether signed by me or not, are void at my discretion.
  2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.
  3. There shall be no exceptions to Law 1 and 2.

“When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader” – Plato

‘Education’ – David Icke

David Icke Newsletter | January 25 2013

David Icke

… Paying To Be Programmed

The process of mainstream ‘education’ swamps the left side of the brain with the system’s version of reality by communicating ‘logical’ and ‘rational’ information based on ‘observable evidence’. Students are then told to retain this information, and revise it thoroughly, before taking something called an ‘exam’ in which they must repeat to the system what the system has told them to believe.

If they do this really well they pass their exams and ‘progress’. Well done, Johnny, well done Jane, good marks. If they go on doing this really well they might even go to university and get a degree to mark their degree of programming. How programmed are you? I’ve got a first class degree. Oh, first class programming, well done you.

A study by Kyung Hee Kim, professor of education for the College of William and Mary in Virginia, focused on the creativity of school age children between kindergarten and 12th grade using the measurement known as the Torrance tests of creative thinking.

He found a ‘massive’ decline of creativity the longer the students progressed through the school system as ‘children have become less emotionally expressive, less energetic, less talkative and verbally expressive, less humorous, less imaginative, less unconventional, less lively and passionate, less perceptive, less apt to connect seemingly irrelevant things, less synthesizing, and less likely to see things from a different angle.’

EducationThese are all traits of the expansive, maverick, dot-connecting right hemisphere of the brain which the education (programming) system suppresses to allow the left-brain to dominate perception and collectively create a left-brain society.

Young people all over the world stress and worry waiting for their exam results desperately hoping that they have successfully told the system what it has told them to believe. I left school aged 15 (couldn’t wait) to play professional football and never took a major exam in my life. Phew, what an escape.

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The Wilde Weekly: Perception, Redemption & Personal Safety

Zen-Haven | 

I said in my books ages ago that the global-ego will now take a big hit, and that will force the collective global-shadow to come out. Suddenly we will see people’s evil out front, made manifest and easy to see.

That in turn evokes the ghouls in the demonic worlds and it attracts them, as they like mayhem and emotional confusion and they come closer to humans because they are linked to pain and the hidden aspect of the human shadow.

People who seem normal now will suddenly flip and become cruel, dishonest and cold. We call those people the Swivelers as they spin to the darkness overnight, you’ve probably experienced a few of those people already.

You know your subtle energy is a signalling system, people are pulled to you according to the congruence or pattern that is in the fractal code you emit, and that code is embedded in your life force, that nowadays we call the etheric. So being a bit more serene and Zen and careful is a good thing now.

In the end your safety is linked to your purity, and while you might see yourself as kind and pure, if you are trolling through porno on the Internet for an hour each night, you leave yourself vulnerable.

Similarly if you are fighting with your spouse, or doing dodgy things, pretending to be normal but being anything BUT normal. Karma is very precise; try to remember that, it helps you.

Here are some Perception and Safety Ideas to Remember.

One needs discipline to calm the mind or your darkness comes out and pulls in the ghouls. So don’t allow yourself to spin off on a tangent into some big upset that lasts hours and hours. That is not safe. And don’t fight with people, let them go. Agree to lose, it is safer. Be a Taoist; don’t confront, walk away, keep to your dignity at all times. Continue reading