Stephen Lendman ~ Understanding Israeli Settlements

Steve Lendman blog February 23 2013

They violate international law. They prioritize land theft. They prevent peace. On January 31, the UN International Fact-Finding Mission on Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory condemned them for good reason.

They deny Palestinian self-determination. They comprise “part of an overall pattern of (Israeli) breaches.”

They benefit Jews exclusively. They institutionalize racist segregation, inequality, dispossession, and occupation harshness.

The UN Mission wants them halted without preconditions. It called for “immediately initiat(ing) a process of withdrawal of all settlers from the OPT.”

It wants companies and governments to “assess the human rights impact of their activities.”

It wants them to “cease all connections to settlements.” It wants decades of Israeli lawlessness ended.

The David Project (DP) “shapes campus opinion on Israel by educating, training, and empowering student leaders to be thoughtful, strategic and persuasive advocates.”

They do so for what they should condemn. Their programs operate in more than 130 Jewish high schools and middle schools.

David Bernstein is executive director. “We have moved from a more frontal approach to advocacy to a more relational” one, he said.

“We believe relationships make the world go round.”

“We educate and empower students in both the content and the skills necessary to form a robust network of relationships on campus, and teach and guide them in leveraging those relationships to raise understanding and support for Israel.”

“We also have moved from addressing problems wherever they appear (there are 4000 institutions of higher learning in this country alone!) to a more focused approach in which we pick our spots carefully, knowing that to be all things to all people means that you are not going to be very effective at any one place.”

Its “Understanding The Settlements: A Primer” addresses the growing controversy. It goes “beyond headlines and sound bites,” it claims.

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Why The Ground Liquefies

Stuart Wilde February 23 2013

Liquefaction. When the Ground goes to Wet Slurry, NZ Earthquake (image )

Sometimes the ground liquefies during an earthquake, but there is another common cause that is not connected to earthquakes.

When the Morph phenomena began in 2001, the walls went soapy-looking and people dematerialized in broad daylight. Reality went from solid to non-solid in minutes, molecules became see-through, like little clear bubbles. I could see the flowers in the garden through what was a solid wall minutes before.

Later, I was shown how the earth liquefies and houses fall into sink holes. I wrote about the wet slurry effect nine years ago, it’s here now. Then I saw a vision of methane coming up and catching light. I saw a horse pawing the ground with its hoof, a flame was on its nose, the animal reared up shaking its head trying to extinguish the fire.

In the end, Gaia has to clean the world of chemicals, oil and human pollution, so by Morphing the ground to slurry, entire cities sink in minutes. Right now the sinkholes go down 30 feet or so, but in the end the Morph takes things down a mile or two. Then the earth surface goes solid once more and vegetation starts to grow again.

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Resonance (Beings Of Frequency) [Audio]

Alchemy Radio February 2 2013 (Thanks, Soren)

FrequencyJames Russell is producer of the recent documentary, ‘Resonance – Beings Of Frequency’, a sensational eye-opening documentary which reveals the harm we are doing by existing in an ocean of man made wireless frequencies.

Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, which was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. and Inevitably, it began tuning in.

By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.

Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronises our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of wellbeing.

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Hope Or Trust

Energetic Connection February 22 2013

hopeHope is a four-letter word.

The dictionary defines hope as “desire accompanied with expectation for fulfillment.” My definition is similar, yet much less accommodating and certainly not so nice! Here it is:

H stands for helplessness. O stands for oppressed. P stands for passive. E stands for expectation.

michele geyerI stay away from that word, recently replacing it with “trust.” Trust carries a higher vibration, and “hope” is often just a mere step above victim, breeding powerlessness like a rabbit.

That’s part of a 2010 repost from my blog series on self-mastery and the levels of consciousness. SInce that time, so much more has been uncovered about languaging, visualization, brain waves, subconscious states and responses as they relate to our human potential to create and manifest.

Consider our constant state of transitional and evolutionary experiences: many of us are in a sort of post-pinnacle-limbo-state-of-being and even a bit of hopelessness right now. What we thought we knew last year, in fact the shift that so many looked upon hopefully, has not actualized in our 3D world. It’s just not manifest, here, now, in the way so many believed it would or could be.

Even so, and even more importantly now, it is our “job” to sustain the vision of peace, ascension, sanctuary, evolution, the betterment of mankind and our relationship to the planet…however we might “see it” as individuals.

Instead of hoping it will be, trust that it already exists.

The Western Mystery traditions use visioning practices to explore the inner realms, to invoke the divine and create sanctuary, often to evoke positive outcomes for the greater good. Essentially they use magic to hold ceremonial space, a picture of the inner temple and other realms.

There is no hoping involved. It’s an exercise of certainty and trust in both individuals and the group to make real what exists on the astral planes.

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3,000-Year-Old Pyramid Of Pharaoh’s Adviser Discovered In Luxor

RT News February 21 2013

Reuters / Asmaa Waguih

An ancient Egyptian pyramid dating back more than 3,000 years has been discovered in the city of Luxor. The monument was built for an adviser to King Ramses II’s vizier Khay.

The remains were unearthed during excavations on the hill of Sheikh Abdel Qurna, by the Belgian archaeological mission from the Free University of Brussels and Liege.

The mud-brick pyramid, whose original height was 15 meters, comes with quite a history.

“Stamp impressions on the bricks indicate that the pyramid belongs to a vizier of Upper and Lower Egypt named Khay, who held this charge for 15 years during the reign of pharaoh Ramses II (1279-1213 BC) in the 19th dynasty,” the mission said in a Wednesday statement.

The pyramid is engraved with an ancient Egyptian scene depicting the god Ra-Hurakhti.

“The monument was largely dismantled in the 7th and 8th century AD, when the tomb was transformed into a Coptic hermitage,” it said.

The discovery is believed to be of major importance “since the vizier Khay was known to Egyptologists by a large number of documents but the location of his tomb remained undiscovered,” the mission said.

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