Stephen Lendman ~ Peace Process Pretense

SteveLendmanBlog May 28 2013


Peace process initiatives were stillborn from inception. Decades of futility define them. Palestinians genuinely want peace. They deserve it and much more.

Israeli leaders pretend they care. Doing so conceals their dark agenda. They deplore peaceful conflict resolution. They prioritize violence and instability.

They want all valued parts of Judea and Samaria exclusively for Jews. They want Palestinians occupied, exploited, abused and denied. They don’t negotiate. They demand.

On February 1, Hillary Clinton stepped down as Secretary of State. John Kerry replaced her. He’s made four Middle East trips so far. He’s up to no good.

Key is assuring support for Washington’s imperial agenda. He wants peace process hypocrisy restarted. He and Netanyahu plot privately. Abbas is pressured to go along.

He’s a longtime Israeli collaborator. He sold out long ago. He provides enforcer services. He’s well compensated for doing so. He pretends concern for his own people. He never did before. He doesn’t now.

Whether he’ll accede to Kerry’s demands remains to be seen. He usually complies with Washington. Sometimes it’s after pretending otherwise.

On Sunday, he and Shimon Peres met in Amman. They did so on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa.

“The time for peace is now,” said Peres. Throughout decades of government service, he prioritized conflicts, violence, instability and persecution.

With other top officials, he’s responsible for decades of pernicious colonialism, apartheid, occupation, and regional wars of aggression.

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Desperate Times For Vaccine Risk Denialism May 28 2013 (Thanks, Constance)

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American Academy of Pediatrics
Barbara Loe Fisher

These are desperate times for those denying vaccine risks. We know it because we are witnessing so many acts of desperation being committed by doctors determined to shut down the public conversation about vaccination and health.

Vaccine risk deniers are working overtime to restrict public access to information, cover up vaccine injuries and deaths and violate the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking.

No Flu Shots? No Employment

2013 was only a few days old when public health agencies and medical trade groups called for veteran nurses and other health care workers to be fired for refusing to obey orders to get annual flu shots – no exceptions and no questions asked.[1]

It did not matter that the risky and notoriously ineffective influenza vaccine turned out to be almost useless in preventing infection with the most prevalent influenza strains circulating in the US this year.[2]

Proposed State Legislation to Force Vaccine Use

This was followed by the introduction of legislation backed by public health officials and Pharma-funded medical trade groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics in states like Texas, Oregon, Arizona and Vermont.[3]

Their goal is to remove or restrict non-medical vaccine exemptions in state laws so doctors have more power to force vaccine use by children and adults – no questions asked and no exceptions.

Institute of Medicine Report: Where Is the Good Vaccine Science?

In mid-January came the eye-opening Institute of Medicine committee report acknowledging that only 37 scientific studies have examined the safety of the current US vaccine schedule for newborns and children under age six,[4] which now totals a stunning 49 doses of 14 vaccines [5] compared to 23 doses of 7 vaccines recommended in 1983.[6]

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Stomach Ache Remedies – 5 Natural Solutions For Upset Stomach

Natural Society May 24 2013

Abdominal pain
Fennel seeds

It should come as no surprise that in times without pink Pepto Bismol or fizzy Alka Seltzer, there indeed were natural stomach ache remedies, whether the cause be from poor digestion, lack of proper digestive enzymes, or eating a questionable meal. There can be many underlying reasons for a belly ache, including a hiatal hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), but don’t worry – there are natural remedies for these discomforts.

Here are 5 natural stomach ache remedies to replace your pharmaceutical solutions.

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Breeding The Nutrition Out Of Our Food

Zen-Haven May 27 2013

We like the idea that food can be the answer to our ills, that if we eat nutritious foods we won’t need medicine or supplements. We have valued this notion for a long, long time. The Greek physician Hippocrates proclaimed nearly 2,500 years ago:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Today, medical experts concur. If we heap our plates with fresh fruits and vegetables, they tell us, we will come closer to optimum health.

This health directive needs to be revised. If we want to get maximum health benefits from fruits and vegetables, we must choose the right varieties. Studies published within the past 15 years show that much of our produce is relatively low in phytonutrients, which are the compounds with the potential to reduce the risk of four of our modern scourges: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and dementia.

The loss of these beneficial nutrients did not begin 50 or 100 years ago, as many assume. Unwittingly, we have been stripping phytonutrients from our diet since we stopped foraging for wild plants some 10,000 years ago and became farmers.

These insights have been made possible by new technology that has allowed researchers to compare the phytonutrient content of wild plants with the produce in our supermarkets. The results are startling.

Wild dandelions, once a springtime treat for Native Americans, have seven times more phytonutrients than spinach, which we consider a “superfood.” A purple potato native to Peru has 28 times more cancer-fighting anthocyanins than common russet potatoes. One species of apple has a staggering 100 times more phytonutrients than the Golden Delicious displayed in our supermarkets.

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