Transhumanism Debunked

NaturalNews June 25 2013

Comet Hale–BoppIn this article, I’m going to reveal how transhumanism is a dangerous, irrational death cult shrouded in the language of geeky cybernetics. In fact, the entire idea that you can “upload your mind to a computer” is complete junk science quackery, as you’ll soon see.

In case you’re new to the term, “transhumanism” means uploading your mind to a machine, discarding your body, then achieving immortality by living forever through machines and robots. Google’s director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, has been pushing this cult for many years, and just recently he promised that by 2045, humanity would achieve what he calls the “singularity,” where our minds can be uploaded to computers. (Click here for the source of this claim.) In less than a century, Kurzweil says, we could all discard our “fragile” human bodies and inhabit advanced robotic systems as our new immortal selves.

Kurzweil’s cult is so bizarre and dangerous that following it can only lead to a lunatrocity of mass death and deception. Kurzweil’s sci-fi cybernetic mind-meld theories are so outlandish that they make Scientology’s galactic narratives sound like Christian Sunday school.

Where to even begin the debunking of it all? Let’s start with its claims…

How would transhumanism even work?

Let’s examine the claims of the transhumanism cult leaders like Kurzweil. They are saying that by 2045, all the following technology will exist:

Technology #1) A way to “scan” your entire brain and record every neuron and holographic patterning that exists in your brain.

Technology #2) A way to build an equally complex computing system that has equivalent computational capabilities as your brain.

Technology #3) A way to COPY your brain scan into the computing system. This is called “uploading” your brain to the machine.

Once these three technologies exist, we are promised, we can all transfer our minds to computer systems and experience “digital immortality!”

But wait a second. Something’s already missing here, do you see it? In this plan there is no mechanism to transfer your consciousness to the machine. So even if all three of these technologies are adequately developed (which is possible, by the way), they still don’t provide a way to merge your mind with a machine.

Nothing more than a computer simulation of your brain

All you’ve really done, even if all three technologies are developed and working by 2045, is made a copy of your brain. This copy may, indeed, be able to run on the machine, but it’s nothing more than a simulation of your brain. It is not you.

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What Happened To The Mysterious Humans Of The Sahara 7,000 Years Ago?

io9 June 24 2013


The Sahara in central Africa is the largest hot desert on Earth, its blistering sands practically lifeless. But just a few thousand years ago, it was a home to early human civilizations.

Over the past decade, we’ve gotten a sharp picture of what happened to the people who lived in this lost landscape.

Roughly the size of the United States, the Sahara stretches across several African and Middle Eastern countries, including Egypt, Chad, Sudan, Libya, Algeria and more.

Today, the desert is vast and forbidding. But a few brave archaeologists who traveled deep into the western reaches of the area over the past hundred years have discovered something incredible. There are enormous murals of paleolithic rock art stretching back at least 10,000 years, depicting everything from animals to the clothing people wore during village ceremonies.

Often the people in these paintings are drawn with very round heads, a characteristic Saharan style. Paintings that share this style probably come from peoples with similar cultural origins. As the centuries passed, the paintings become more sophisticated and we see images that show bronze age tools, people riding horses, and using clay pots. The question is, what happened to these people? How did they live in such arid conditions? Where did they go?

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About One Week Of US Military Spending Would Wipe Out World Hunger June 25 2013

As continued reports of expensive and devastating military drone strikes roll in from overseas, which have actually taken the lives of US citizens in addition to countless innocents, virtually no one is talking about the very realistic expense of literally solving world hunger. An overall expense that has been calculated to be about $30 billion per year. To put that into perspective for you, the US military spent $737 billion on ‘military defense’ in 2012, $30 billion of which is about 8 days of such an expenditure.

Now I’ll be the first to admit that it is not the ‘job’ of the United States populace and government to go around saving the world in every manner, but it’s especially not the job of the nation to be policing the world through military dominance based on fabrications and laughable WMD allegations. The bloated military budget is funding things like drone strikes on innocents (to which the real figures have been scrubbed by the Air Force), the continuation of an excessive 1,000 or so military bases around the globe, and a series of new wars brought upon by political rhetoric.

But it’s not even about the military budget.

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How To Naturally Increase Your Financial Frequency

Jafree Ozwald June 24 2013

“Life is full and overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out
the old to make room for the new to enter.” ~ Eileen Caddy

Eileen CaddyHave you ever wondered why some people attract money quite easily, while others work 12 hour shifts every day and barely make ends meet? The big difference between these two groups of people is the financial frequency they are sending out. This frequency is a real live measurable field of energy, which is created by the thoughts, feelings and consciousness you have whenever you think about, speak about, or interact with money. People with a high frequency can attract money easily, while people with a low frequency have to struggle for money to flow their way…it’s that simple.

To increase the amount of money you can receive, it’s important to first understand what money actually is. Simply put, money is energy, and they call it “currency” because it was derived from the root word “current”. This current is a flow of electrons that produces a natural electrical magnetic field. The stronger the electrical current, the more intense the magnetic field becomes. The income you make each month is a by product from the electrical current you’re radiating out. The higher the income you receive, the stronger your magnetic field is and the easier it becomes for you to attract more of it. This is why rich people seem to effortlessly grow richer. They feel a higher financial frequency inside themselves, as they see what is physically in their bank account.

The good news is that you don’t need to acquire a massive pile of cash to increase your Financial Frequency. All you need is to learn how to think, feel, and interact with others in a consistently abundant way. Feel the magnetic field of energy around you now, this is what will start attracting real abundance to you. As the great law of attraction states, like attracts like. When you are living from a state of abundance consciousness for many consecutive weeks on end, the physical manifestation of more money will start materializing around you, through you, and eventually get magnetized into your bank account!

“Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money is dependent on your prosperity consciousness. As you can conceive of more, more will come into your life.” ~ Louise Hay

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5 Ways to Re-Purpose Your Produce Bags

Ready Nutrition June 23 2013

CompostIn an effort to be more frugal, I am looking at ways I can re-purpose some of the items I already have in my home. I had a surplus of mesh produce bags and decided to get creative in ways to reuse them.

The next time you are at the store, pay close attention to how many products come in mesh bags: Potatoes, onions, garlic, apples, oranges, popsicles and many more. They come in a variety of sizes ranging from extra small to extra large.

Here are a few ways to reuse them and simplify your life at the same time. Continue reading