The Beauty And Dignity Of The Productive Class July 25 2013

Freeman's Perspective

At one time I lived very close to the Field Museum of Chicago; I had a membership and spent a good deal of time there. One evening, about ten minutes before closing, I noticed that workmen had begun preparing the first floor for an evening event. I had a panoramic view from where I stood at the second floor balcony, and what I saw has stuck with me ever since.

What I saw was a lone man setting up tables and chairs – simple work, the kind that any teenager could do. But what I watched this man do was every bit as beautiful as dance. He moved with integrity, with precision, and with intent. He carefully spaced the tables in a precise geometry, he moved every chair with efficiency. This was more than just work; it was also art. This man knew that he was doing his job well, and, perhaps most importantly, he enjoyed doing it well.

I was transfixed by it all, and I stood there until the guards asked me to leave. And even then, I moved very slowly until I lost sight of him.

There is real beauty in doing a job well, even a simple job. It is our great loss that this form of beauty is never mentioned in public these days – double-sad, because at one time, such beauty was acknowledged.

This brings us to an obvious question: What happened? How did we lose the beauty and dignity of work? I’ll answer that in a moment, but first I want to explain what I mean by “the productive class.”

What Is The Productive Class?

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Essential Oils Oregano, Rosemary, Effective In Ringworm Treatment

NaturalSociety  July 25 2013

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin, most commonly treated with over-the-counter creams. But this infection is notoriously resistant to treatment and often comes back again and again. Of course there are numerous home remedies for ringworm, with a recent study indicating that essential oils may be as effective (if not more effective) than conventional treatments for ringworm, giving us another natural remedy to add to our “medicine” cabinet.

According to scientists with the Department of Veterinary Science at the University of Pisa in Italy, a combination of 5% oregano essential oil, 5% rosemary essential oil, and 2% wild thyme essential oil mixed into a base of sweet almond oil was effective at treating severe ringworm infections in cats and sheep.

As GreenMedInfo reports, this fungal infection is common in animals as it is in humans. Because it is contagious and difficult to get rid of, some veterinarians don’t even want infected pets in their clinic. In humans, the telltale signs of ringworm are red, itchy patches of skin that are often shaped in a circle, hence the name. Despite the name, however, ringworm is not a worm or parasite at all. In fact, it’s a similar fungus that causes jock itch and athlete’s foot; all three are known as “tinea”.

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Americans Against Congress: Over 80% Of Citizens Disapprove Of Lawmakers

EndTheLie  July 24 2013

A general view shows the East Front of the US Capitol (AFP Photo/Mandel Ngan)

Record-breaking numbers of Americans have lost support for Congress, according to a survey. Eighty-three per cent of respondents said they disapprove of the job its doing, while 57 per cent said they would replace every member of Congress if they could.

The poll (link to poll), conducted jointly by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, has illustrated new heights of vehement public distaste for the actions of the US government.

“There is a palpable unhappiness with Washington,” Republican pollster Peter D. Hart said upon learning the poll’s results. His Democratic counterpart concurred that “now is the summer of our discontent.”

At the same time, President Barack Obama has seen his approval rating slump to 45 per cent – down from 48 per cent last month. This marks his lowest rating since August 2011, when nearly every US politician suffered a blow on account of the debt-ceiling crisis, when Obama became embroiled in a heated debate with House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other Republicans in Congress.

The reasons cited for the lack of support for Congress included the government ignoring the middle-class, gridlock, the inability for lawmakers to produce any tangible results, and President Obama’s policies and leadership in general.

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Be Present Here Now

Terri Newlon  July 25 2013

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Our topic for this week which is really the rest of this life technically would be “Present Moment Now.”

Essentially what is going on in Creation is kind of creating various scenarios that make it impossible to live in the future or live in the past. At least not with comfort anyway.

So it’s about really disciplining yourself to come to the present moment, be right here, right now. And then that is where one can experience things like bliss, nirvana, or the absence of a state of pain consciousness or the dissolving of the pain body coming to the present moment.

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4 Tips For Minimizing Detox Side Effects And A Healing Crisis

NaturalSociety  July 24 2013

Many people have this wonderful idea of how a detox will feel—they imagine they will feel light, energetic, and generally amazing. After all, the detox is all about getting rid of the bad stuff, right? While it’s true that a detox is designed to rid your body of harmful toxins and “bad stuff”, it isn’t always fun for everyone – at least during the detox process. Although the end result can feel amazing, the process of detoxing can come with some rough side effects due to the exiting of toxic waste. We call this a “healing crisis.” But there are measures to take to reduce detox side effects and lessen the healing crisis.

When you detox, your body is purging itself of impurities. You’ve been walking around with toxins from the air, your food, medications, and more, for who-knows how long. Your body is used to it—this is it’s “normal”. When you disrupt the normal, toxic state, you are bound to feel some not-so-great effects, many of which are due to the toxins being released into the bloodstream and digestive system, before they are expelled from the body.

There are several things you can do to reduce the negative feelings associated with detoxing.

Reducing Detox Side Effects and Lessening a Healing Crisis

1. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is perhaps the most important tip for minimizing detox side effects during any detoxification protocol or fast. Fresh juices, green tea, or plain, filtered water should be your best friends. Flushing out the toxins is priority number one when detoxing and you can only do this when you are sufficiently hydrated. Because you may be taking something to help rid yourself of these toxins (ie. expelling more waste than usual), rehydration is particularly important.

2. Shift into the Detox, Altering Your Diet Before Beginning

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