What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigueAre you constantly tired but can’t explain why? Do you feel overwhelmed by stressful situations and find yourself lacking in the strength and vitality that you used to enjoy? Do have struggle to get out of bed in the mornings even after a long sleep? If so, there is a good chance that you are suffering from a condition named Adrenal Fatigue.

Adrenal Fatigue is a stress-related condition that occurs when your adrenal glands are functioning below their optimal level. Although you might not have heard of the adrenals (they don’t get the same publicity as larger organs like the heart or lungs), they perform several vital roles in maintaining your health. Most importantly, they control your body’s response to stress by releasing hormones like cortisol, DHEA and epinephrine, which are used to regulate your heart rate, immune system, energy storage and more.

When the adrenal glands are overstimulated for a long period of time, they begin to weaken. Typical causes of Adrenal Fatigue include long term stress from jobs, relationship problems or even chronic disease. Eventually, the adrenals weaken so much that they are unable to respond adequately when we need them. At this point, many Adrenal Fatigue sufferers report symptoms like a feeling of constant tiredness, lack of enthusiasm and mild depression. Sleeping long hours does not help – they wake up just as tired as when they went to bed. And they often resort to large caffeinated drinks, sugary sodas or other stimulants to get through the day.

Adrenal fatigue is not recognized by modern medicine until it becomes life-threatening, when the adrenal glands virtually cease to function in a condition named Addison’s disease. But what many doctors (at least the unenlightened ones) fail to realize is that millions of us suffer from sub-optimal adrenal performance. Put simply, our adrenals are still doing their job, but just not as well as they should. This might not qualify us for a trip to the ER, but it is certainly a major issue for those of us who suffer from it.

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The Conspiracy Behind The Assassination Of Princess Diana [Audio]

Red Ice Radio  February 26 2014

Jon King is a published author and optioned screenwriter with a background in music and journalism. For a good chunk of the 1990s and early 2000s he was editor of the popular high street magazines, UFO Reality and Odyssey, an enterprise which led to the publication of his first book, Cosmic Top Secret: The Unseen Agenda.


He is probably best known for his two top-selling books Princess Diana: The Evidence and Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence, with co-author John Beveridge. His latest book, The Cut-Out, is an autobiographical spy thriller based on the true story of how he was set up by MI6 in the cover-up operation that followed Princess Diana’s death.

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1946 Archive Film Proves Despotism Has Taken over America [Video]

TruthStreamMedia  February 26 2014

“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Thomas Jefferson, writing on behalf of the independent-minded colonists in 1776, backed up the Declaration’s conclusion with numerous examples of British tyranny, stating: “To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

Compare them to the United States and global system we live under today

Are we now free? Examine the balance of power between individuals, endowed with natural rights by God, and government, Constitutionally bound to only limited powers, as well as the leading corporations of the private sector.


A 1946 national archive film released by Encyclopedia Britannica titled “Despotism” outlines several yardsticks for measuring the balance of power of a free society and that of an outright a despotism, according to scales of respect, power, economic distribution and information. Concentrated power and wealth, centralized information and monopolistic or oligopolistic control in any one of these areas tends to negatively affect the others, and renders freedom a mere illusion.

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Solving 9-11, The Deception That Changed The World [Audio]

Red Ice Radio  February 26 2014

Christopher Bollyn is an American investigative journalist now living in Sweden who has researched and written extensively about the events of September 11, 2001. He has spoken at 9-11 truth events across Europe and the United States.


He recently flew to London to appear on a program with Ken O’Keefe about who is behind the 9-11 terrorism but was detained at Heathrow airport and forcibly returned to Sweden on the following day. Bollyn has researched different aspects of the 9-11 attacks and uncovered facts and evidence that challenge the official version of events. Christopher has put focus on Israel’s involvement in 9-11, the intelligence agency the Mossad and political Zionism.

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Agenda 21 For Your Own Good: Global Health Security Initiative

ActivistPost  February 27 2014

The genocidal maniacs are at it again. The usual suspects (WHO, UN, IMF, World Bank, US, Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, etc.) have concocted a new scheme which is, quite literally, nothing short of Agenda 21 at the end of a gun, for your own good, of course. It has lovely, soothing and safe-sounding name: the Global Health Security Initiative (GHSI).[1]

Reading about this monstrous intrusion on our life and health, I channeled the new verse that I am sure they are singing soulfully when they give throat to the Kill The Useless Eaters Rag hit(man) tune (perhaps at Bohemian Grove?). This may be the most ingenious genocidal ploy so far – it certainly had the potential to become easily the deadliest!

Here’s the chorus (which, oddly enough, seems to work equally well in just about every language):

We need ‘em dead
Don’t want ‘em fed
Useless eaters’ human forces
Consume OUR non-renewable natural resources!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

And the newest verse:

People are sources of infection,
Vectors of disease in every direction.
Making sure that they are dead
Mean’s there’s nothing they can spread
They cannot reproduce:
So diseases are reduced.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

The Global Health Security Initiative (GHSI) is an audacious new plan to “control” infectious disease and antibiotic resistance [2] which, in 9 dryly worded, reasonable sounding points, neatly wipes out your freedom, your movement, your health choice including your right to refuse vaccines or other “treatment” and, in fact, you very right to be alive[3]. In other words, Agenda 21 arrives in a white coat with an army of enforcers enabled, transnationally, to do whatever it takes to protect you, including relocation, deportation, and termination. 

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