Universal Debt Forgiveness Is A Necessity

Alcuin&Flutterby  November 14 2014

This article covers a lot of financial ground. A Jubilee (debt forgiveness) is long overdue. Enjoy ~G

noMoney_allBeRichWhen debt is fraudulent, debt forgiveness is the logical and only remedy.

  • Debt or credit which cannot be paid back is never an asset; it is always a liability.
  • All debt which charges a percentage originates in delusion. Debt grows exponentially indefinitely; income and other financial growth cannot do this.
  • The total amount of money in circulation today in the West can only pay for a tiny fraction of the total private and public debt in the West. This fact is evidence of systemic fraud.
  • Debt is manufactured through fraudulent means to reward a creative criminal élite.
  • If the intention of a financial transaction tied to a loan, or tied to a financial inducement, is extortion, if it is, in effect, an élite bankster scheme to bamboozle the borrower with small print or to blind him with science, that loan or inducement, should be struck off the record immediately and completely. The debt was not incurred with the informed consent of the borrower. The debt did not benefit the borrower. And the élite lender was well aware of these facts when the loan papers were signed.
  • You cannot solve the debt problem by issuing more debt. You solve the debt problem by cancelling, completely, all national, corporate and personal debt. You do this simultaneously across the planet, and you do it permanently

You don’t need a slide rule, a set of log tables or a high frequency trading algorithm to see the light. Everyone on Main Street now knows that the Western cabal’s fixation with fiat-paper capitalism is a busted flush. Debt does not work as the basis of a global financial system.

Behind the scenes, all the indications are that universal debt forgiveness is set to be announced. A global debt jubilee is waiting in the wings. The Doctrine of Odious Debts has been spectacularly revisited. The default position of the global financial system is to be permanently reset. The vaults are stocked. The precious metals are audited. The new gold-backed regional currencies are printed, minted and ready.
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