Where Do Our Emotional Responses Come From? Are They Truly Ours?

“Your experience is completely unique. There is no point in comparing yourself to your friends, family members, models or actors on TV. They are not you so their experience can never match your own.” D Fagan

Last night, my sister and I drove our separate ways. She went to spend the night at my parents’ house that I recently moved from and I continued driving to my new home. I thought how the parting of ways was symbolic and said to myself, “Wow, this is sad.” But when I tried to feel the truth of that statement, I only found happiness. I found joy and excitement at the thought of my new life and decided to choose my emotion instead of a programmed one.

It led me to an interesting thought, “What percentage of my thoughts and emotions are based on what I think I should  be thinking and feeling? And how much of it is actually genuine?”

Do We Learn Our Emotional Responses From Others?

We often imitate the reactions of those we see in Hollywood movies or of our family and friends. This mentality is tribal. By mimicking those around us, we feel like we belong. Even with age and experience we still often limit our individuality and follow the crowd. But as conscious individuals, we begin to strip away the old beliefs and walk our own path. Continue reading

Understanding The Illusion Of Money And The Economic System Construct

“The world does not have to be in poverty and conflict. It is manipulated to be that way to serve the bloodline agenda for global dictatorship.” J Websdale

The name ‘Rothschild’ first appeared in the 18th century when Mayer Amschel Bauer established his banking empire in Frankfurt, Germany, and changed the family name. The Bauers were a notorious satanic family in Middle Ages Germany and the major Rothschilds remain master black magicians to this day. Mayer Amschel’s father, Moses Amschel Bauer, was a moneylender and proprietor of a counting house.

The Rothschild dynasty is controlled by the family’s satanic magicians who know how reality works and how they can manipulate energy and human perception. They know that money, like everything else, is energy and they have set up the financial system to exploit this knowledge. People talk about ‘flows of money’, but it is really flows of energy and they have created an energetic construct that ensures that the energy of money flows to them. We call this construct the ‘economic system’ or ‘the economy’ and it appears to consist of banks, financial houses, stock markets and other forms of trading; but all of these entities are just acupuncture points on the meridians of money to ensure that the wealth of the world flows to the bloodline families. It is because of this that the Rothschilds count their wealth in multiples of trillions and more. Continue reading

A Recipe For Fat Flush Water (It Literally Flushes Fat)

“Often a lack of energy and even headaches throughout the day are simply caused by mild dehydration. It is a good idea to make a conscious effort to drink more water. A little extra is definitely better than not enough!” A Ketler

flushYou may have heard some of the hype about “Fat Flush Water.” But how exactly does water flush fat out of your system? Clearly, water is not some kind of magic diet supplement. Your body needs enough water everyday to keep hydrated and cleanse itself of unwanted materials. Fat deposits that form on the body can be tough to break down and eliminate, but proper nutrition and exercise can help greatly with this.

Fat is broken down when the body uses its fat deposits to produce energy, the triglycerides in the fat cells are removed. Then, these are broken down into fatty acids and glycerols and are then absorbed into your muscle tissue and internal organs where they are then broken down even further through various chemical processes. If the products leftover from these chemical processes are not used by the body as energy, they are then considered waste products and need to be removed from the body. This is where the role of water comes in. Continue reading

Is Looking Back Really Going Forward?

“There will be a weak point where the people trying to implement this tyrannical control grid will be vulnerable, and that is when we need to be strong and resilient and speak our truth loud and clear.” P Parker

EarthGridTimes are changing. Rapidly. For those of us who are seeing the bigger picture, there is an agenda coming in that is sweeping across the planet like a plague of locusts across our fertile land. Nation states are being destroyed before our very eyes. Countries have lost their sovereignties to a corporate takeover called ‘Unified Commercial Code’. We no longer live in a world where you know the truth as so much deception and lies have been spread, that it is very difficult to get to the very bottom of this mess. The Constitution of America was actually suspended in 1933. The UK lost its sovereignty by being hoodwinked into the European Union.

Unless you have the tools to deal with this when first encountering this knowledge, you can find yourself in a very bewildering and sometimes, impossible position. There is one very quick solution to this which is ‘NEVER COMPROMISE YOURSELF’. Sounds too easy. Well for most people I would dare to suggest, it isn’t.

I know I have struggled to come to terms with these simple few words all my life, and I am finally understanding how this can be achieved. Through a deep analysis of yourself, and the nature of your reality, and maybe with a little help and guidance, you can begin to understand who you are, and why you should never compromise your true self.

What’s Up With This World?

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The Golden Key: The Balance of Power

 “. . . you are creator beings. You are walking, conscious creators on planet Earth, and the beauty of it is you have the ability to create everything in front of you.” The Group

A Higher Vision

DreamtimeGreetings, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time. I have moved forward into what you call the group because today I will speak of where you are at this junction of time and space, which is so beautiful. You have been here before to experience very similar energies. Now is a unique time, because many of these challenges on Earth have come from the junctions where realities cross and leave permanent imprints. Let us explain.

Your Multidimensional Nature

You are multidimensional in nature. You look at yourself and see only one being, though of course you are not just one being. You are multiples; you are 11, let’s say for the sake of argument. With all of these beings going on at one time it is actually a grand torus. almost as if you had 11 different rays of light all moving together. Although you see time as linear on your planet, it is actually in the form of a torus. We will just call it ‘linear,’ because with your limited perceptions that is how you view time.

You see it as past, present and future only because you see a line. Well, we will use your illustration for this. Of course, with the past, present and future, only one of those is real; the present You can remember when you were three years old. You can also imagine what it is going to be like when you get much older than you are right now, so you prepare yourself and move accordingly. Do you know why you age in your physical body? Because you expect to, dear ones. Not too long ago the Keeper heard someone on TV say, “I am 70 years old but, of course, 70 is the new 50—is it not?” You are re-defining everything in your world and this is perfect, as it should be. Understand that where you are right now is very unique. Let us explain why.

Crossing of Dimensional Lines

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