Christina Sarich ~ Monsanto Wants 14-Year Reuters Veteran Reporter Fired For Talking About GMO Dangers

“What is happening now with journalism, and the scape-goating of Gillam, is no different than what biotech has done in other arenas. Their decades-long history of contaminating this planet and its people with dangerous chemicals is well known, in part due to efforts like those of Gillam, and other writers like myself who are willing to stay staunch when shills and puppets try to take the heat off Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, etc.” C Sarich

First Monsanto took over our Congress, then our Supreme Court, and now they are trying to take over journalism. Without freedom of speech and fair reporting, none of us would ever know just what hideous deeds these monopolizing corporations were up to. In Monsanto’s latest inexcusable move, the company is trying to have a veteran reporter fired for reporting on genetically modified organisms fairly.

Reuters’ journalist Carey Gillam has covered issues pertinent to GMOs for the past 16 years. This is no easy task with the growing GMO controversy and its polarized pro- and anti-GMO perspectives. She has tried to present a balanced argument, giving voice to both GMO supporters and anti-GMO activists.

In an April 9th Reuters article, “Bill seeks to block mandatory GMO food labeling by states,” Gillam wrote:

“Advocates of labeling say consumers deserve to know if the food they eat contains GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. . .Makers of biotech crops and many large food manufacturers have fought mandatory labeling, arguing that genetically modified crops are not materially different and pose no safety risk.”

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Freefall ~ Iron Dome Alibi

“Anyone not entranced by Zionist indoctrination techniques view what is happening in Gaza as well as the American bombs once again dropping in Iraq as horrific not only to the countries being attacked but ultimately suicidal for their own.” – Freefall

One of the challenges in this Age of Information of the modern world is how one country can justify the invasion and/or occupation of another while claiming that it is being done as a means of self-defense. Of course, it helps to manufacture your own enemies.

Although not enough information currently exists to fully substantiate the story told on this video, there is now an indication that the American subsidized “Iron Dome” is nothing more than a giant fireworks display.

Even if this is untrue, I don’t see the average Israeli needing any reason at all to kill Palestinians other than continuing to carry around their twisted “Master Race” mentality.   But the rest of the world may find it of interest.

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280 Trucks With Russian Humanitarian Aid Depart To E. Ukraine [Video]

Humanitarian AidTrucks carrying food, medication, and drinking water have been sent towards the border with Ukraine by Russia’s Emergencies Ministry on Tuesday morning.


Almost 300 trucks carrying 2,000 tons of humanitarian aid have been sent towards the border with Ukraine, Moscow regional authorities say. Earlier, Russia and Ukraine agreed on a humanitarian mission under the authority of the Red Cross.

Some 280 Kamaz trucks carrying food, medication, and drinking water were sent out by Russia’s Emergencies Ministry from the Moscow region on Tuesday morning, Russian media reported.

“The contact group has decided on Monday that the humanitarian aid convoys will cross over at the Kharkov Oblast border. The Lugansk route has also been agreed upon,” Leonid Kuchma, Ukraine’s second President and the mediator in the operation told journalists.

He added that “the aid will be distributed by the Red Cross – the convoy will be accompanied by representatives from the OSCE.”

“The convoy will deliver to the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine around 2,000 tons of humanitarian aid collected by Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region,” the administration of the Moscow region told Ria Novosti.

Among the provisions is also aid from Ukraine, the United States and the European Union.

It includes 400 tons of grains, 100 tons of sugar, and 62 tons of baby food, as well as 54 tons of medical equipment and medication. The convoy will also deliver around 12,000 sleeping bags and 69 power generators of various types.

“It is of the utmost importance that the distribution be carried out in hospitals, kindergartens, foster homes and other institutions helping the needy and underprivileged. Not a gram must reach the militants,” Kuchma, told journalists.

The humanitarian mission is carried out without any participation of the Russian military, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov emphasized earlier.

Russian President Vladimir Putin told European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso earlier on Monday that Russia, in cooperation with representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross, is sending a humanitarian convoy to Ukraine.


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Laura Bruno ~ Discernment Reminders

iceage_flowerI have posted (and reposted) these Seven Discernment Reminders before, but given the intensity of our times, these reminders need to go up again. Many people — myself included — are facing decisions with potentially enormous impact. To outside observers, those decisions might seem odd, fear-based, out of left field or downright crazy. That’s why it’s so important to clear our energy fields, pray for extremely clear guidance, pay attention to our surroundings and our inner terrain .. and … perhaps most importantly: to be honest with ourselves about what we do or do not seek.

If what we seek happens to differ radically from what those around us would seek in our place, what matters (as in creates matter/reality) is actually what we seek, on our deepest levels. Surface layers of “liberation” may not represent the deepest levels for us. Best to know what those are before making life-altering decisions. 😉 As Abraham-Hicks says, “Follow the Relief.” When you make a decision and that peace which surpasses all understanding covers you, then you know you’re on the right track for you, right now.

Seven Discernment Reminders

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Chris Hedges ~ Let My People Go

“The road to justice will be long and hard. But there is no turning back, for we are no longer driven by a vision of suffering but possessed by it. We hear the cries from Gaza. We carry these cries within us. We will not rest until there is a balm to anoint the afflicted. We will not rest until there is comfort and justice for the oppressed. We will not rest until the children of Gaza have their childhood returned to them. We will not rest until the people of Gaza, no longer imprisoned, live in a free and independent Palestine.” – C Hedges

 A Palestinian walks away from his house, destroyed by an Israeli strike, in the Gaza City neighborhood of Shijaiyah. AP/Lefteris Pitarakis
A Palestinian walks away from his house, destroyed by an Israeli strike, in the Gaza City neighborhood of Shijaiyah. AP/Lefteris Pitarakis

God’s covenant in the Promised Land was not made with those who pilot F-16 fighter jets that drop 1,000-pound iron fragmentation bombs over the concrete hovels of Gaza. It was not made with those operating Apache or Cobra attack helicopters that unleash lethal fire over crowded refugee camps. It was not made with drone operators that clinically kill children … outside mosques. It was not made with M-60 tank units and artillery crews that murder families huddled in terror in their homes. It was not made with those on gunboats that slaughter boys playing on a beach. It was not made with those that fire Sidewinder missiles and drop 250-pound “smart bombs” on apartment blocks. It was not made with snipers from the Golani Brigade that gun down unarmed men and women for sport. It was not made with occupiers that reduce an entire people to a starvation diet—indeed count the calories to keep them barely alive—or to those who use words like “mowing the lawn” to justify the indiscriminant slaughter of innocents.

God’s covenant in the Promised Land was not made with politicians—including every member of the U.S. Senate—that mouth words for peace and perpetuate war, that call for justice and perpetuate injustice, that refuse to stand up for the rule of law and the right of a captive people to be free.


By clicking here you can see Chris Hedges deliver his speech (transcript below) in a video made by Leigha Cohen. Hedges spoke Saturday at a New York City rally and march in support of the people of Gaza. The address was inspired in part by a short essay on Facebook by Naomi Wolf.

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