Are There No Hard Limits On Financial Finagling?

The hard limits are hidden, and we will discover them only when it’s too late to modify the self-destructive behavior and policies we’ve pursued as “safe” and “forever.”

CharlesHughSmithWhy do hard limits matter? Because we only change when we’ve run up against them. Those extra few pounds we’ve put on? Humans being what they are, few change their behavior before the heart attack: the extra pounds stimulate high-minded attempts at reform that are soon abandoned as too painful and difficult. It takes the hard limit of a heart attack–change your diet and fitness or die–to actually trigger transformative changes.

This same dynamic is repeated throughout human life: debt piles up and we reckon we can maintain our Status Quo lifestyle with a consolidation loan, etc., but the only thing that really forces transformative change in spending/saving behavior is the hard limit of no more credit/bankruptcy.

Life without hard limits is a series of phony reforms to placate critics, fudged numbers, self-serving justifications and doing whatever is necessary in terms of appearances to keep doing what we’re doing: make a show of skipping dessert in front of others, and then consume a carton of ice cream at home when nobody’s looking.

We avoid change, pain and difficult endeavors if at all possible. This makes short-term sense: why take on the risks of changing what’s worked for years/decades?

What do I mean by financial finagling? I mean expanding claims on real world assets without increasing real-world assets. Here’s how this works in the real world: Continue reading

Experts: Just 9 Of These A Day Can ‘Bust Stress Levels’

walnutsAre you stressed? Although much of our daily stress comes from financial burdens and relationship issues, sometimes something as simple as dietary adjustments can help make a difference. Even the smallest of foods can deliver some big results. According to a Penn State University study, eating a handful of walnuts every day can prepare your body to deal with stress and anxiety more efficiently.

For the study, researchers looked specifically at walnuts and walnut oil due to the tree nut containing polyunsaturated fats. These types of healthful fats influence our blood pressure both when we are at rest, and when we are feeling the pressure of a crazy day. People with an exaggerated response to stress often have higher risks for many diseases, including heart disease.

Looking at walnut omega 3-fatty acids, researchers wanted to know exactly how plant-derived fats would curb the cardiovascular response to stress. Twenty-two healthy adults with elevated LDL cholesterol ate three different diets, depending on the groups they were assigned, for six weeks. Continue reading

Manuka Madness: Is Your Manuka Honey Fake?

“The easiest and most reliable way to make sure you aren’t getting fake manuka honey is to buy it from one of the 50 companies that are Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association licensees. You can find their list of approved manuka honey producers at” D Alban

ManukaHoneyNZThe world’s #1 ranked tennis player Novak Djokovic starts each day with it. Actress Scarlett Johansson attributes her beautiful skin to it. Millions of people buy it to ward off disease and illness, including cancer and antibiotic resistant bacteria.

What is this miracle superfood?

It’s manuka honey.

Honey has been used medicinally both internally and externally for 5,000 years. All unprocessed honey contains antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and antiseptic properties.

But manuka honey stands out above the rest. This unique honey is produced by bees that harvest pollen from the manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium) which grows wild throughout New Zealand and parts of Australia. This plant goes by many other names including manuka myrtle, New Zealand tea tree, New Zealand tea bush, broom tea tree, and tea tree. It is in the same plant family (Myrtaceae) as another highly-valued medicinal plant – the Australian tea tree – the source of tea tree oil.

Science Sheds New Light on an Ancient Remedy

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