Jonathan Benson ~ GMOs Won’t Save Us From Climate Change Regardless Of What Monsanto Says, According To New Study

“. . . it appears as though Monsanto and the rest have greatly exaggerated the alleged benefits of no-till farming in order to aggressively promote GMOs as the saviors of the planet. In the process, the industry has willfully ignored copious evidence showing that carbon sequestration is minimal under the no-till model.” J Benson


NaturalNews ~ A major tenet of the biotechnology model of agriculture is that genetically modified (GM) crops help mitigate climate change by sequestering more carbon into the soil. But a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change has determined this to be patently false, showing that no-till farming methods perform similarly to conventional plowing methods in terms of actual carbon sequestration.

Chemical companies like Monsanto have long claimed that no-till farming, which eliminates the need for soil to be plowed under in order to eradicate weeds, is preferable because it doesn’t disrupt the soil and thus release carbon into the atmosphere. Climate change apologists have long claimed that soil carbon release is responsible for global warming and that no-till farming methods prevent this phenomenon from occurring.

But as it turns out, no-till farming only sequesters carbon near the surface of the soil, with far lower accumulations than previously assumed at deeper levels. What this suggests is that the net accumulation of organic carbon in no-till soil is small, at best, and most likely negligible. In other words, GM crop technologies do not actually address climate change any better than conventional growing technologies.

“Over-stating the climate change benefits of no-till is serious as it gives a falsely optimistic message of the potential to mitigate climate change through altered agricultural practices,” stated Prof. David Powlson, a co-author of the study from Rothamsted Research in the UK. Continue reading

Nick Hodge ~ Fergustan, USA

I’m not sure I can find the words to convey what the events of Ferguson say about the state of this country and what it means for you and your future.

Or the words to explain why the clear signs that an event like this was imminent were ignored.

I don’t know why a cop needs to shoot an unarmed teenager six times. I don’t know why the government hasn’t released information that could clear up the details.

There is much I don’t know.

There is much I’d like to know…

I’d like to know if I, too, could be shot down by an officer of the law while unarmed.

I’d like to know why the initial response to a constitutionally-protected right to assemble looks like this:



I’d like to know why, in the age of social media, I was able to read on-location reports and see live footage of what was going on in Ferguson hours and hours before it appeared on a major news affiliate. Continue reading

Alfred Webre ~ Plan A Is Martial Law; Plan B Is Ebola. Awareness And Critical Mass Undo NWO Plans [Video]

VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging conversation on American Liberty Live with host Jeffrey Sisk, Alfred Lambremont Webre reveals and discusses an Illuminati depopulation plan to collapse the constitutional order and population in the USA under the rubric “Plan A is Martial Law; Plan B is Ebola”.  Alfred explains how Awareness and Critical mass can deconstruct planned extermination.  Continue reading . . .

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SF Source Alfred Lambremont Webre  August 18 2014