Popular “Non-GMO” Tortilla Chips Found to Contain 75% GMOs

xochitlDo you do your best to avoid GMOs in food by reading labels and only buying from trusted brands? Well how would you feel if you found out that a popular brand of tortilla corn chips that you’ve been buying – specifically because their packaging states they are GMO-free – was FULL of GMO corn? Yea, you’ve been eating those tasty little chips like they were going out of style, all while potentially hurting yourself without even knowing it. That is exactly what’s happening with tortilla chip maker Xochitl, a company recently ousted for covertly including GMO ingredients in its chips.

Xochitl has been printing the GMO-Free label on the bottom left on their packages, branding themselves as a label that consumers can trust. However, after conducting a study looking at many products that are supposed to be GMO-free, Consumer Reports, has found this labeling to be less than honest.

Consumer Reports says that Xochitl has been lying about their GMO content – and not just a little bit. We aren’t talking about trace amounts of GMO corn.

The report even found its way into the mainstream media.

Despite the non-GMO claims by Xochitl (pronounced “so-cheel”) and their Totopos de Maiz original corn chips, the Consumer Reports investigation found that the non-organic (supposedly non-GMO) varieties of the chips contain over 75% GMO corn, after testing 6 different packages. Continue reading

The Truth About Human Origins: Have Historians Got It All Wrong? [Video clip]

Author Michael Cremo takes on a controversial question with an equally controversial answer.

What happens to the ‘inconvenient’ evidence that defies our widely accepted human origin narrative? Watch researcher Michael Cremo reveal ancient evidence that would make mainstream archaeologists and historians very uncomfortable:


SF Source AncientExplorers  Oct 18 2014