Eugenics – Selective Breeding Of The Human Herd

“If going back through thousands of years of history would seems to be too much to ask, then try instead to look into the 20th century which had its proponents of the eugenics movement like Margaret Sanger, a founder of Planned Parenthood who spared no efforts to “assist the human race toward the elimination of the unfit’’ went as far as saying, “the most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it”.” – S Baranov

EugenicsQuarterlyThe Hippocratic Oath written in the 5th century BC in ancient Greece was an oath historically taken by all healthcare practitioners swearing to practice medicine honestly. This oath was meant to encourage integrity among doctors, and ensure the minimization of negative effects their work might have on people. In essence, such an oath would advance moral and ethical thinking and ensure safety of the patient.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, the oath to uphold the ethical standards is taken rather lightly, if taken at all. It has been estimated that only 50% of the British physicians and other healthcare professionals are taking the Hippocratic Oath. Deviation from this ancient tradition in the medical profession has cost countless lives.[1]

But medical negligence or medical error is still a lesser crime than a deliberate violation of the moral, ethical and professional code. A good example of this can be seen in England, where a recent 19 month undercover investigation led by the London Telegraph newspaper has exposed two doctors who agreed to arrange illegal abortions based on the sex of an unborn baby. “The two doctors were filmed agreeing to arrange terminations for women who requested them purely because they said they did not want to have a baby girl.”[2]   Continue reading