The Appointment With Infinity

Part 2 of ‘The Active Side of Infinity’

InfinityThe writings of Carlos Castaneda: commentary by Julian Rose

“The practicalities that scientists are interested in are conducive to building more and more machines. They are not geared to reaching the vastness of the universe as a personal, experiential affair.”

“Someday I’ll tell you more about the forces that drive man to act like an ass. Some of us make sense when we talk because we are prepared to use words accurately. But most of us are not prepared to take ourselves seriously as men who are going to die.
Being immortal, we wouldn’t know how to do that. It makes no difference what complex machines scientists can build. The machines can in no way help anyone face the unavoidable appointment: the appointment with infinity.”

Infinity – ‘the voice of the spirit’ as Castaneda also calls it . That ‘appointment’ is a day of reckoning. It is a space in which we look back and see what we really made of our short span of Earthly life. By anticipating that this will happen to each of us at death, we can scroll back to now, regroup wayward tendencies, and gain greater intent –  a truer focus on our purpose for being here. Continue reading

The Strange World Of NSA Mind Control

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailThe surveillance society is a secretive apparatus of intrusion and deception. An enigma within a disinformation perception of reality is at the core all activities of spooks. One of the most pervasive and all reaching agencies is the NSA. The National Security Administration officially is a cryptologic intelligence agency whose primary function is Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID), which produces foreign signals intelligence information, and the Information Assurance Directorate (IAD), which protects U.S. information systems. The General Accounting Office defines the nature of the structure of the NSA.

“The National Security Agency (NSA) is a combat support agency within the Department of Defense (DOD) established by presidential directive in 1952. NSA has two separate missions: signals intelligence and communications security. For signals intelligence, NSA manages all U.S. signal collection and processing and produces signals intelligence in accordance with DOD and DCI priorities. For communications security, NSA provides leadership, products, and services to U.S. agencies that need to protect their information and communication systems from foreign exploitation. NSA is headed by a three-star flag officer, who reports to the Secretary of Defense. About 80 percent of the NSA workforce is civilian.”

Funding_MajorIntelligenceAgencies_NSAA relative comparison, back in 1996 and pre 911 government of the size and disclosed budgets of intelligence agencies, indicates the colossal scope of the NSA. Casual public observers got an introduction to the world of surreptitious surveillance in the movie Enemy of the State or from news reports that their smart phones are actually tracking devices, even when turned off. But an unbelievably weird episode of freakish propositions, resembling a flick The Men Who Stare at Goats sequel gone mad, lurks in the bowels of restricted files on an Exaflop Supercomputer.

Have you ever head of Lt. Col. Michael A. Aquino? Aquino as high priest of the temple of set, arguably the world’s most prolific satanic institution and a former disciple of Anton LaVey (founder of First Church of Satan), is reportedly a master psychic, good at psionics, and rumored the highest ranking member of the NSA. The NSA site lists former Directors and has General Keith B. Alexander, United States Army as the current head of the agency. Continue reading