Psychiatry: The Modern Priest-Class

 “Do people suffer, do they have problems, do they experience anguish and pain, do they make choices that sabotage their own interests, do they fall victim to external circumstances, do they long for relief? Of course. But this has nothing to do with fraudulent psychiatric diagnoses. It has to do with nutritional deficits, toxic drugs, toxic food and environmental chemicals, abuse, isolation, intimidation, and a whole host of other potential factors.” – J Rappoport

Psychiatry_CartoonIn this society, psychiatrists are the primary definers of mental states. Their efforts are accepted as official science.

The Psychiatric Political State is based on myths and fairy tales about distinct and separate disorders and “good treatment.”

One of the main psychiatric mantras gaining force? “Everyone at some time in their lives will experience a mental disorder.”

But an open secret has been slowly bleeding out into public consciousness for the past ten years.


And along with that:

All so-called mental disorders are concocted, named, labeled, described, and categorized by a committee of psychiatrists, from menus of human behaviors. Continue reading

Catherine J. Frompovich ~ CIA Un-Cloaked – Who Or What Should Be Next?

“The upshot or take away regarding Congress is this: Congress has oversight and needs to get out of the deep back pockets of vested interest groups and their lobbyists who prowl Capitol Hill poisoning the well with proprietary misinformation that, in turn, makes life expensive, problematic, and a ‘police state’ out of the USA.” – C J Frompovich

CIA-BadgePOTUSAfter years of conjecture and apparent “conspiracy theories,” taxpayers in the United States finally are getting a handle – possibly only one of many that could be rendered or available – about the CIA, the infamous Central Intelligence Agency, which should have been taken to task many years ago, in this writer’s opinion.

Is a newly-released Senate report [1] vindication for all those whistleblowers, especially John Kiriakou, who currently is serving time in the federal pen at Loretto, Pennsylvania, that the CIA needed to be taken to task and exposed, something the U.S. Congress apparently refused to do for years, until now.

According to Wikipedia,

He [Kiriakou] is notable as the first official within the U.S. government to confirm the use of waterboarding of al-Qaeda prisoners as an interrogation technique, which he described as torture. [2]

To the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s credit, though, “This action marked the culmination of a monumental effort that officially began with the Committee’s decision to initiate the Study in March 2009, but which had its roots in an investigation into the CIA’s destruction of videotapes of CIA detainee interrogations that began in December 2007.” [3]

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Chris Hedges ~ A Society Of Captives

Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plans to launch a pilot program in New York City to place body cameras on police officers and conduct training seminars to help them reduce their adrenaline rushes and abusive language, along with the establishment of a less stringent marijuana policy, are merely cosmetic reforms. The killing of Eric Garner in Staten Island was, after all, captured on video. These proposed reforms, like those out of Washington, D.C., fail to address the underlying cause of poverty, state-sponsored murder and the obscene explosion of mass incarceration—the rise of the corporate state and the death of our democracy. Mass acts of civil disobedience, now being carried out across the country, are the only mechanism left that offers hope for systematic legal and judicial reform. We must defy the corporate state, not work with it.

The legal system no longer functions to protect ordinary Americans. It serves our oligarchic, corporate elites. These elites have committed $26 billion in financial fraud. They loot the U.S. Treasury, escape taxation, drive down wages, break unions, pillage pension funds, gut regulation and oversight, destroy public institutions including public schools and social assistance programs, wage endless and illegal wars to swell the profits of arms merchants, and—yes—authorize police to murder unarmed black men.

Police and national intelligence and security agencies, which carry out wholesale surveillance against the population and serve as the corporate elite’s brutal enforcers, are omnipotent by intention. They are designed to impart fear, even terror, to keep the population under control. And until the courts and the legislative bodies give us back our rights—which they have no intention of doing—things will only get worse for the poor and the rest of us. We live in a post-constitutional era. Continue reading