The Land Of Don’t – The Mounting World Of Regulations

“Their message is never empowering the people, but always disempowering. It’s not what you CAN do, it’s what you CAN’T do. Restrict, bind, inhibit, control. That’s their agenda and it’s on us full frontal. The behavior of those around us is testament to this. Once you wake up to it, it’s shocking.” – Z Gardner

ShhhFingersToLips“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ~ Cornelius Tacitus (55 – 117 A.D.)

Everything on our planet is regulated – as in, ruled by law. Whether they be outright laws, local ordinances or any type of restrictions, in not just physical activity but also social rules over interactions. Under the guise of so-called democratic societies which give the impression that we agreed to all of this, or even thought it up for ourselves, we now live seriously restricted lives, with the penalty of fines or incarceration looming over our heads if we don’t obey.

It’s all about control. Carefully manipulated control.

To regulate means: “to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.” When you identify just how un-free we are to live, think and operate as we are naturally intended to, it can be quite a wake up call. Most people can see this to some extent, but the full on reality of this imposed prison on humanity needs to dawn on a heck of a lot more souls. The matrix concept is no joke – it’s an insidious yoke upon the human soul, trapping and sapping our very energy while spellbinding humanity with its giant jumbotron of deliberate misinformation.

The Mounting World of Regulations

Just look at any set of regulatory rules. They’re beyond natural description. The US IRS code alone would fill up over 80,000 legal pages of rules and regulations for the falsely entrapped American, binding them to conditions and stipulations that boggle the mind. Or just try to build a house, or buy property, or start a business and the paper work is beyond surreal between the legal contracts, banking conditions, zoning issues and on and on. Continue reading

Is Consciousness A Product Of The Brain Or A Receiver Of It?

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918

brainResearchIt’s great to see that in today’s day and age, multiple prominent scientists from all over the world have started to study and examine several different areas that deal with non-physical phenomenon and human consciousness. Truth is they’ve been doing it for decades, but it’s just now starting to receive the recognition it deserves.

“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.” – Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician. He received a share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963

Consciousness is the way we perceive and observe our world, the way we think,  our intentions, feelings, emotions and more. One of the biggest questions regarding human consciousness today is whether it is simply a product of our brain, or if the brain is a receiver of consciousness. If consciousness is not a product of the brain it would mean that the human physicality is not required for the continuation  of consciousness, or consciousness itself. Continue reading