Bernie Suarez ~ Cheney, CIA Torture Offer Rare Glimpse Into Darkness Of New World Order

“The CIA torture documents that have come to light offer a mere glimpse into the psychopathic mindset that is behind the entire concept of global domination. . . . It’s an organized movement led by a dark consciousness whose evil mind is on display recently for people to see.” B Suarez

CheneyEvilThe CIA torture program is fully exposed to the world and there goes Dick Cheney – still alive, still defiant, still selling tyranny, dictatorship and fascism to anyone who will listen. Every time the man speaks he seems to be attempting to speak to your consciousness with the voice of darkness and evil. The voice seems to be saying- “Bad is good, eye for an eye, survival of the fittest wins, he who has the biggest gun wins, kill or be killed, the ends justifies the means.” Now where have I (we) heard this before? Who thinks this way? Who declares boldly that anything goes, murder and torture is fair game, love and peace is weak and useless, might and force rules, and thinks that we live to kill enemies?

I remember now – its the villains in every movie we watched as children. It was the villain in every cop show we watched growing up. Remember the bad guys that always died at the end? The ones whose missions almost succeeded except for the actions of a superhero, or hero cop, detective, agent or investigator saving the day.

I remember the typical villains in old shows and movies – They never felt like they owed anything to humanity. Everything they did was for themselves. They were consumed in egoism and selfishness. The villains of old movies and TV shows never felt responsible for anything they did and they never felt any guilt when doing something evil. Remember those typical personality profiles of the evil villains?

In psychology there is a clear and definite set of signs and symptoms that point to someone being a psychopath. Scott Bonn, PhD, professor of criminology, and expert criminologist states: Continue reading