Time: Super Fast And Super Slow-Mo!

danamrkich2Has anyone else noticed a difference with your experience of Time this year? I am having a lot of periods where time feels much more expansive. It feels like we can do a lot more in a shorter period, with sharper clarity and focus. We can feel the joy of doing what we’re doing more fully. Yet even though it feels like we are achieving more, it also feels like we are moving at a much more relaxed, stop to smell the roses, going with the flow kind of pace.

This differs to the experience of the last couple of years, where no matter how fast we moved, we still couldn’t catch up with time as it sped by every day! This still happens sometimes. It is yet another aspect of this ‘all or nothing’ phase, where time is either super accelerated, or super slow-mo!!

(c) Dana Mrkich 2015

SF Source DanaMrkich  Jan 19 2015

Studies Show That Olive Oil Benefits Our Heart And Mind

“A lot of people assume that olive oil is unsafe to heat, since fatty acids can oxidize during cooking and become carcinogenic. The truth, however, is that only polyunsaturated fats become damaged when heated.” – M Ravensthorpe

OliveOilOlive oil, which is obtained by pressing the fruits of the olive tree, is considered to be one of the most nutritious oils in the world. According to Hippocrates, it could heal a large number of serious ailments, including mental illness. The ancient Greeks and Romans generously poured olive oil over their food, cherishing it for its pleasant taste and medicinal qualities.(1)

Even in the contemporary Western world, where fats have been demonized for decades, most experts acknowledge that olive oil — especially extra virgin olive oil — is good for you. Let’s find out why.

Olive oil is rich in oleic acid

Olive oil is comprised of approximately 73 percent monounsaturated fat,(2) which includes large quantities of oleic acid, a fatty acid with countless proven benefits. For example, a review published in the journal Nutricion Hospitalaria noted the oleic acid possessed anti-inflammatory properties,(3) suggesting that it can help treat inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Continue reading