When Science Gets Dismissed As “Alternative”

“I have to remember that every revolutionary scientist was first dismissed by the mainstream as “cuckoo.” Then, when enough people came to realize that the revolutionary idea was simply truth, others came on board, and ideas like “the world is round” became mainstream. Note to self: “Lissa, these things take time. Patience, grasshopper.”” – L Rankin, MD

DoctorWithAppleI gave Grand Rounds at One Medical in San Francisco. For those of you not familiar with Grand Rounds, it’s a lecture where all the doctors gather in the hospital to learn about the latest research. The lectures tend to be dry- lots of data, lots of slides, lots of science- and it’s not the sort of format that lends itself to debate or discussion afterwards.

I’ve been speaking all over the country on my book tour for Mind Over Medicine, and most of the audiences are a mix of empowered patients, conscious doctors, alternative health care providers, and hospital staff. I’m also training very open-minded doctors in the Whole Health Medicine Institute, so I have some experience speaking to doctors.

But giving Grand Rounds is a whole different ball game. Frankly, I was terrified.

My talk was titled “How The Doctor Can Be The Medicine,” about how rather than simply prescribing drugs, as doctors, our presence can be a force for healing. I loaded these doctors up with scientific data from our most respected journal, The New England Journal of Medicine, to support my point, sharing the data that demonstrates that the doctor can be either the placebo or its evil twin opposite, the nocebo, depending on whether, as doctors, we are kind, compassionate, and optimistic versus rude, rushed, and pessimistic.

I taught them 15 Ways The Doctor Can Be The Medicine

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Trolling Russia

“This is not pinpoint sanctions aimed at Putin’s friends. This is a full-blown war. If the initiators expected Russians to be mad at Putin, they miscalculated. The Russian public is angry with the American organisers of the economical warfare, not with its own government. The pro-Western opposition tried to demonstrate against Putin, but very few people joined them.” – I Shamir

IsraelShamirThe edifice of world post-1991 order is collapsing right now before our eyes. President Putin’s decision to give a miss to the Auschwitz pilgrimage, right after his absence in Paris at the Charlie festival, gave it the last shove. It was good clean fun to troll Russia, as long as it stayed the course. Not anymore. Russia broke the rules.

Until now, Russia, like a country bumpkin in Eton, tried to belong. It attended the gathering of the grandees where it was shunned, paid its dues to European bodies that condemned it, patiently suffered ceaseless hectoring of the great powers and irritating baiting of East European small-timers alike. But something broke down. The lad does not want to belong anymore; he picked up his stuff and went home – just when they needed him to knee in Auschwitz.

Auschwitz gathering is an annual Canossa of Western leaders where they bewail their historic failure to protect the Jews and swear their perennial obedience to them. This is a more important religious rite of our times, the One Ring to rule them all, established in 2001, when the Judeo-American empire had reached the pinnacle of its power. The Russian leader had duly attended the events. This year, they will have to do without him. Israeli ministers already have expressed their deep dissatisfaction for this was Russia’s Red Army that saved the Jews in Auschwitz, after all. Russia’s absence will turn the Holocaust memorial day into a parochial, West-only, event. Worse, Russia’s place will be taken by Ukraine, ruled by unrepentant heirs to Hitler’s Bandera. Continue reading

600 Strains Of An Aerosolized Thought Control Vaccine Already Tested On Humans

“The Dept. of Defense plan is far more elaborate, however, using aerosolized dispersal with high-altitude aircraft or even dumping viral vaccines into the water supplies of large cities. Such an action would be considered an act of domestic terrorism if you or I did it, of course, but when the government proposes it, suddenly it’s okay.” – M Adams

Deployed Via Air, Food And Water

MikeAdams2According to the document you’re about to see, for the last eight years, government scientists have actively engineered viral vaccines designed to alter thoughts and beliefs by infecting the brain and suppressing genetic expression of neurological cells. Dispersal of these vaccines has been tested via high-altitude aerosolized sprays, highway vehicles, the water supply and even the food system.

As you’ll see in the document and video below, the vaccine was intended from the start to be deployed against civilian populations, and 600 strains of infectious viruses were tested on human subjects. One of the transmission vectors documented in the testing exploited an influenza strain to spread the mind-infecting virus as a pandemic.

The point of all this is to infect the minds of the population and transform people into what the government calls “normal.” From the government’s point of view, of course, “normal” means “obedient and mindless.”

This is all described in a video and a document that surfaced several years ago but which are only now beginning to connect the dots as the medical police state in America accelerates to insane levels of aggression against the population. See recent stories on medical kidnapping in Arkansas and CPS kidnapping of children in Arizona for starters.

Using aerosolized stealth vaccines as tools of behavioral control and mind alteration

This YouTube video, described as a “leaked Pentagon video,” features a Bill Gates-sounding scientist explaining in cold, calculating language how engineered vaccines can “eliminate behavior” that’s considered undesirable by the government.

Starting at the 3:00 mark, you can hear this scientist explaining how a vaccine can “turn a fanatic into a normal person.” A normal person, of course, means a person who is obedient to government authority.

Here’s a transcript of the presentation: Continue reading

Surfing The Waves … And Falling Off Them

danamrkich2‘Raising your vibration’ isn’t an event that happens to us so much as it is a process and a moment by moment choice. It is something that requires our conscious awareness and vigilance in the initial stages, until more and more it becomes our new normal.

Just like larger waves make it easier for a surfer to ride for a longer time than smaller waves, the high frequency energy waves available to us now are making it easier to ride a higher vibration for longer. (Even if that means minutes instead of seconds, for others it will be days instead of hours).

Just like in the surf, the wave can make it easier for you, but it doesn’t do it for you. Just like a surfer uses his or her skill, so too we use all we know to stay on the board: pay attention to how you are feeling, notice what your thoughts are if you are feeling not great, adjust your thoughts, focus on appreciating something, follow your inner nudges instead of ignoring them and so on. Continue reading