The Silence And The Storm

“Yes, we can dance to the rhythm of the Universe and herald in the new dawn of consciousness, but we need to be awake and aware and not in denial or deliberately naive.” – Z Gardner

SkyLightningWavesWaterBeachBoardwalkWe’re being jerked around something fierce but most don’t even recognize it. The abrupt up and down news cycle changes are really doing a number on humanity. There’s this periodic deadness of spirit in the world at large coupled with this sugary news of fake social and political improvements, and then they slam us with another off the wall staged event.

The powers that be seem to regularly recoil for more madness to unleash while assuaging their docile populace. The on/off rhythm of this social programming is designed to callous, inoculate, dumb down and condition so it’s really no surprise if you’ve been watching with open eyes. They keep periodically both lulling us to sleep then hitting us with manufactured issues and weird events to keep us on our heels while we dance the defensive two-step to their music. Such perfidy.

It is upsetting. It can’t help but be.

The dearth of good news while false promises and doublespeak pervade during a blatant societal clampdown is enough to drive anyone to distraction. Which it does. Hence the emphasis on sports, fashion, entrancing Hollywand glitz and the like. What’s become the filler now, ironically enough, is global issues that are nothing but programmed diatribe to keep the war and police state narrative going. “Ho hum. Enemies everywhere, shut everything the hell down. We’re under attack blah blah. It’s all to insure our security and we’re safe here. Yay Amerika. Now pass the deep fried bullshit and shut up, the game’s on.”

The Lull During the Cull

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The First Amendment – The REAL Patriot Act

“Government today has clearly overstepped the mark of its delegation. It behaves as the master, not the servant, of people. And while government exerts control not just over the processes of redress available (ie. courts, congress), it also exerts control through manipulation of media over what grievances are ever publicly discussed, and how.” – E I Smith


Law is meant to protect the inalienable rights of people. But the Patriot Act acts. It does not protect human rights. It is not real patriotism. It imposes the will of institutional government upon people, at the expense of the rights inherent to our humanity.

The First Amendment in the U.S.A. Bill of Rights is the original patriot act. The First Amendment is the formula for true patriotism; a prescription to non-violently oppose monopolistic isms, and isms of all sorts. It is the way in which change is conducted without hostile confrontation. In this way, the First Amendment is the very definition of patriotism.

There are five distinct parts to the First Amendment. These five distinctions spell out five separate rights of freedom, and five stages essential to patriotic action: think, seek, speak, stop, act. 

These five rights and actions of patriotism were formulated by the original patriots through their diplomatic, rhetorical and martial experience against the forces of the most powerful empire the world had known. In fact, the Bill of Rights was originally proposed as a measure to appease the Anti-Federalist movement, which opposed extending the influence and authority of the U.S. federal government out of concern that the position of President might evolve into a monarchy – which it has.

All other Amendments are straightforward and pertain to particulars, whereas the First Amendment is an amalgamation of many subjects because it is the explanation of patriotism, protected as an inalienable right. Yet, throughout recent history, the individual rights described in the First Amendment have been coercively and institutionally stomped out, traded in for “security” from some institutionally-conjured threats and fear based assumptions.

Patriotism Defined

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Transhumanism: The Anti-Human Agenda

“Enlightened aware humans, however, have absolutely nothing to fear. The Illuminati . . . and the so-called Archons (Authorities), mind parasites from another dimension – often controlled or embodied as “authorities” like the military, police, politicians, and celebrities in music and entertainment — can not crack the code of life – no matter what they say. They are low level imitators of Creation and their faux creation is always a really poor version of Reality — a badly-coded matrix of subterfuge and artificial virtual reality, which is laughable and ultimately meaningless.” – U Dowbenko

TranshumanistWeatherReporterNew Dawn Magazine –  At a TED-like techno-geek symposium in the 2014 film Transcendence, Artificial Intelligence guru Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is asked by an audience member, ‘So you want to create your own god?’ And he answers, ‘Isn’t that what man has always done?’

This smarmy remark is indicative of the hubris and arrogance of scientism, the belief that science can solve all the problems on this planet, while scientists can have fun playing god at the same time.

It could also have been the answer of Real-Life Techno-Wizard Ray Kurzweil, Google’s Director of Engineering, whose book The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (2005), is ever so popular with scientific materialists who neither have the capacity nor the desire for spiritual evolution, but have a fervent belief that the shotgun marriage of man and machine is not only ‘normal’ but something to be ardently pursued.

Simply put Kurzweil’s sociopathic quest for digital immortality is based on his fear of death.

He claims to take 150 pills a day in order to still be half-alive when voodoo science will have succeeded in uploading his sorry-state mind into a digital facsimile of his former self into cyber-space.

No soul? No problem…

Since materialist scientists don’t understand multi-dimensional or spiritual realities, they are unconcerned about the details which they can’t even fathom.

And what exactly is the “Singularity” supposed to be? It’s a future mythological moment when machine (artificial) intelligence becomes more “intelligent” than human intelligence.

Kurzweil’s thesis and fervent hope is that it will occur by 2045. He writes that it is “a future period during which the pace of technological advance will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed… The Singularity will represent the culmination of the merger of our biological thinking and existence with our technology, resulting in a world that is still human but transcends our biological roots. There will be no distinction, post-Singularity, between human and machine or between physical and virtual.”

Does that sound like “science” or a religious Belief System (B.S.)?

Illuminati Predictive Programming

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Law Has Been Murdered

PaulCraigRobertsBarrett Brown, Kathy Kelly, and Bonny Mahoney are the kind of people who are imprisoned in America. It is not the perjurers and liars, the torturers, war criminals and mass murderers. It is the good people who peacefully protest the crimes of those who control the US government and its policies.

Since around 1990 I have studied and reported on cases that have resulted in the erosion of the protective features in law that made law a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of the government. Barrett Brown’s statement to the Judge in his show trial shows that the US Department of Justice has been successful in preventing the system from delivering any justice. The US Court system delivers support for the government’s crimes. That’s it.

Brown’s statement shows how the system works. The government brings false charges against you or they bring charges that are not illegal under law as understood. However, prosecutors invent new interpretations of laws and judges and juries accept legislation-by-prosecutor-to-fit-the-made-up-case. Almost never is a jury involved, not that jurors show any inclination to go against the government’s case. However, prosecutors only face that unlikely risk in 3 or 4 percent of the cases. All other cases are settled on the basis of self-incrimination. The prosecutor tells the defendant and his attorney, “you can admit to this and that and have a sentence of 5 or 10 years. Otherwise, we are indicting you with 105 offenses with imprisonment of at least one lifetime.

Read Brown’s statement to the judge. This young man describes perfectly how the so-called “criminal justice system” actually works. I have seen it time after time in cases I have investigated. Read The Tyranny of Good Intentions. Continue reading