Chemtrails – How Do We Stop The Spraying?

All who know about the “stratospheric aerosol geoengineering” (SAG) or “solar radiation management” (SRM) want an answer to the question – How do we stop it?

The Concerted, Coordinated Government Agency Cover-Up

chemtrails2Governments lie about everything. Regarding the issue of geoengineering, the doors to all government representatives and all government agencies have been locked and shackled shut. Those behind the spraying operations have made vast preparations to protect these programs and keep them hidden in plain sight over the course of decades. Governmental agencies like “Water Quality” and “Air Quality” have been structured in a manner to mask the mountain of toxic fallout from the weather/climate modification programs. They have left no stone unturned and no door unlocked.

In California for example, State Water Quality stopped testing for aluminum in 2002. CARB (California Air Resources Board) also does not even look for such contaminants. I personally attended a high level CARB closed door meeting in Sacramento, California, which was arranged by a congressional representative. There were 5 high level CARB officials in attendance. I was told to my face that they are mandated to test for “combustion particulates only”. The rest of the air samples apparently go out the window. Certainly it would be hard to find what you are told not to look for.

The testing of regional air quality agencies is never going to show the fallout from the aerosol spraying as the geoengineering particles are far too small to be picked up by all, but the most sophisticated and expensive and specialized air testing equipment.

Politicians, federal agencies, and government representatives are also a dead-end brick wall. Most simply produce the public propaganda sheet from NASA which states “Chemtrails are a hoax”. “Chemtrails”? Did I even mention this term to these people? No. I supplied data only on SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) and SRM (solar radiation management). Does NASA’s disinformation sheet mention anything about geoengineering being a hoax? No chance. Their disinformation sheet does not even mention the “geoengineering” term (note: always use the scientific terms to gain credibility).

They’ve Sold Us Down a Toxic River

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