Heart Activations: ‘Tis The Month’

sunshineHeartAs the vibration of the heart peaks out from the snowy hill tops we are asked to look at our human heart and see its true value. There are so many flavors of love, as ‘true love is a many splendored thing’. Once love has touched you, you are forever changed. Love is movement and seeks to fly on the wind like a seed of hope seeking abundant land.

Love is constantly evolving shifting changing, never staying the same for more than a fortnight, but leaving an eternal impression that will influence all lifetimes. The saying ‘that love beckons love’ is true. For only when there is love in your heart can you reach out and embrace another. Some flavors of love are only there once for a fleeting moment, never to be tasted again.

Your HEART and the healing of Earth are one in the same, opposite ends of the same rainbow. As this year gains momentum and the sun gifts, us with one solar charge after another, parts of the heart that have been closed down due to past sorrow now awaken with a loud roar. The heart wants what the heart wants, and what it wants at this time in human evolution is to heal and be clear of emotional debris.

The heart is a sacred symbol for the vibration of love. In religious texts the heart has had mystical significance, as a metaphor and as an organ. The heart is genuinely believed to have spiritual and divine attributes. Many philosophers and scientists, including Aristotle considered the heart the seat of thought, reason and emotion often rejecting the instructs of the brain. Continue reading

Stop A Heart Attack In 60 Seconds With Cayenne Pepper!

Heart disease is the number one killer in America today, which is quite astonishing due to the fact that it can be prevented and reversed through proper diet and lifestyle choices. (1) But did you know that you could stop a heart attack within one minute by using a simple ingredient – the cayenne pepper?

Capsicum, the miracle remedy that can stop heart attacks

CayennePepperIn a study published in the journal Circulation, a researcher from the University of Cincinnati, Dr. Keith Jones, discovered that capsaicin, when applied to the skin of mice, caused sensory nerves in the skin to trigger signals to the nervous system, thus creating a “pro-survival” pathway to the heart. (2)

What’s even more surprising is that capsaicin caused an 85% reduction in death of heart cells, which led to Dr. Jones believing that it is a form of “remote cardioprotection,” and predicting that it can save many lives with the proper dosage and applications. (2)

What some natural health experts say

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