Education Special [Video]

Today is the Education Special. We are first joined by Anita Hoge, Karen Champagne and Angela Alef, followed by Charlotte Iserbyt.


Communism Lite… In this show we identify the root cause of this reprogramming as well as encourage ways you can get involved in taking back the education system.

SF Source  John B. Wells  Feb 17 2015

Globalism’s War For Domination

Some of us were there during the struggle to stop the war in another era. How quickly our fellow neighbors forget what the struggle over Viet Nam was all about. For those born after that period of national discontent, the lessons of that conflict seem to escape them. By now it should be clear for even the most staunch supporter of that debacle and tragic chapter of our history, that the only victory of that combat was the continual march to globalize the world community. The canard that the struggle against Communism was wholly a battle between good and evil has been exposed as a false choice. The last remnants of the righteous; namely the American experiment, that once gleamed hope for mankind, dissolved an entire century before that campaign in South East Asia.

What we have three decades later is an overt merging of the underlying and discredited totalitarian collectivism that Marxism represents, with the despotic democratic socialism that the United States has adopted. The demise of our own Republic is complete. The world community is a euphemism for compliance and control. The principle of individual convictions has become the primary enemy for this international cabal of elites. They cloak their own version of dictatorship in benign terms, while they consolidate their global reach and rule. Humanity faces extinction not from weapons of mass destruction, but from surrender to the forces of institutional depravity, that is at the core of the New World Order.

Now we have another round in the unabated and continual descent into the bowels of pure evil. The U.S. Congress and Senate has crossed its last Rubicon, buried the constitution even deeper and marches briskly in lock step to global government. Only those who are in total denial will defend that the world requires the permission of the beltway oligarchy, the sanctions of wall street plutocrats and the arrogance of the “Mattoids within the international community.” Continue reading