Stories In Your Head – When They Help and When They Don’t

storiesThe stories we have about one another can be dangerous. Many of these stories are generated by emotional triggers, which generate our beliefs, causing us to bias our view and twist information to support our bias. Or, we just conveniently miss what is communicated, or assume we know what is meant by something someone else says or does, when in fact, something completely different has been communicated in plain English (or whatever language we understand best on a given day). What’s worse is that we then act on our beliefs and the emotions generated by them, often doing harm.

We also create beliefs and generate emotions based on our stories. We need good thinking to separate the logistical facts of a situation from our reactions, beliefs, and stories about one another. Without this critical thinking, and without the skills and tools to consciously process our emotions so that our thinking can remain relatively clean and free from constant unconscious emotional bias, we can end up in a tangled mess in which we can’t see or hear what is really going on outside the stories in our head and the reactions in our body.

Because our emotional reactions themselves are often based in getting the facts wrong (either deliberately or through innocent misunderstanding), we have to be astute to think well, to inquire with other and ourselves. I discuss this at length in my essay “Re-Thinking Love: Why Our Hearts Must Also Be Minded.” For example, say I believe that my girlfriend doesn’t want to go out to dinner with me (due to whatever stories and past hurts I unwittingly still carry), and I conclude that she is selfish and thereby I treat her poorly, and even justify doing so. Even though she tells me she is just tired, I don’t register this truth and decide that it’s not for this reason. What I have effectively done is risk living in disaccord with reality, acting unfairly to my partner, and adding to the bad story in my head. Continue reading

You Can Be a Gardener

seedOne of the most beautiful occupations on Earth is that of the gardener.

You may witness as a small seed turns into a sprout, and then becomes stronger, striving to reach for the sunshine faster and faster. In the meanwhile, the gardener protects, nourishes and helps the small plant to develop as best as it can. Thanks to the diligent work of the gardener, the small plant grows into a mighty tree, offering cool shadow in the hot summer days and delicious fruit in the autumn, thus rewarding the hard work of the gardener.

The tiny seed of Truth is found in every human being, including, naturally, the Wanderer. Similarly to the seed of a tree, the tiny seed contains great potentials. If the Wanderer protects and nourishes that tiny seed, it will grow into the mighty tree of Truth. Continue reading

Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

receiveTake a deep breath. Everything in your life, right this second is just fine! Take another breath. Again, in this second everything is OK. You are sitting here, connecting with angels, taking time to read something that inspires your heart and soul. You are opening, in this instant to receive our love. Breathe again. Receive.

In truth we are always here for you. We never leave. Our love, as part of God’s love, is constantly here for you. Breathe it in. Receive it. Dear ones, we, the angels, live to love you. We are with you at all times, just waiting to help pour the creator’s love into your lives. It is your choice to ask, your choice to believe, your choice to receive.

So take times throughout your day and breathe in with the intention to receive our love. Breathe deeply knowing you are loved. When you don’t have solutions, God does. When you don’t have resources, God does. When you don’t have strength, God does. In all things dear ones, you are accompanied by all the help, wisdom, love, and guidance that you would ever need. Receive our love. Open to it. Believe in it, for as you do so, you allow us to help you, guide you, and uplift you. Continue reading

Lisa Renee ~ Portals of Consciousness

All events in the spiritual realms impact and directly affect the physical world. All events in the physical world reflect what is happening in the spiritual worlds. This is true within the body and within that which manifests as the external reality.

In this newsletter we will be talking about sex and sexuality as Portals of Consciousness.  The goal is to educate and empower. As we endeavor to build our spiritual house, how do we take spiritual responsibility for our sexual energies? How do these Portals of Consciousness operate? How do we protect them? Before reading further, know that some difficult topics around sexuality will be addressed including; rape and ritual abuse, genital mutilation and pedophilia. We can’t make informed choices without an accurate assessment of the larger NAA game being played down here, which seeks to use and abuse our sexual energies. (If you encounter unfamiliar terms, please check out the ES ascension glossary.)

In our energetic universe, Portals of Consciousness, have physical components that simultaneously interact with their spiritual-energetic components. The physical and the spiritual components can never be separated from each other. They directly impact everything we can see in creation and mostly, they impact what we cannot see with our physical eyes. This is why we must learn to develop our spiritual eyes (inner vision) to increase our higher sensory perception. When we have developed higher sensory perception, we can better discern the qualities of the spirit world. We can be better informed about which Portals of Consciousness we interact with.

All of the human chakras and all of the orifices of the human body serve as Portals of Consciousness. On the path of expanding consciousness and increasing spiritual intelligence, we need to better understand this fact in order to protect our bodies. The orifices in our human body are windows to our essential spirit. When unprotected they can be used by negative forces. It is important to purify and protect the body in all ways that honor, strengthen and love our body, as a direct physical conduit of our essential spirit. One must understand the human body is a multidimensional Portal of Consciousness that is defined by the degree to which we interact with our spiritual-energetic qualities. If we cannot discern those spiritual qualities, the bodies Portals of Consciousness will remain unprotected and can be infiltrated with lower quality spirits. As we learn to protect our body, we begin with the 12D shielding practice, and commanding our personal space as a sovereign being dedicated to serving the eternal light of God. As we become aware that these Portals of Consciousness exist within our bodily orifices, we can direct Christ Consciousness frequencies to these areas of our body to protect them from being used as dark portals.

March Equinox Portal

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