The Importance Of A Kidney Cleansing Diet

KidneyHeartHandsDr. Edward F. Group ~ The importance of maintaining a kidney cleansing diet cannot be overemphasized. Healthy kidneys are essential to a variety of body functions. Your kidneys help detoxify your blood by removing toxic compounds and passing them out through the urine. If blood cleansing becomes impeded, toxins can remain and circulate throughout the body to cause harm.

Choosing a diet that naturally supports your kidneys will help keep them functioning at their best.

The Function of the Kidneys

Healthy kidneys help manage body fluid stability by regulating the balance of sodium and water. The kidneys also manage the balance between alkalinity and acidity, and they regulate the hormones and enzymes responsible for controlling blood pressure. In addition, as mentioned previously, your kidneys help filter out toxins that build up in response to diet and the environment.

See also The Kidney Cleanse Juicing Recipe – Health Ambition

The imbalance of body water caused by toxic kidneys has been linked to negative emotional states, such as stress, paranoia, uncontrolled muscle shaking, general feelings of insecurity and fear, and even panics attacks. Kidney cleansing helps promote the optimal function of the kidneys. When in optimal health, your kidneys can purify your blood up to 60 times per day.

Teas That Cleanse the Kidneys

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The Hamster Wheels of the Matrix

consciousZen Gardner ~  It’s amazing how many come so near yet so far. As I’ve said all along, without a full-on conscious awakening, no matter to what degree people are “getting” what’s going on, it’s still propelling the matrix – another hamster wheel of futility fighting this imposed matrix at many levels yet all on the terms of the control system.

Do we want to be winners for love and truth, or destined-to-lose self-reinforcing pulpit pounding tools of unending futility?

This is where the heart comes in. Do we learn and grow in humility to the wondrous universe and all its workings? Or are we just new forms of egoic expression, lording over others our new found knowledge of the increasingly obvious workings of the matrix of deceit.

That’s a pretty big question.

Chest Pounding Apes or Conscious Administers of Loving Empowerment

You can’t awaken others unless you’ve been awakened yourself. Sure, there’s all kinds of misinformation here to address at level after level, but is our response conscious, fully awake and aware, to where we can offer a true solution to mankind’s predicament?

That takes humility. Knowing we don’t know squat compared to what we’ve come to know is available to us is imperative. But that attitude alone is arguably the greatest propellent to Truth. The hungry, honest, grateful and sincere heart will find the truth, but it will be met with a lot of opposition by those who couldn’t proceed on the path for one reason or another. Continue reading

The Doctor Who Beat The British General Medical Council By Proving That Vaccines Aren’t Necessary To Achieve Health

What happened when a UK doctor appeared as an expert witness to help two mothers prove in court that their children didn’t need to be vaccinated?

A 3 year court case against the British General Medical Council that ended with the doctor accused having all allegations dropped.

Dr. Jayne Donegan

Dr. Jayne Donegan, a UK GP, has lived a most fascinating story. It began with her originally being a very strong advocate for vaccinations, but fast forward quite a few years later, and she now not only speaks out against the dangers of vaccinations, but ended up being taken to the General Medical Council with some pretty serious claims by them regarding her professionalism.

After a few stressful years in court against them, Dr. Donegan won her case. But chances are, this is the first you’re hearing of it.

In order for you to get the full account of what happened, it’s best to read her full story. Dr. Donegan gave me her permission to use her account below:

Dr. Jayne Donegan’s Story

Having trained as a conventional medical doctor, qualifying from St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, in 1983, all of my undergraduate teaching and postgraduate experience in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Family Planning, Child Health, Orthopedics, Emergency Medicine and General Practice led me to be a strong supporter of the Universal Childhood Vaccination Program. Indeed, I used to counsel parents in the 1980s who didn’t want to vaccinate their children against whooping cough – which was regarded as the ‘problematic’ vaccine in those days.

I used to tell them that there were, indeed, adverse reactions, associated with the vaccine – I was not one of those doctors who would gloss over such unpleasant details – but that we doctors were told that the adverse reactions that might occur after the pertussis vaccine were at least ten times less likely than the chance of getting complications from having the disease, and that, essentially, the point of giving their child the vaccine was to prevent them from getting the disease.

I Used To Think Parent’s Who Don’t Vaccinate Were Either Ignorant or Sociopathic

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Waking Up To The Truth

truthGreg Calise ~ Most truths in this world are relative truths. Most of these come from external sources through our five senses. There are entire branches of knowledge available concerning these relative truths, such as science, medicine, history and so many more. Another form of relative truths are downloaded from cosmic realms, whether they be channelled, secret teachings from gods, and other cosmic beings. Nichola Tesla claimed that aliens gave him his unique sciences.

But there is a universal absolute Truth that resides beyond these relative truths. It is independent, sovereign, eternal and pure. It is the way things Actually are. Not what we think they are, not what we assume, nor what we believe things are. The vast majority of people have been deeply programmed to believe an illusory reality that has nothing to do with the way things actually are.

This divine Truth is who you truly are, so you awaken to it. It does not come from external sources, nor is it downloaded from the cosmic realms. It springs forth from your deepest Self. It is a completely different process. You are awakening to divine Truth.

If you were to immerse yourself in Mother Nature and transcend the mind, even for a few moments, you will get a glimpse of Truth. It really is that easy. If you could redevelop that deep connection with Mother Nature, even for a few moments, you will glimpse the Truth. If you can transcend the mind anywhere, you can glimpse the Truth. The more this occurs, the deeper you will travel into the deep mysteries of the Self, as well as the world. What I have found is that this depth of the Self is fathomless. It never ends. For me, it was never a point where I did not go deeper as my journey unfolded. I don’t know at what level one could be considered Self-realized, but a simple glance of the Self, at that moment, one is Self-realized. This is known as Satori, glimpses of the Truth. They can last for various spans of time. I was in Satori for 9 months, and I have satoris of only moments.

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Not Everything Is Predictive Programming

Predictive ProgrammingJon Rappoport ~ The term ‘predictive programming’ is used to describe film and literature that portray dystopian futures, predict these futures…but are covertly aimed at preparing audiences to accept those futures.

Under that definition, any science fiction novel or film could be casually classified as mind control programming.

There is a deeper point to be made here. Science fiction, among its effects, stimulates the imagination of its readers or viewers.

That is a good thing for people who know they have imaginations. They can take off on their own and conceive of other possibilities. They can view reality from a wider perspective. They can examine present trends and institutions and see how provincial, corrupt, and limiting they actually are.

However, if a person doesn’t really know he has his own imagination…almost everything he takes in from the world contains a component of mind control programming.

That’s the deeper fact.

The solution isn’t trying to stem the tide of futuristic films and novels. The solution is becoming more aware; in particular, it’s becoming more aware that imagination can and does entertain unlimited scenarios.

The solution is becoming familiar and intimate with one’s own imagination.

Without that step, a person is only half of what he could be. Continue reading