Orwell And Kafka Do America: How The Government Steals Your Money -“Legally,” Of Course

Charles Hugh Smith ~ Due process and rule of law have been replaced with “legalized” looting by government in America.

governmentDid you know that the government of Iran steals your cash if they find more than loose change in your car? They don’t arrest you for any crime, for the simple reason you didn’t commit any crime; but it isn’t about crime and punishment–it’s about“legalizing” theft by the state.

So the government toadies don’t charge you with a crime or arrest you–they just steal your money.

Pity the poor Iranian people–clearly, there is no rule of law to protect them from their predatory, rapacious, fake-democracy, quasi-totalitarian government.

Did you also know that if you deposit too much money in modest sums, the government of Iran steals all your deposits? They will claim–oh, the twisted logic of Orwellian, repressive governments–that you are obviously a drug dealer who is avoiding laws that require banks to report large deposits to the government. Continue reading

What is Wealth? Lure Of The Hamster Wheel

Part 1

“The first wealth is health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Susan Boskey ~ Spinning on the hamster wheel of progress, burdened by the stress of over-commitment, debt, sleeplessness, and concerns about the future, we soldier on the best we can. Such is the commonly told back-story of modern life. Who knew the price of gaining the supposed good things in life would ultimately come at the cost of spiritual, emotional, mental, and/or physical well-being? The thought of stepping off the wheel may be scary, but for those who sincerely want to take back their life, tangible steps abound to help them regain priceless quality of life.

thinkGiven the abundance of practical advice available to help people exit the matrix and recover their quality of life, part 1 of this series necessarily covers the lure of the hamster wheel in the first place: What is the primary reason more people don’t take advantage of these strategies and tactics? Actually, it’s not all about the money. There is an allegory about crabs in a pot that pretty much says it all. The story goes that as one crab scales the inside of the pot to claim his freedom, the other crabs work to pull him back down with them. “Hey, where do you think you are going, anyway?” Continue reading