Monk Fruit Is A Power-Packed Longevity Boon For Diabetics And Health Enthusiasts

Carolanne Wright ~ A fruit belonging to the gourd family is causing quite a stir among health conscious consumers as an all-natural sweetener that won’t aggravate diabetes or contribute to maladies like cancer, heart disease, obesity, candida or tooth decay. Many times sweeter than sugar, Luo Han Guo (Siraitia grosvernorii) only contains 2 calories per serving and will not elevate blood sugar levels. The secret to its sweetness is found in mogroside, a compound from the same glycoside family as stevia.

monk fruitA humble melon, the fruit was reportedly eaten by monks in 13th century China and is frequently known by its common name: monk fruit. Considered a longevity superfood, local residents of the Guangxi Province in Southern China consume the fruit regularly and enjoy exceptional life spans.

Monk fruit is difficult to find fresh because of its short shelf life and unpalatable flavor. However, once dried, the fruit takes on a nutty aroma and sweet, caramel toffee flavor, notes the wellness site Make Health Connect. Luo Han Guo extract has a clean taste that’s void of bitterness and is useful for adding a touch of sweetness to beverages, cooked foods and baked goods.

High in vitamin C, protein and 18 amino acids, monk fruit is a nutritional powerhouse that has been used medicinally for everything from allergies to heart disease and cancer. Monk fruit also supports immunity and both the endocrine and respiratory systems. Over and above that, Luo Han Guo tea helps to cool heat stroke, reduce inflammation of the throat, encourage elimination in the elderly and soothe digestive complaints. Nevertheless, where the fruit really shines is with diabetes. Continue reading

The Secret To Knowing When To Say “No”

Danielle Fagan – To my fellow “Over-Givers,” I feel your pain. I know what it’s like to give and give and give and get little or nothing back in return.

To give and not allow yourself to receive compliments, gifts, even money.

To “should” yourself into doing endless favours for others.

It’s not a great place to be and yet, when we try to say “no,” we feel guilt. And shame.

So how do you fix this? How do you give AND receive? Where should the boundary lie between giving and giving-so-much-you-become-the-world’s-doormat?

Should we be selfless? Or selfish?

The surprising answer: Both

Selflessness can be broken down into two words: “self” and “less.” You can interpret “less self” in two ways: 1) self-denial 2) self-transcendence.

Spiritual seekers looking to lead a more loving, conscious life, often take the self- denial route and give because they are expected to or because they feel they “should” always say yes when someone asks something from them. This is serving out of obligation, responsibility and guilt. So you may think that you’re serving your clients or your family by endlessly sacrificing your time and energy for them, but in fact, you are only denying the self. Continue reading

The Physics Behind Distant Energy Healing

Life Script Doctor ~ Most people today don’t believe in the positive benefits of energy healing, let alone distant energy healing. How can someone help another person from miles away or being on the opposite side of the world? If we look at the physics behind energy healing, we will be able to discover how distant energy healing actually works.

healingDuring an energy healing session, a client receives the energy that is channeled through an energy healer. Most energy healing practices use hands during the healing process (reiki, hands on healing, etc). There are also other ways to channel energy, not to mention energy-informational healing techniques that go beyond common energy healing and actually fix the true cause of why the person lost the energy in the first place.

To further explain energy healing process, we need to establish what a human actually is. In simple terms, a human being can be described as a combination of the physical body, mind, and Spirit. Medicine mainly works with our physical body; psychology and mind related science are devoted to our mind, and spiritual practices mainly handle energy-informational processes that are vital to human life. Continue reading

Shocking Things I’ve Learned Since My Awakening

Michelle Walling – In this article I will summarize my awakening path through article references and will talk about the most shocking discoveries I have had yet.

It has been five years since I began to question the true essence of “who I am” and “why I am here”. When I had the shocking realization that I was not my physical body, I began to obsess about my soul and why I would put myself into this body in this lifetime. I have dedicated most of my waking time to studying, gathering, filtering, and repeating information I have learned.

Most people who are reading this article right now have been down many paths of realization and many rabbit holes. There is no doubt that you have had some shocking realizations, and maybe some of them match mine. Here are the top 11 most shocking things I have learned since my awakening:

1. Humans are not at the top of the food chain.

This planet is being controlled by what the Gnostic texts refer to as the Archons, which is a small group of reptilian beings and amoeba-like beings that use sophisticated artificial intelligence, grey extraterrestrials, and artificial intelligence to carry out their orders. These beings use humans as food by feeding off of their negative energy. They need energy to sustain themselves because they have a diminished connection to their creator. They exist in a different vibratory frequency that is unseen to most people.

2. The “Harvest” as spoken about in the bible is actually the harvest of energies…

… from humans created by survival, disease, false light worship, and fear derived from economic and political upheaval, religion, population genocide, and war. It could also mean literally harvesting actual physical bodies from the planet that give their energy away by following false light archetypes.

3. Everything we sense with our five senses is a holographic illusion.

Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. We are somewhat in control of what we create based on our thoughts, beliefs, and contracts we made before we came into this lifetime. The rest of our reality is a holographic overlay that has been termed a matrix. The movie series “the Matrix” is actually an accurate depiction of this hologram. We can exit this matrix and return to an organic matrix by raising our vibration. Continue reading

Jeff Rense & James Roger Brown – A Simulated Reality [Video]

Do You Know Why The Hair Is Standing Up On The Back Of Your Neck?


James Roger Brown ~ In disaster, peace, or war, we must survive under the circumstances in which we find ourselves. In doing so, we do not have to be provincial. It is easy to take comfort in the familiarity of a place, with people we have known for some time, shared political and religious ideology, or even with people who just speak the same language. However, history demonstrates to us that changes occasionally occur in the world that render being provincial a fatal flaw. In such times of crisis it may be advisable to closely scrutinize the survival value of intellectual structures through which information is organized about the external world. Provincialism may become a luxury we cannot afford under circumstances existing at a specific time. If an evaluation of the intellectual tools we use to deal with the world determines a certain thing is unreliable, it would be foolish to rely upon others who continue using it Continue reading