Pick A Door That Stands Out The Most. Then See What It Says About Your Future

This test has been shared around the web on a number of sites and incredibly it always receives very positive results.

All you need to do is take a look at the arches, then down the path it shows. The path you choose can reveal a lot about your potential future. The results are usually pretty accurate.


We would be really grateful if you shared this little personality test with your friends and comment to let us know how accurate it was for you. Continue reading

Top 10 Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared

Loni Perry – Throughout our history, most civilizations have either met a slow demise or were wiped out by natural disasters or invasion. But there are a few societies whose disappearance has scholars truly stumped:

10. The Olmec


One of the first Mesoamerican societies, the Olmec inhabited the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico. The first signs of the Olmec are around 1400 BC in the city of San Lorenzo, the main Olmec settlement which was supported by two other centers, Tenochtitlan and Potrero Nuevo. The Olmec were master builders with each of the major sites containing ceremonial courts, house mounds, large conical pyramids and stone monuments including the colossal head that they are most known for. The Olmec civilization relied heavily on trade, both between different Olmec regions and with other Mesoamerican societies. Because they were one of the earliest and most advanced Mesoamerican cultures at the time, they are often considered the mother culture of many other Mesoamerican cultures.

Where did they go?

Around 400 BC the eastern half of the Olmec’s lands was depopulated- possibly due to environmental changes. They may have also relocated after volcanic activity in the area. Another popular theory is that they were invaded, but no one knows whom the invaders might be.

9. The Nabateans

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Angel Messages For April 13 – 19 2015 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Card Reading [Video]

Doreen Virtue – This will be a powerful, pivotal, and intense week. The energy is now perfectly supportive of new projects based upon divinely guided ideas.


You are in a phase of completion, and are being promoted to a new level with a new divine assignment. You’re being pushed to move on. However, the ego is threatened by change, and so it may try to lower your self-confidence. Don’t buy into this fear, as it’s a waste of your time and energy, and it may have you miss-out on this golden opportunity time right now. Continue reading

Radiate Love Everywhere You Go

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~ Winston Churchill

Enlightened Beings – The vibration of love is your most natural state of being. When you are completely relaxed, without any agenda, fear or worry, love automatically radiates from your heart in all directions.  Love will always be at your core, it is a vibration which sparks the light of consciousness within you and you cannot change this.  What has grown over and on top of it through the years is the veil called the mind, which can be filled with judgments, impositions, lovedemands, and beliefs that hide this purely enlightened state.  The mind acts like a movie projector, utilizing its conscious light within to blast a plethora of images onto the world and yourself.  It can be easy to get caught up in the mind.  The mind is very addicting, more than cocaine!  It’s fantastic imagined illusions and emotional fabrications appear very real, enticing and yet they have nothing to do with the reality of your true essence.  You are always radiating the purest source of love at the very core.

If you want to feel more love flowing through your life, and become passionate again, then focus all of your attention and energy (as often as you can) on a genuine loving gentle energy radiating from your heart.  It is a highly contagious experience!  You’ll notice an immediate shift inside and this will be reflected in the people who you hang out with.  Nobody can maintain a contracted state of worry or fear very long when you’re in this loving heart feeling and vibration.  They will either have to expand their heart as well, or leave your presence.  You’ll find that by living mainly through your heart, love continuously pours out on its own into all people and situations.  When the head is no longer in charge, the heart naturally opens and takes the lead.

With the heart as your master, you become like a new born baby again who is overflowing with laughter, joy and bliss!  This enlightening experience manifests because you become more open, surrendered and vulnerable to life.  You become unaware of what others are thinking, as you are deeply connecting with your heart center of bliss. From this self-loving space you become fearless, and can be outrageous in your expression of joy for life!  Crazy bubbles of laughter and sweet pockets of joy are emanating from you all throughout the day! Continue reading