Oh Hill No! Clinton’s Stale Presidential Plan Wrong For Nation

Michael Goodwin – More than five years ago, a Clinton confidant matter-of-factly described for me Hillary’s Plan. She would resign as secretary of state after President Obama’s first term, write a book and then run for president again.

hillaryCheck, check, and, with Sunday’s official launch, check again. Her to-do list is complete.

She stuck like glue to The Plan, which required years of misleading blabber from her and Bubba that she hadn’t decided about 2016. Fish gotta swim, and a Clinton’s gotta run, so there was never an iota of doubt.

But time has marched on and the world has changed, making The Plan, and her, look stuck in the past. What the great Murray Kempton wrote in 1965 of John Lindsay’s first mayoral run — “He is fresh and everyone else is tired” — is not something anybody says of Hillary these days.

She’s been on the national stage for a quarter-century, though because of all the drama, it feels like we’ve lived through several lifetimes with her. Along the way, she’s reinvented herself more often than Madonna. While the spectacle of an aging hoofer trying to keep up with the kids is riveting, the kicks aren’t what they used to be and the odor of desperation is unavoidable.

A presidential campaign headquarters in hipster Brooklyn — really? Announcing on Twitter — really? As Joan Rivers might have advised, Oh, Grow Up! Continue reading

Congress Piling On Amendments To Anti-Iranian Nuclear Legislation

Stephen Lendman – Democrat and Republican hardliners are toughening the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (INAR)

iranObama opposes it. A possible veto-proof majority looms. The legislation aims to undermine consummating a final deal by giving Congress vetting power over its terms.

Israel and its Lobby want them tougher than any responsible government would accept – their way to kill an equitable deal altogether.

Congress is on board to oblige. More than 50 amendments are being considered.

On April 14, Senate Foreign Relations Committee members will begin debating them. Obama wants no congressional action until a final deal is reached by end of June.

All 535 congressional members know Iran’s program is entirely peaceful – with no military component or intention to have one.

They know Iran doesn’t threaten Israel or any other nation. It’s leadership goes all-out for mutual cooperation with all other countries.

Israel, Obama and pro-Israeli zealots infesting his administration know all of the above. They fabricate accusations claiming otherwise. They deplore peace and stability. They relish endless wars.

Reports indicate intense negotiations over ways to amend INAR – largely irresponsibly. Continue reading

Hope on the Horizon And It Comes from Greece

Paul Craig Roberts – Washington in its arrogance, seeing itself as “indispensable,” poses a continuing threat to the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The extraordinary number of washingtondead that Washington has murdered in the 21st century–”The American Century”–is dismissed as “collateral damage” in the “war on terror.”

The war on terror is a hoax. It is a creation of the evil neoconservatives who intend Washington’s world hegemony and Israel’s hegemony from the Nile to the Euphrates. The rest of mankind has realized that Washington’s drive for world hegemony means the entire human race will be dismissed as “collateral damage” as Washington establishes itself as the “exceptional, indispensable country.” The country whose will is above the rule of law and whose morality is non-existent.

The stark reality is that America, which wore the White Hat during the Cold War, now wears the Black Hat, and Russia and China have traded the Black Hat for the White Hat. The hope for mankind no longer resides in the West, which has entered a militarized gestapo existence conducting war against its own citizens and the world at large.

Aggression is the hallmark of 21st century Washington and its captive European vassal states. There has not been a 21st century year without slaughter of innocents by “Western civilization.” Continue reading

Obamacare’s $800 Billion Tax Hike Explained In One Chart

Alex Rendon – April 15 is right around the corner, and millions of Americans will find themselves paying more in taxes than ever thanks to Obamacare.

The law is more than a fundamental change to the country’s health care system. It also is a massive tax hike. As The Heritage Foundation’s Federal Budget in Pictures shows, according to the most recent scores, Obamacare will increase taxes by nearly $800 billion for the period of 2013-2022.


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