Oracle Report ~ Thursday, April 16, 2015

Balsamic Moon in Pisces/Aries (5:00 pm ET/9:00 pm UT): release, dream

Wisdom Goddess: Kali (Goddess of Time and Space)

Skill: open to opportunity

“This little mama owl was so taken with my grandson. He could hear the baby owls in the box.” – Photo by Karen in Idaho

Positive Imprints: calmly transcending, revitalization, imagination, inner wisdom, renewed hope, support, courage of convictions, connections, objectivity, restoration of belief/faith

Catalysts for Change: stubbornness, jealousy, temptation, shadows clouded over visions and dreams, judgmental, mistrust, superficiality, insecurity, pessimism

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it up as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up begins to look like it”

If you knew you were walking through the ages, what would you do?

(Stop to create a picture of this in your mind’s eye. You are walking through the ages. What does it look like?)

Would you memorize or in some way capture or document what it was like? Would you want to preserve something of it? Would you want to communicate or express the scene/experience?

Would you think it was a glorious day?

Air returns to give us a breather from yesterday’s intensive energetics and before the deluge of energetics that will occur tomorrow. Today brings penetrating, piercing personal empowerment that comes from the clarity of, in essence, being in the eye of a storm and safely transported through. If we are able to slow down and go within with conscious perspective of what’s happening, a sublime experience awaits us today. Continue reading

Google Is Not What It Seems

Given the major changes in online advertising it’s definitely time to re-think the way you approach and manage PPC campaigns online. Create powerful and highly effective campaigns that’ll get you leads and more profits, for a fraction of the typical PPC costs.

In this extract from his new book When Google Met Wikileaks, WikiLeaks’ publisher Julian Assange describes the special relationship between Google, Hillary Clinton and the State Department — and what that means for the future of the internet. WikiLeaks readers can obtain a 20 percent discount on the cover price when ordering from the OR Books website by using the coupon code “WIKILEAKS”.


Google Chairman Eric Schmidt shares a joke with Hillary Clinton during a
special “fireside chat” with Google staff. The talk was held on 21 Jul 2014 at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California.

Julian Assange – Eric Schmidt is an influential figure, even among the parade of powerful characters with whom I have had to cross paths since I founded WikiLeaks. In mid-May 2011 I was under house arrest in rural Norfolk, about three hours’ drive northeast of London. The crackdown against our work was in full swing and every wasted moment seemed like an eternity. It was hard to get my attention. But when my colleague Joseph Farrell told me the executive chairman of Google wanted to make an appointment with me, I was listening.

In some ways the higher echelons of Google seemed more distant and obscure to me than the halls of Washington. We had been locking horns with senior US officials for years by that point. The mystique had worn off. But the power centers growing up in Silicon Valley were still opaque and I was suddenly conscious of an opportunity to understand and influence what was becoming the most influential company on earth. Schmidt had taken over as CEO of Google in 2001 and built it into an empire.1

I was intrigued that the mountain would come to Muhammad. But it was not until well after Schmidt and his companions had been and gone that I came to understand who had really visited me.

* * *

The stated reason for the visit was a book. Schmidt was penning a treatise with Jared Cohen, the director of Google Ideas, an outfit that describes itself as Google’s in-house “think/do tank.” I knew little else about Cohen at the time. In fact, Cohen had moved to Google from the US State Department in 2010. He had been a fast-talking “Generation Y” ideas man at State under two US administrations, a courtier from the world of policy think tanks and institutes, poached in his early twenties. He became a senior advisor for Secretaries of State Rice and Clinton. At State, on the Policy Planning Staff, Cohen was soon christened “Condi’s party-starter,” channeling buzzwords from Silicon Valley into US policy circles and producing delightful rhetorical concoctions such as “Public Diplomacy 2.0.”2 On his Council on Foreign Relations adjunct staff page he listed his expertise as “terrorism; radicalization; impact of connection technologies on 21st century statecraft; Iran.”3
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How Much Evidence Do We Need to Take Action?

Zen Gardner – The news pouring in daily about how we’re being scammed, poisoned and domineered by big food, big pharma, big oil, big corporations and big brother is almost overwhelming.

It’s past time to draw some conclusions from all of the obvious evidence.


This is where the rubber meets the road. There comes a time we need to crystallize all that’s being plainly revealed into a very clear picture that brings personal action and a conscious response. The global engineers are enacting a full spectrum attack on humanity, to not just subdue, control and transform the world’s populations, but to reduce it by slowly maiming and killing it off.

The common awareness of these programs extends to such arenas as weather and electromagnetic warfare, radiation contamination and a full on global fracking agenda, full spectrum geopolitical hegemony, invasive medical and pharmaceutical fascism, and the tightening economic vice grip on people’s supply lines and their very survival. Continue reading

We Have A Moral Obligation To Starve The Beast

Simon Black – August 5, 1861, facing rapidly deteriorating economic conditions and a horrible defeat at Bull Run, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Revenue Act of 1861 into law.

incomeIt was the first time in US history that the federal government would charge an income tax on its citizens. But Lincoln felt that it was vital to fund what would become one of the most unconscionably costly conflicts in US history.

The original law in 1861 set a flat tax rate of 3% on incomes above $800.

(Using the gold price as a benchmark, this is equivalent to 42.26 ounces, or roughly $50,500 in today’s dollars. Not that there’s any inflation.)

The income tax was tweaked occasionally throughout the war, and it lasted for a few years afterwards to help fund reconstruction.

But it was ultimately lifted in 1873 during the administration of Ulysses S. Grant. And aside from a single episode in 1894, there would be no income tax in the United States of America for nearly 40 years.

Ironically, during this 40 year period the United States emerged as the largest, most powerful economy in the world.

And they achieved this with no income tax. No inflation. And very little public debt.

Today it’s entirely different. The dollar has lost over 99% of its value. And US debt is more than has ever been accumulated by any other nation in the history of the world.

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Ben Fulford (Apr 14 2015) ~ Former US Director Of Nat’l Intel Dennis Blair Works For Japanese Gangsters [Full Post]

Sometimes you have to see things to believe them. Today, I got the name card of Dennis Blair, former US Director of National Intelligence (overseeing all US intelligence agencies) and former Commander in Chief of US Pacific Forces. It says he is now Chairman of the Board and CEO of worldthe Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA. In other words, he works for Yohei Sasagawa, a man multiple Japanese Yakuza gangster sources have told this writer is a fellow gangster. Here is a link to a declassified CIA report about his father Ryoichi Sasagawa:,%20RYOICHI_0014.pdf

Here is a quote from a well-researched book about the Yakuza.

So there you have it, US top brass retiring into Yakuza fronts. Blair was speaking at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan where he dutifully rolled out the current Washington D.C. party line for the corporate propaganda press. This writer was repeatedly denied an opportunity to ask Blair a question so we will post our question here:

“Mr. Blair, you work for Yohei Sasagawa, a man who creates money out of thin air by fraudulently claiming it is backed by legendary treasures hidden in Indonesian and Philippine caves. Unfortunately your European allies and most of the rest of the world no longer believe the stories of Sasagawa and his fellow gangsters and are building an alternative financial system. My question to you is ‘at what point are you people going to accept reality and agree to renegotiate the international geopolitical and financial architecture to reflect current world demographic and economic reality?’”

My follow up question was to be “The United States Constitution clearly states that the power to create money belongs to the government of the people of the United States so at what point is the US military going to keep its oath to protect the constitution by nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board and freeing the American people from debt slavery?” Continue reading