Watch Out! More Collectivism And “Sustainability” To Come At The 2015 UN Summit

Makia Freeman – The 2015 UN Summit will be held in September 2015 in New York. Like any UN summit, it will be full of UN buzzwords such as consensus, empowerment, rule of law and sustainability, all of which are fake and have a sinister double meaning. The United Nations, founded by the Rockefellers and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), has always been, right from its inception, about creating a One World Government. It has achieved this by appearing to be “of the people” when “of the globalists” would be a more apt description. Later this year, it will attempting to adopt the “post-2015 development agenda” which will be a furthering of its Agenda 21 aims, such as grabbing national land under the guise of saving the environment, forcing people off their land into tiny apartments in Smart Cities, global gun control and global internet control (the latest of its power grabbing schemes).

The Post-2015 Development Agenda

united nationsHere are some of the items on the agenda at the 2015 UN Summit:

– Protecting our planet and combatting climate change

– Building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions to achieve sustainable development

– Delivering on a revitalised Global Partnership (which includes “meeting all commitments on the means of implementation”)

Sounds great and seems so noble if you don’t know the background to all this. However, when you pass the above points through the Orwellian translation unit, it means centralizing vast amounts of power into a body destined to become the World Government, under the pretext of fighting an imaginary manmade global warming or climate change. It also means extending the reach of the UN so that local bodies (local councils and municipalities that belong to ICLEI, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) can implement its global directives and make it look grassroots or like it was locally decided.

United Nations “Consensus” = Bought-and-Paid-For Opinion

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3 Squirrels, 2 Vultures, and 1 Turtle

crashGary ChristensonThree squirrels frolicked in the back yard – they are social and fun loving creatures who delight us with squirrel antics and represent the distracted masses of people.

A hawk (markets can be deadly) killed a squirrel.  Two vultures swooped in to feast on what remained after the hawk ate. The vultures represent High-Frequency-Traders and central banks.  They produce nothing and feast on the efforts of the masses.

One turtle ambled through the yard, moving to a different lake.  He was neither quick nor deadly, like the hawk, nor predatory like the vultures, but persistent.  The turtle progressed slowly and reliably toward his goal – just as gold has been safe and reliable money for 5,000 years.

Perhaps the analogy is less than perfect, but we see parallels.

Most investors will be blindsided in the coming financial reset – as they were in the dot-com bubble and subsequent crash (1999-2000), the real estate bubble and crash (2004-2006), and the financial crash of 2008.  The warning signs were there, but most of us ignored them.  Squirrels are often too busy playing and chasing each other to notice a circling hawk.  Investors are often too busy managing daily lives to appreciate the danger of past stock market bubbles, real estate bubbles, derivative melt-downs, and the current bond and currency bubbles (2015).

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