Is Pope Positioning Himself to Be Head of Planned One World Religion?

popeMakia Freeman – Pope Francis of the Catholic Church recently came out and released an Encyclical “Laudato Si” (although someone leaked it ahead of time and released it for him) focused on tackling the issues of poverty and environmental damage. As noble as this sounds, however, in doing so the Pope fell into the trap set up by the Club of Rome and other elite think tanks of blaming man for global warming. Rather than sticking to a more general message of caring for the Earth and treating the environment responsibly, the Pope’s message was decidedly political. By entering into politics with the Rockefeller-and-CFR-created United Nations at his back, one has to wonder if the Pope is positioning himself – or being positioned – to be the head of the planned One World Religion which has long been planned as an integral part of the structure of the New World Order (NWO).

Pope Francis to be Chief Priest of the One World Religion?

The push to make the Pope the head of the UN One World Religion has been going on awhile. Last year, for instance, former Israeli President (and therefore by definition war criminal) Shimon Peres held public talks with the Pope and expressed his desire for Pope Francis to lead the world into a One World Religion. According to the Jerusalem Post, Peres’ idea is to create a UN-like organization called the “United Religions”. The website also states:

Peres “proposed the founding of a United Religions organization — modeled after the United Nations — to fight terrorism”. In an interview with the Catholic magazine Famiglia Cristiana, Peres said he wanted to establish an international body representing the world’s major religions, as “an unquestionable moral authority” able to intervene in conflicts, “a UN of religions”.

How interesting that the old abstract bogeyman “terrorism” is even being used to push for a One World Religion. The elite must love that one concept of terrorism given how much mileage they seem to extract from it.

Centralization of Belief

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Love Is The True Self As Soul-Body

soulPeter Borys, Jr – The whole human journey of awakening is about emanating love.  Our sole purpose as incarnated souls is to be love, love, and receive love.  Thus, the entire journey of higher consciousness is only about love.  In being love, we emanate the Divine essence and energy.

In describing the shift in consciousness, as well as human healing and transformation, we use many images and concepts of the thinking mind.  The ideas and information include, but are not limited to ascension, healing, evolving, transforming, fifth dimensional consciousness, resonance, holographic frequencies, crystalline cellular consciousness, light and sound, chakras, and the pineal gland, etc.  While all of this information may assist our understanding of how our infinite Divine consciousness manifests as unique souls and frequencies within dimensional existence, it can at this time obscure our only purpose that emanates all of this—it is love.

Human beings in a fear-based consciousness of an overlay thinking mind and reactive emotional system are very poor communicators.  Humanity has been conditioned with static, friction, noise, and limitation that we describe as ego consciousness.  The programmed ego mind system is a duality awareness of conflict, control, and separation.  With this consciousness, humanity interprets a communication from within its own perception of conditioned experience.  In ego awareness, there is a misalignment with Divine love.  Therefore, in the ego there is always misreading, misinterpretation, and either an intentional or unintentional fixation on the separate self.  This awareness of self is not the unique self in unity, but is a compensating self that seeks to fulfill needs without the freedom of love.

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