The Reality Instinct

“Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance; it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality.” — Alexis Carrel

brainBerit Brogaard – Intuition, or what is also known as instinct or gut feeling, can indeed phenomenally appear like it’s a kind of extrasensory perception of reality. Your boss is collecting donations for a Christmas present for the intern. As you are about to hand over your $50, you suddenly instinctively know that he is going to fail to convey that the joint gift is from everyone in the office. You are not sure how you came to that conclusion. You simply had a gut feeling, and you were right.

Although our gut feelings sometimes turn out to be right, it is not immediately clear whether they do in fact track reality. Lucky guesses also turn out to be right but there is no interesting causal connection between a guess and the external world.

Our gut feelings, however, are different from guesswork. They are the product of reliable heuristics and smart strategies the brain is already using to make quick decisions and estimates about what reality is like when time is of the essence. The brain has evolved to conserve its energy and speed up its computations through these kinds of shortcuts. Think about an outfielder during a game of baseball. It has long been a mystery how they can actually catch the ball. This certainly isn’t possible on the basis of conscious decision making, it’s too slow. It turns out that the brain doesn’t even bother calculating any real facts about the speed or trajectory of the ball. Instead, it uses an algorithm that adjusts the outfielder’s running speed so that the ball appears to continually move in a straight line in his field of vision. In other words, through practice, the outfielder’s brain has developed its own algorithm to make it possible for him to catch the ball. It’s a shortcut. Continue reading

Every Asset In A Bubble, Except Gold And Silver [Video]

centralGreg Hunter – Money manager Michael Pento thinks the Greek debt crisis is small when you consider the enormously leveraged global economy.  Pento contends, “That’s why I consider Greece as more of a distraction.  It’s a small piece to the puzzle.  You look at debt that extends all across the planet, every asset on the planet is in a bubble.  China is in a bubble.  Japan is in a bubble.  Europe is in a bubble.  The United States is in bubble.  That’s not just stocks.  It’s bonds.  It’s real estate.  It’s diamonds.  It’s art.  Look, China fell 7 ½ % overnight because every housewife and widow in China opened up a margin account, and now, they are wiped out.

The market in China is down 18% in the last week alone, and it’s got a lot more to fall.  Who is there to support that?  This is where the rubber meets the road.  Don’t worry because central banks have our backs.  When has that been the case?  A central bank can monetize unlimited amounts of debt and destroy the currency.  It creates money out of thin air at infinitum without any consequences.  When has that ever been the case?  I am telling you right now, if the Federal Reserve doesn’t get off its ass and start raising interest rates, the free market is going to do it for them.  That’s what is happening today.  You see the 10-year Treasury is at 2.47% and rising. . . . You cannot continue to print unlimited amounts of money and have everything be quiescent.  It is going to come back and bite investors in the butt shortly.” Continue reading

Infinity And Your Greatest Potential

spaceOwen K Waters – The universe is a giant doughnut! In physics, they call it a torus. Physicists speculate that the universe is torroidal-shaped. However, being a great fan of simplicity, I prefer the more ‘sugar-coated’ term, doughnut.

Moving beyond physics and into metaphysics, which is where all the fun stuff happens, the doughnut-shaped universe is really nothing more than a projection within the consciousness of its Creator. Beyond the outer walls of that doughnut-shaped universe there is no space. Beyond the universe, there is only the consciousness that created space and everything else that makes up our universe.

Space is no more than a concept in consciousness. It isn’t really “out there.” Everything made from consciousness is “in here,” within you. Space is a projection within consciousness, manufactured for a specific effect. It is one of the dimensions in which we operate in the adventure called life.

While everything is, in reality, just plain “here and now,” not really “out there and back then,” the manufacture of a map of projected consciousness created the different locations within this map of consciousness that we see as space.

Space is not infinite

The universe is made entirely of consciousness. The physical universe – the big doughnut – is held within infinite consciousness and is therefore, by definition, less than infinite.

When we were young, we were taught at school that space must be infinite because, if you were able to reach the outer limits of space, what could possibly lie beyond? If more space lies beyond what you thought was the limit of space, then space must be infinite… or so they said. Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Monday, June 29, 2015

Jupiter Venus conjunction 2015

Gibbous Moon in Sagittarius: trust, magic

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (The Goddess Who Solves)

God of Wisdom: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: grasping truth when it glimmers

True Alignments: evolving mindset, reaching out, shifts in perception, the ability to laugh at oneself, creating harmony, tuning in to a bigger picture, noticing and acknowledging the skills/talents/uniqueness of others, inspiring greater things, connections

Catalysts for Change: illusions, reactions from instinctual nature, arguments that lead to stalemate, spreading disharmony/fear, distracted from mission, denial, in over one’s head, meaninglessness

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

A beautiful and remarkable thing has begun in the starry skies and is building through Tuesday night. The planets Venus and Jupiter are moving into the same “place,” shining a beacon as they converge at the degree of the Sabian symbol “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission.”

Clarity about direction, course, senses, intuition, beliefs, information, and assessments is delivered. The energy that is building provides guidance and information — special messages that guide. Continue reading

Project “Make Everyone Germany” Has Failed

GreeceSimon Black – It is somewhat amusing that the word ‘crisis’ originates from Ancient Greece.

It’s actually a medical term; Hippocrates wrote extensively about ‘crisis’ being the key turning point in disease progression– the time at which it either overcomes the patient, or it subsides.

And though the word ‘crisis’ is thrown about routinely these days, it’s safe to say that Greece is now truly in crisis in the purest sense of the definition.

Same with the euro, for that matter.

A century from now when future historians write about our time, it’s highly likely they’ll conclude that the euro was the dumbest invention of this age.

And that will really be saying something because the competition is fierce: pet rocks. Acid-washed jeans. FATCA. Google Glass. Fox Business News. Obamacare.

But the euro deserves first prize in the ugly contest.

The idea was to take completely incompatible economies, pretend that they were all Germany, and put them under one monetary roof simply because they were on the same continent.

This is ridiculous, especially today. It’s 2015. Geography is an irrelevant anachronism.

Imagine jamming Argentina, Australia, Angola, and Azerbaijan into a currency union simply because they all start with the letter “A”. It’s just as pointless and arbitrary as geography.

And when one of them starts to collapse (probably Argentina), rather than admit their mistake and dissolve the whole stupid idea, the bureaucrats spend massive amounts of other people’s money fruitlessly trying to hold the project together.

This is what’s happened in Europe.

Every time they wrote a bailout check or extended another loan package to Greece, all the bureaucrats did was INCREASE their risk exposure.

It’s like running back into a burning building– literally the *exact opposite* of what any sensible person would do. Continue reading