We Need A Crash To Sort The Wheat From The Chaff

stabilityCharles Hugh Smith – When a speculator bought a new particle-board-and-paint McMansion in the middle of nowhere in 2007 with nothing down and a $500,000 mortgage, the lender and the buyer both considered the house as $500,000 of collateral. The lender counted the house as a $500,000 asset, and the speculator considered it his lottery ticket in the housing bubble sweepstakes: when (not if) the house leaped to $600,000, the speculator could sell, pay the commission and closing costs and skim the balance as low-risk profit.

But was the house really worth $500,000? That’s the trouble with assets bubbles inflated by central-bank/central-state intervention: when inefficient companies and inflated assets are never allowed to fall/fail, it’s impossible to tell the difference between real collateral and phantom collateral.

The implosion of the housing bubble led to an initial spike of price discovery. The speculator jingle-mailed the ownership of the poorly constructed McMansion to the lender, who ended up selling the home to another speculator who reckoned a 50% discount made the house cheap for $250,000. Continue reading

Greece is Disaster Capitalism-Catherine Austin Fitts [Video]

fittsGreg Hunter – Investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts says the world is getting tired of what she calls “disaster capitalism.” What does she mean? Look no further than Greece as Fitts explains, “Greece essentially looks to me like disaster capitalism. You are trying to get another positive return by liquidation, but the reality is if you liquidated the global economy, you are not going to get a positive return. The game can go on for a while.

The reason I said Greece and Puerto Rico rang the bell is you can see this game is getting very old. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) . . . is saying this is not sustainable. This debt is not sustainable. This is why this is important. When we loan money to somebody and it is predatory, we reduce the ability of paying back the debt. So it’s a lose/lose situation.


If you skim off the top as a predator, you get a kick, but the reality is the longer you play that game, you cannot get a return on the money you have stolen. What I am saying is it is a spiral down, and it’s not going to work. . . . The IMF is saying we can get more debt paid back with a sustainable plan than we can get with an unsustainable plan.” Continue reading