$1.5 Quadrillion Time Bomb

derivativesStephen Lendman – When investing becomes gambling, bad endings follow. The next credit crunch could make 2008-09 look mild by comparison. Bank of International Settlements(BIS) data show around $700 trillion in global derivatives.

Along with credit default swaps and other exotic instruments, the total notional derivatives value is about $1.5 quadrillion – about 20% more than in 2008, beyond what anyone can conceive, let alone control if unexpected turmoil strikes.

The late Bob Chapman predicted it. So does Paul Craig Roberts. It could “destroy Western civilization,” he believes. Financial deregulation turned Wall Street into a casino with no rules except unrestrained making money. Catastrophic failure awaits. It’s just a matter of time.

Ellen Brown calls the “derivatives casino…a last-ditch attempt to prop up a private pyramid scheme” – slowly crumbling under its own weight.

For years, Warren Buffett called derivatives “financial time bombs” – for economies and ordinary people.

Unless collateralized or guaranteed, their worth depends on the creditworthiness of counter-parties. Earnings on derivatives are “wildly overstated,” Buffett explains – because they’re “based on estimates whose inaccuracy may not be exposed for many years.”

When corporate bosses ask financial executives how profits look in any quarter, they, in turn, ask how much do you want, then manipulate things to oblige when told.

Since 2008, too-big-to-fail banks consolidated to much greater size than ever. They’re financial and political powerhouses controlling world economies to their own advantage. Continue reading

The US Dollar Does Not Exist

Michael Noonan – Truth does not exist in the world of politics.

It is reasons such as these, below, that drives the importance of owning and holding physical silver and gold.  The fundamental reasons everyone already knows exists but do not apply are important, but the power of the elites to rule over all [at least Western] governments, write the laws, deceive everyone, and now with the evidence of how much influence the bankers can exert over the manipulation of PM prices, is why you need to protect yourself from the evil nature of their control.

Tfederal reservehe elites want to destroy your belief in the value of owning golf and silver, and they have reenforcing price down despite the overwhelming demand for both.  That should embolden your resolve even more.  For how much longer this can go on, no one knows.  What you can know with a great amount of certainty is that Newton’s 3rd Law of Physics will kick in: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

This assures you that the distorted action to the downside will reward the faithful with an equally distorted reaction in the opposite direction.  It is a matter of time.

All the perplexities, confusions, and distresses in America arise not from the Constitution or confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, as much from
the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.”
John Adams, 2nd President of the United States

Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 at 38 Stat., 265, will not be found doing a simple search.  What the federal corporate government does, over time, is make changes, often changing words ass “surplus,” which actually hides what the government does not want you to see or know.   A search will send you to Title 12 section 411, and even that has been “cleansed” of a damning admission, a similar but different story for another time.

What one must learn is that the government uses terms for words that most take as used in everyday life.  When a word is used as a term, its definition is clearly explained, and the term definition will not be what is understood as every day usage.  A bit off topic, but it illustrates how important words and spelling are used by the federal government. Continue reading